Shirobako – 13

Shirobako-Take Off

Take Off! Into a new cour of Shirobako!

winter15-highwFinally Shirobako is back! After the successful delivery of the final episode of Exodus! what will MusAni start on next?

Getting a Head Start

Shirobako-Win Win

It’s a “win-win” for everyone

It’s the start of the new year and the start of a new project for MusAni. They did get the Third Aerial Girls Squadron show and have to get it ready for Fall. That might seem like a long way away, but as we start seeing right away, it’s not going to really be that much. And we get to see so much of what’s going to happen because of a promotion for Aoi. Well, maybe it’s a promotion, or maybe it’s just a ‘last person standing’ kind of thing, as she’s going to be the Production Desk for the show, after less than a year working for the company. But who else is going to do it? Honda’s off to his new mid-life crisis career of baking, and Erika is taking some time off to help with her dad’s medical situation. Besides, nobody wants Tarou to do it, even though he’s been there longer (but only a month), not even Tarou, who wants to be the director… yeahhhhh no.


Aoi’s a little overwhelmed

And Aoi gets quite the shock when she asks what the Desk does. 「全部」 Everything. She is in charge of everything on-site. And she’s had enough time with Director Kinoshita to quickly realize what that’s going to mean and how much babysitting he’s going to need. And she starts right away with not letting him waste time telling how much he likes the manga, instead trying to focus him on the schedule, to the approval of Madoka and Yamada. But Kinoshita is confident they can do it with the dream team they used for Exodus!

Shirobako-loli roro

Loli Roro!

More Changes

Shirobako-Bad Representative

“Heeeey Babe, Lookin’ great. Oh, too bad, gotta run, have your people call my people!”

Too bad the Dream Team is not going to be the same. Ogasawara does not want to do the Character Designs, instead wanting to go back to Key Animation. But she’d like for Iguchi to do the Character Design, a first for her (uh oh, another newbie). And although that sounds great internally, it gives Nabe-P some heartburn because he’s promised the creator and publisher that the creative team would be the same as Exodus! And there might be some communication problems there as well, because their contact with Yotaka Books is a really smooth talker who is not interested in their project at all. He definitely seems like the kind of guy who will take credit for things going well, and throw anyone else under the bus if it doesn’t. And the writer of the manga doesn’t seem like he’s going to be very involved either. Is this because he’s being kept away, or just out of the loop? Who knows? But this seems like the kind of situation that ends with the manga’s author complaining about the the anime after it airs (maybe like Rail Wars! Had). That might be down the road, but there’s plenty to do before then. And if it’s good, then noone will have a problem with it, right?

Shirobako-Midori Helps

Maybe Midori’s found her pathway?

But there are good things happening too. For one, Midori (Ri-chan) is still working on her studies, but because she enjoys learning new things, she offers to put some research together for Aoi on the planes in the show. And it makes an impression on the director and scenario writer, or reinforces their impression of “Diesel-san” who helped out before. This is the kind of thing that can snowball for Ri-chan, because getting an “in” in the industry might really set her up. And Shizuka has an audition for the show as well, and maybe that’ll be her chance to break in as well.

Shirobako-Field Trip

It’s Kinoshita and Maitake in a fighter jet. Of course I have to have this picture


A good start to the new year for everyone, but there are definitely some roadblocks on the way. How will Aoi be able to handle her new job that she’s not quite sure about plus wrangle a couple new people, and still deal with Tarou? I think we got good developments for Midori and Shizuka, cause you know that Shizuka’s going to get the part. And also good news for Iguchi, who seems like she’s doing well with the character design, despite Watanabe’s worries. The really big looming problem is the relationship with Yotaka Books, but that’s not going to be too much of Aoi’s problem to deal with. Final note: what do you think of the new OP and ED? I gotta say that they’re definitely a step down for my tastes, especially from Animetic Love Letter as the ED (and the dancing).


Proving that you don't have to be young to love anime, I enjoy all genres and styles of shows. If it's not hurting anyone else, you should never be ashamed of what you like!
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5 Responses to “Shirobako – 13”

  1. skylion says:

    Wow. This one totally reminded me of field trips to Wright Patterson Air Force Base very near my hometown of Cincy, OH. We used to climb around a mock up off the Space Shuttle Columbia as kids! Oh, how I miss you Shuttle.

  2. bobob101 says:

    Doesn’t the editor guy remind you of the bishi editor character from Nozaki-kun? Also, based on the OP, Ri-chan definitely has an in.

    With characters like Honda and Erika rotating out, and again based on the new op, I bet that as the new production goes, we will be introduced to a few more new girls. Like the girl with yellow highlights.

    • Highway says:

      I didn’t get that kind of “meddling, I’ve got all these great ideas (which just happen to involve tanuki!)” vibe from him. It was more the sleazy smooth operator kind of guy, who passes on all the blame when something goes wrong from his inattentiveness.

      We’ll definitely have new characters, and it will be interesting to see how Aoi is able to deal with the change in role from the person doing things to the person getting things done. There’s a significant difference there, and not everyone is suited to it.

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