Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma✫Illya 2wei Herz! – 5ünfte

2weiherz! 5-3

Miyu is just racking ’em up!

It’s Festival Time! Traditionally overpriced games, cotton candy, candied apples, candied fanservice. No…wait. Yukata! Wait…that’s more fanservice! Fireworks! You have to end with fireworks. And while all that is happening, we get that trademark light comedy that the series very much excels at. If last episode was a still frame budget saver, then this one rejects all and that brings some very fine character animation with it for fun and even more fun!

Well, before I get into the festivities, and all that it entails, I do want to give Sella her much deserved props. Yeah, she might have been puffing herself up a bit much in front of the kids, but she did so her research, and that shows professionalism and care. It’s a hard life for a homonculus maid…And, honestly, speaking of doing some research, you would think Luvia would look up that bit about the wearing of yukata and underwear. I mean, a Google search answered that for me in like a minute. But then, that old comedy saw is a useful tool to add more wood to the Rin v. Luvia fire!

2weiherz! 5-12

Part One! Such a fun, well animated moment…

Actually, before I get into the festivities, I’ll just address one point. I really like these light comedy episodes they’ve been doing. Now, I’m champing at the bit, as much as the next fan is, for the action scenes that have made this franchise something to pay attention to. But for the most part, for me, that’s been the welcome sign. It’s moments like the ones in these past five episodes that have made the stay worthwhile. It’s never been anything short of fun and entertaining, especially in Herz!

2weiherz! 5-15

It’s not always about the magical part of magical girl…

For one, it really does underscore exactly why Hiroshi Hiroyama made the series in the first place. It’s the Illya route for F/SN, embraced by Nasu, as such. We can say an a great deal about the character, and have, but if there was ever a character that really got screwed by Fate, Illya is the one. So in response to that, she gets to have a life worth living. And two, Silver Link does this sort of storytelling very well. Yeah, I had my complaints about some of those moments in 2wei, but in Herz! they got the mojo all worked out. What once felt random, has been very well streamlined. Anyone is free to disagree, of course. But keep in mind, in doing so, you’ll be very wrong! Hah! Suck it haters! So without further ado, let’s hit some of the sights in this festival!

A Character Moment at Every Stop

2weiherz! 5-2

Getting carried away by it all!

The major attraction was some very light-hearted but well developed character moments. Light comedy and Slice of Life don’t really delve very hard into big developments. But they do explore what a character is about, all for the sake of being able to tell the story. Since Prisma Illya does have it’s other foot firmly planted in the magical girl action genre and since we know those moments are forthcoming, they are able to give us these small, yet important, moments now. That handily reinforces what is to come, once they start jumping on that other foot. So for this episode we get a ton of character reference for Miyu, but the other’s get to shine as well. Well, they run Tatsuo into the ground that’s for sure. But she gets back up, so it’s fine. I loved the call back they had to last season, and her Home Ec class force of natural disaster.

Part Two! An Edelfelt get’s her due…

The Rin and Luvia conflict shows up in spades this episode, and it does have it’s underlying theme as well. They brought Nanaki’s “You brought shame and despair to my sister” moment from the second episode to prod that one along. But when you couple that with how they comport themselves around Shiro, then a much larger story is being told. They can work with each other when they have a compelling reason. But, they aren’t fooling anyone, and if they are off the mark even a little, then it will have consequences. It’s something to keep in mind as the major story arc develops.

2weiherz! 5-4

Just a lovely moment of reflection…

But for this show, it’s all about Miyu. I don’t know how much they will mine the manga for the precise material, but next episode should shed some light on her. Yes, they do play her savant like abilities for a few laughs, but they are laying some interesting groundwork for her in those moments. Again, it’s something to keep in mind as they reveal bits and pieces about her in times to come. To their credit, the script writers gave us the perfect call to the eventual response. I’ll not give away any more at this time, but Kuro has the right question and it’s framed in the exact way it need to be. It’s not only that she is so secretive, but it’s that those secrets do affect those around her.

2weiherz! 5-17

That’s a lot of wisdom for one so young

What’s Under the Yakuta?

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For all the fuss and feathers. For all the run-ins with Bazett and her foolish overpriced schemes. For all the marbles. When you get down to it, it’s about enjoying what comes. I mean, yeah, they’ve nerfed Bazett, but she gets her due. And Tattsun! Well, that one will also have her due as the story moves on. They’ve done really well in these past few episodes in building all that up on an emotional level; and as I mention, you cannot have a good response, without an able call. And they did it with some of the best character animation for the series yet.

2weiHerz! 5-endcard

Kuro wants to feed you, Onii-chan!

