MetaFap: Summer ’15 – 20 [NSFW]


Time to say bye to Monster Musume, Bikini Warriors and Okusama!

winter15-foshYep we have reached the end of the summer MetaFAP shows, but To Love-Ru Darkness will stick around for three more weeks since it has 14 episodes! As for the others I will miss Monster Musume because it was so strange and filled with some great characters like Suu, Papi and Rachnera.


winter15-highwI am such a total slacker. Fosh would be all “Hey, we doing MF this week?” and I’m all “Sure, let me write stuff” and then it’s Monday again and it’s not written. But now that the shows are ending, I finally caught up! Sorry Fosh!


To Love-Ru Darkness 2nd – 10 – 11

tlrdDa (2)

Current mood: Ecchi

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Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou 10-12 [END]

MonMusu - wiped out

Miia cooked. Everyone died. The End.

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Bikini Warriors 10-12 [END]

Bikini Warriors - The lineup

The whole lineup

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Okusama ga Seitokaichou! 11-12 [END]

Okusama - Pounce


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11 Responses to “MetaFap: Summer ’15 – 20 [NSFW]”

  1. zztop says:

    IIRC the manga’s still ongoing, and is in the middle of Mero’s story arc ATM.
    Some more monstergirls show up, but only as guest appearances.

    • Highway says:

      To be honest, the whole show felt like guest appearances. Trying to fit something like 10 characters into every episode meant there wasn’t much time for anyone. It felt to me like it ended up being the “Darling and Suu Show” most of the time.

      It certainly seems like something that could just go on for quite a while.

  2. BlackBriar says:

    To Love-Ru Darkness 2nd: So you’re telling me Darkness’ personality is the exact opposite of the original Yami but still retains the destructive nature planted inside? That should be something to see. At the moment, it’s hard to imagine Yami acting like a pervert after being a prude for so long. Though that is one hell of a revealing new outfit she has on.

    However, what Nemesis did to draw Darkness out rubbed me the wrong way. It was cruel. When things eventually get resolved, I hope she doesn’t get off the hook easily or not at all if possible.

    Strange that this is an anime that takes 14 episodes to complete its season. It’s an odd number whereas other single cour shows have 12/13 episodes.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yeah Yami hates perverted things so her alternate personality loves perverted things so I guess that is her true “darkness” locked inside or we could say the loss of Mea might have been the final push.

      True! I can’t even comment on Mea cause its a spoiler, but yeah it just goes to show you Nemesis is screwed up.

      14 is strange I know but they had to get to this darkness arc even though they could have easily cut out two or three nonsense episodes and pushed that a bit faster…

  3. Di Gi Kazune says:

    A single frame guest appearance in the last episode. Can you guess who?

    Muromi~~ We also want Levia-tan. And the brown Malaysian LOLi.

    Damn steam. We need a wind tunnel.

    Unfortunately, most of my time these days is occupied with KSP.

  4. skylion says:

    TLRD2: Ep 10. Best Vacuum EVAR! You know, given what Lala’s inventions always end up doing, I think there is an ecchi mad scientist inside her screaming to get out. Speaking of ecchi mad scientist…Yes! Misan getting her Rika on for Yami’s transformation! But wait. The ultimate weapon can only be used when it’s at peace? That’s kinda awesome, and kind stupid. But it works! And if no one else will appreciate Nemesis’ swimsuit, I guess I will…if I gotta….

    MonMusu: Yeah, like you told zz above, it did feel like a show full of guest stars. But it’s not that the character’s are very deep. They’re pretty much walking (and swimming and flying) tropes, with the Venn Diagrams cenetering on Unintentional Darling Abuse. But, as you also say it became the Darling and Suu show…and I like that.

    Bikini: I suppose this show worked. It pretty much felt like a manga, and I wonder if it should have been one all along…

    Seitokaichou: In looking back, I’m thinking that the show was trying to skew or subvert the typical Male as Initiator and Female as Recipient (ONLY!) dynamic. It could have gone further with letting these two find the comfort zone their physical relationship would work on, but that probably been just more of the same Clusmy, at least for a while. It’s one of the shorts they had this season that I would have liked to see as a full show.

    • Highway says:

      MonMusu: Yeah, unfortunately with so many characters, they pretty much picked a single trait and went with it. So characters like Cerea (seriousness) and Suu (quiet playfulness and always winning / saving the others) got good traits, Rachnera got a fanservice trait (mild S), and Miia got terrible traits (stupid clingy jealousy and bad cook). I thought that was unfortunate because I personally liked Miia a lot starting out, and they really ruined her character with that focus.

      Seitokaichou: I thought that they were making good progress with both Hayato and Ui as far as their physical relationship and attitudes. I don’t know if they were *trying* to do anything in particular, but I think they ended up with a good balance, especially with Ui. Hayato did have success in the later episodes shaking off the devils when they popped up, which I thought was a good start. There was still too much of the vindictive “Oh, so you started it but I’m gonna finish it” thinking, and too much of the “I’ve been pushed into being like an animal through no fault of my own.” And that really needs to go away. But Ui I thought was pretty authentic throughout.

      • skylion says:

        MonMusu: Suu always wins, in everything!

        Seitokaicho: I think I’m guilt of seeing a character arc, or the beginning of one, with Hayato that might not be there? That he will get away from that “typical” sort of gender-think, But an arc has to start with the “typical” before it goes towards “atypical”.

    • Foshizzel says:

      TLRD2 I loved seeing ecchi Yami from the manga it was crazy! I mean for the longest time we have seen this shy anti ecchi Yami that it becomes boring so this is a welcome change.

      Bikini: That was funny when it made fun of video game tropes like walking into houses like in Zelda and stealing peoples stuff because you’re the “hero” and therefor you can do whatever you want LOL outside of that it was kinda average.

      Monster: Did you see the s2 announcement? xD

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