Sword Art Online 2 – 10

SAO 2-Cool guys don't look at explosions

Kirito, don’t you know cool guys don’t look at explosions?

spring14-highwIf you’ve been paying attention, then you’d already know it’s my turn for SAO II again this week! If you haven’t been paying attention, then NOW you know it’s my turn for SAO II again this week!

Kirito to the Rescue

SAO 2-Looks good, sucks at the game

Great character look, terrible GGO player

I think we all knew that Kirito was going to rescue Sinon. That’s what he does. That’s what this show does. And Sinon can’t die, because she’s gonna be a harem member. The surprising thing wasn’t Kirito saving Sinon. The surprising thing about Kirito saving Sinon was that he actually went and mopped up Musketeer X and then had time to come back and save Sinon! Yes, Musketeer X was so bad that he was able to leave Sinon, kill Musketeer X, realize that Sinon was in trouble, grab X’s rifle, and then shoot Death Gun, all in the time of the ‘less than 30 seconds’ before Sinon went to attack with Kirito + Death Gun’s monologuing. But aren’t we used to Kirito’s heroics by now? None of that was particularly off the rails. By the book, within expected parameters.

SAO 2-Just idiotic

Really? Really?

But I found the subsequent chase to be annoyingly dumb. The horse that’s faster than the motor trike, enough faster that the distance closed down enough to use a stupid pistol with any accuracy. Kirito driving while turned around backwards to help Sinon shoot. The flying through the air shot. All of that was really stupid. And while I didn’t mind Sinon’s breakdown, because they’d done plenty of character development to make that part of the story plausible, the timing of it – during this ludicrous chase – reduced the impact of her emotional episode to just another factor of annoyance. Action just for the sake of action, and stupid because they couldn’t be bothered to come up with anything better than a crummy chase.

SAO 2-Yeeeha


The Better Part of an Episode

SAO 2-daikirai

Sinon breaks down again

So when they finally got out of that dumb chase, and got to talking, I thought the episode got a lot better. One can disagree with the content of their discussion: Kirito talking about why everyone’s life is valuable, and how everyone is interconnected, ruining Sinon’s idea of dying alone. But I thought it was impactful and at least truish. I like that Kirito has rallied to realizing what things are important to him, and is making at least a conscious calculation to try to put his ability out there to help other people. This is where I think the show did pretty well earlier, with the point of showing Death Gun’s RL kill of Pale Rider indicating that Death Gun is just killing whoever he comes across in the tournament. There was definitely a question in my head earlier if he was going to be just going down his list of ‘strong’ players, or whether he was going to just take out everyone he can, and that incident answered that question.

SAO 2-cozy

Finally calming down

I think the both of them getting these things off their chest will be good, since it seems that Kirito’s confession has calmed Sinon down. She was already a bit wiped out, and while she thinks she hates Kirito, it’s obvious she doesn’t. And I have to give a lot of credit to Miyuki Sawashiro for her performance here, because while usually crying in anime seems almost completely out of place, this actually fit in very well, and met the overall level of emotion in the scene.


So what do you think of Kirito’s admission to Sinon that he was also a killer? We’ll see what her reaction is next week. Do you think it was the thing she needed to hear? Because this show is the way it is, it will be, but I wonder what all you readers think about it. At least we’re past that stupid chase. Yes, I can go with slicing a bullet. I can go with defending against machine gun fire by deflecting them with a sword. But this chase scene was just inane and idiotic and poorly thought out. This was  my limit.


Proving that you don't have to be young to love anime, I enjoy all genres and styles of shows. If it's not hurting anyone else, you should never be ashamed of what you like!
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28 Responses to “Sword Art Online 2 – 10”

  1. skylion says:

    The first rule of SAO Survivor Club is that you don’t talk about SAO Survivor Club. The second rule…yadda yadda yadda.

    Yeah. Mecha horse? We’re gonna need you to go faster. If you could that would be sweeeeeel.