Well, I’m sure one more episode like this is sure to make a fuss and rile feathers, and that’s just the way it is. I’ll take this over a ton of shows out there any day of the week, and I do. So, if your feeling a bit put out, the preview for next time should give you some pause. Plans are gonna be made, and the major plot is going to commence. There will be a few frisky moments here and there, but it should get serious enough for anyone by the time it comes to a conclusion. Some nice reveals are in the works.

2weiherz! 5-preview

So, to explain everything, Iris has them both watch UBW. Illya, needless to say, is not pleased…


All around nerd that enjoys just about any anime genre. I love history, politics, public policy, the sciences, literature, arts...pretty much anything can make me geeky...except sports. Follow me @theskylion
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8 Responses to “Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma✫Illya 2wei Herz! – 5ünfte”

  1. Di Gi Kazune says:

    Next week: Half filler, half rest of 2wei. It looks like things are going to go full steam next week until the end of next season.

    I do want to give Stella her much deserved props.

    Sella. Stella is Tatsuko’s mother.

    It’s the Illya route for F/SN, embraced by Nasu, as such.

    Now everybody is waiting for the much awaited Sacchin route. Poor Sacchin. T_T Even Illya gets her moment.

    But this week! Delicious young naked LOLis. Cute young girls in yukatas! Matsuri! Matsuri!~

    – pettan = good – Luvia agrees! and… Evil, hentai, ecchi, sukebe Rin. Got her just desserts in the end.
    – Miyu, the accountant.
    – Kyuubey, the festival-master! in a fundonshi!
    – Kuro is very correct about magical sticks. Illya’s real one kicks ass and sounds like a used *tissue* 😛

    “I have no eyes except for Illya!” And immediately Mimi breaks.

    – Kuro cheats. 😛 Never cheat GARcher. Trace on!
    – Hey, it’s that guy from the cooking show… cooking 😛 That’s why I keep saying they look alike.
    – Tatsuko’s family has taken over the show!
    – In whatever Nasuverse he is in… he is still a Seigi no Mikata!
    – Ruby’s explaination about magical girl transformation sequences is completely correct.
    – Must not think dirty thoughts of Illya. FAILED X_x

    I stand by my position that Prisma Illya is a show about Pure Love and there is nothing ecchi about it. Whatsoever. 0:3 Just like NGNL 0:3

    They’ve worked the foreshadowing quite well into the series so far. In the past SoL episodes, we are getting allusions to Miyu’s past… Show ▼

    and what they’re doing now is just perfect for those who follow the manga.

    So far:
    We get to see what Illya would have been like if there weren’t the 4th Grail War. She turns out quite well. Kuro is the version of her from the main FSN Nasuverse. Instead of GARcher, we have GARo? GARORi? GARloe? And then there’s Miyu. Show ▼

    The next episode’s title is derived from the subtext:
    Blue blue glass moon, under the crimson air.

    To end it, Illya’s comment about them being perverts need this Quote: A LITTLE PERVERT IS FINE TOO!

    • skylion says:

      Sella. Stella is Tatsuko’s mother.


      Dude, the show has Ecchi elements…that horse has already left the stable…

      They have done a pretty good job supplementing the manga read, being both germane to the story and it’s timeliness; scanlators gonna be behind, but no complaints there.

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      …but it’s who they are that is the most important. So I disagree with you in principle about Kuro, she’s her own person, not a version of anything. And yeah, I poke fun at that in my own caption above.

      I’m not familiar with the subtext you speak of. I’d love it you could expand or link….please…

      All perverts are blessed….

      • Di Gi Kazune says:

        There is no Tsukihime anime. Unless ufotable decides to make one.

        Dude, the show has Ecchi elements…that horse has already left the stable…

        Pure girls love. 0:3

        All perverts are blessed….


  2. Di Gi Kazune says:

    And because I cannot work this comment into my main post:

    So, to explain everything, Iris has them both watch UBW. Illya, needless to say, is not pleased…

    For the convenience of those that haven’t watched UBW 15 yet…

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    Of course she would not be happy. 😛

    • skylion says:

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      So, yeah, no one is happy being a narrative chew toy. But then, Ruby does try doesn’t she…?

  3. BlackBriar says:

    It was alright, I guess but I wasn’t really entertained. Yukata/festival themed episodes have been done so many times they’ve become a dime dozen so it was laborious to go through. Only the last few minutes with Kuro’s inquiry were the interesting parts along with the humor of Miyu’s accounting skills being applied in the wrong place.

  4. BlackBriar says:

    So, to explain everything, Iris has them both watch UBW. Illya, needless to say, is not pleased…

    Why would anyone be pleased watching themselves get killed by an insufferable, egotistical bastard?

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