Happy Birthday, Fosh!


With the new year, comes new birthday parties. The first in line is our Meme-Master, Fosh! 

Happy Birthday Fosh. I’ve been so happy to call you a MetaBro for so many years. My very best to both you and your family. I wish you many wonderful PreCure’s and Gundam’s. Peace Peace!


Happy Birthday, Fosh! You’re really getting old now. I’d say it’s almost time to become a wizard. That would mean you could just conjure up your own birthday cake at will! Anyways, have a great day and take some time to look back proudly on all the meme pics you’ve graced Metanorn with.


otanjoubi omedetou! Happy Birthday, Fosh! It’s been another fun year hanging out and discussing anime with you, and I hope we have many more. And thanks for the recommendations, from me and everyone who commented on my posts for them.


Wooooooooooosh! Happy birthday Fosh!!! Keep up the memes (with food) and be strong in your love for all things mecha and PreCure! I look forward to another great year with you. =)



Annnnniiikkkiiiiiiiiiiiii!! Otanjoubi omedetou~! Wow, that time of the year already. The first January birthday of the year hehehe. It’s going to be a month of paaarrtttaaaaayyyy. So, what’s the plans? I’m sure you’ll get a yummy cake. Well, I hope you have a great one. Enjoy your special day, eat lots of yumm food and partay like a rock star. Take cares yarr~!



Happy birthday, Fosh! <333 Your fifth celebration party at Metanorn, to boot! On this special occasion, I present to you, your favourite lolis to spend the day with. They will cook for you and keep you entertained, so things should be good. As it’s your very own day, wake up late and do whatever the hell you want! Enjoy some awesome cake and fun times with friends and family. Hope you have an amazing day ahead and stay awesome as always.


Happy birthday Fosh! Even though it’s been a while, I still remember you and your birthday (actually, it’s thanks to Kyokai haha). Too bad I can only say it here since the mountains don’t have internet connections, but I still hope that you celebrate it as grand as possible or in any way you like it. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, Fosh! Congratulations on surviving another year on this Earth! Hope it’s been a good one. Keep up the good work with all your audio and art and posts as always, and may this year be even better than the last!


Happy Birthday! These years just seem like they’re going by quicker and quicker, don’t they? I hope you have a wonderful day and that you get some good eating and drinking done!



Join in our fun and crazy party yooo!


We are the deadly team of Metanorn. When together, we usually come up with long, informative reviews and commentary. After all, we take fangirling seriously!
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35 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Fosh!”

  1. Di Gi Kazune says:

    So many PreCure Presents! 😀 Fosh will be busy~!

  2. Croos says:

    How many times has it been since I been coming here just to greet foshi’s B-day.

  3. JPNIgor says:

    Hey Fosh! Tanjoubi omedeto~! I’m thinking of sending you some forks as a gift, so if it reaches you (somehow) don’t think it’s some kind of weird threat.

    Looking forward to your memes this year \o/

  4. Wanderer says:

    Pretty Cures! … Oh wait, they’re not for me?

    Ahem. Happy Birthday, Fosh. May all the days ahead of you be better than the ones that came before.

  5. Joojoobees says:

    Happy Birthsday, F! Your passion for anime is inspiring,

  6. BlackBriar says:

    Happy Birthday, Fosh and many more in the future!! The Meme master is another year wiser. Since you’re flooded with Precure gifts, I’ll do what I can to get you a mech. Maybe a Valvrave, Argevollen, a mech from Buddy Complex or M3: The Dark Metal. Hell, you might even end up getting a ParaMail. 😉

    Seems like everyone’s celebrating. Today’s my sister’s birthday as well.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Thanks BB! Oh a mech? Sweet! I don’t mind those Paramails, but I dont think their flight suits would look all that great on me xD

      Coool! I know like 5/6 people with the same bday so happy bday to her as well.

      • BlackBriar says:

        I don’t mind those Paramails, but I dont think their flight suits would look all that great on me xD

        Yeah, they’d definitely make one self-conscious, huh? 😀

        By the way, congratulations on reaching 8000 comments!! An extra birthday gift!!

      • Di Gi Kazune says:

        We will give you a Tailsuit instead. >_> Complete with *alternate* side ability.

  7. Ruby says:

    Happy birthday Fosh!~ <33333

  8. akagami says:

    Happy birthday Fosh! Rock on and keep the good times rolling!
    ( •_•)
    ( •_•)>⌐■-■

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  9. Karakuri says:

    Happy birthday Fosh~ hopefully someone got you your own giant robot this year as a gift xD …or at the very least, cake.

  10. Irenesharda says:

    Sorry, I’m late!
    Have a happy, happy birthday Fosh! 🙂

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