  2. zztop says:

    Gunner X was such a minor character in the LN, she had no design there.
    Why’d she get such a nice anime design?!

  3. BlackBriar says:

    In my opinion, Death Gun’s reasoning for killing is breaking down. Going from what I first believed to be targeting strong players to simply murdering indiscriminately. And kills for the sake of killing because he probably gets a thrill out of it.

    Hopefully Kirito’s talking session will help rebuild Sinon’s shattered psyche. To be honest, seeing her that distraught kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Natural for a person to have a relapse after a psychological trauma, so accepting that, I did what I could to push that particular display away.

    So what do you think of Kirito’s admission to Sinon that he was also a killer? We’ll see what her reaction is next week. Do you think it was the thing she needed to hear?

    I think she did need to hear that because now that the truth is out in the open, she has someone to relate and therefore can ease her sense of guilt. Like one person can’t fully understand another unless they’ve been more or less in that person’s shoes.

    • Wanderer says:

      In my opinion, Death Gun’s reasoning for killing is breaking down. Going from what I first believed to be targeting strong players to simply murdering indiscriminately. And kills for the sake of killing because he probably gets a thrill out of it.

      You do realize that’s what Laughing Coffin was, a group of sick psychopaths who got off on murdering people? It’s not like Death Gun’s motivation has ever changed.

      • BlackBriar says:

        I do know where he originated from. It’s just after learning that, I thought he’d evolve a bit, actually have a pattern to his killings and be selective of his targets. Turns out nothing’s changed.

        • Highway says:

          He’s a jackass, and a troll, and a griefer. Those guys don’t ever get better. Even worse, the guy is a murderer and knows it. This isn’t SAO where there was the fiction they ginned up to make themselves feel better of “We don’t really know if they’re dying.” This time, they’ve intentionally developed a way to kill people in the game. It’s straight up murder, and that’s his intention.

          • BlackBriar says:

            You seem exceptionally pissed at him here, Highway. Much like how the Martians in Aldnoah.Zero were getting carried away with their human extermination. 😉

      • skylion says:

        Well, we don’t know if that dude is actually Dead IRL. Kirito seems to think so…but is that an indication of the truth?

        • Wanderer says:

          Logging out is impossible during the tournament. That means something happened that caused a forced disconnect, and one of the few things that can do that is a serious health issue on the part of the player. Amusphere has safeties installed taht will detect things like serious heart or breathing irregularities (or unconsciousness), and will force a logout.

          • BlackBriar says:

            Then wouldn’t those safeties be able to be altered like what happened to the NerveGear in SAO to threaten the player’s life. I think that’s tied to how Death Gun is actually killing people and shooting a player’s avatar sends a signal.

            • Wanderer says:

              No, they’re all part of each Amusphere’s firmware, and they’re strictly sensors. They can’t be accessed remotely: they don’t even interface with the games. They also aren’t capable of causing any feedback that can harm the user: the device would never have been relased on the market if such a thing were possible again, after the Nerve Gear debacle.

        • Highway says:

          Given Pale Rider’s reaction with the convulsing and linkdead, I think it’s a safe bet to know that he’s dead.

          • skylion says:

            …his Avatar is dead..but is the actually flesh and blood person behind Pale Rider dead? Death Gun has killed on player while on-line with verification that it happened IRL at the same time. I know we want to see a pattern, but I don’t see the second point as fully formed yet.

            • Wanderer says:

              Don’t be a stubborn mule, Skylion, it doesn’t suit your name. 😛 Death Gun’s victims die. Just because no one’s tracked down the body of Pale Rider and splashed it onscreen in gory detail, that doesn’t make him any different from the others. He’s dead.

              I am telling you that as an LN reader. And no, it’s not a spoiler, because you’re not supposed to be sufficiently stubborn as to require someone to club your skull open with a brick in order to let obvious truths about the story get into your head.

            • skylion says:


          • BlackBriar says:

            I feel the same way. I mean, what reason could there possibly be for him to be an exception compared to Death Gun’s other victims?

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