Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma✫Illya 2wei! – 5ünf

prisma ilya 05-01

Yeah, if we could just borrow your bath…that would be…..sweeeeellll

 Welcome back Kaleid fans! Today we warm up in the bath, and cool down with the Kuro. She’s playing this part of her’s with a chilly approach isn’t she?


Unlimited Bath and Beyond

prisma ilya 05-02

Joining Steam-san, Sunbeam-chan, and Shadow-kun, is Bubblecchi

Ilya, Ilya, Ilya. You shake that Kaleid stick with explosive power, girl. Surely you could have found something better than random tree stump right up next to the house? But, LOLanime when it comes to leading us down the road to fanservice and the often times not so random furo episode. The gang is all in one place, the place where the should be relaxing, if not for Ilya’s need to keep Kuro under wraps around her household members.

Is it just me or is Kuro/Chloe playing this to cool? I can understand her need to be understood, and certainly I can understand her young mind wanting to get her seniors to wise up and put the pieces of the puzzle together. But even if clues grew on trees, getting the Ilya bunch to the orchard would be more effort than it would be worth. The Fate/Nasu multiverse is a confusing place without a guide. So…guide…

prisma ilya 05-03

But hers is a rather complex existence and not having someone so important in your life fail to understand that, is more than just a bit of a rub. I think we’ve all had points in a relationship come up like this. “No, I shouldn’t have to tell you why I’m mad. It’s obvious. You should know that…” Frustration for the one left in the dark, and double frustration for the one who doesn’t even know they are being oblivious. For all her charms and ability, Ilya really does want her old life back. But she’s buttering both sides of the bread. She also wants Miyu in that life.  Without the life that Ruby and Sapphire bring, there is no Miyu. And that leads us to Miyu’s similarities to Kuro. A fold in the story the anime has yet to smooth out.

prisma ilya 05-05


Not even Tatsuko’s C’mon Summer Strip Strike can wake that dead kid…

We are probably at the midway point in production. As of right now I’ve not seen any numbers for series length, but I am assuming ten just like with the first outing. But this scene was laying it on rather thick in terms of advertising. I’ve surmised a beach OVA, but with this, maybe we’ll get to it before the run ends? Not without Bazett. Surely not. Those icepops will not sell themselves! I have to say the production made short work of all the potential fanservice this particular part of the manga drew. It felt a bit better paced reading it than watching it, and most of the reactions shots felt too forced and not as well animated as it really should have been. But with budget in mind, when it comes down to it, we got us a fight next episode, and I would be spending my money on Miyu!Sabre and Kuro!Archer throwing down.

prisma ilya 05-04

…at least ten times this if not more…

Unlimited B@@b Works


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I’m feeling a bit off a lag on this show. The manga reads much quicker, and gives it’s information out without the need to backtrack so much. This is a key difference in production methods, of course. But I do wish they would have found better places to save budget and payed more attention to detail this episode. Besides combat, this show is LOLiserve.  Now for fanservice fans, don’t count on Steam-kun leaving the building any time soon. They played the same demure game with the last’s series physical media, so they will do so again here. But then, we got a great combat piece waiting for us next time. What did you folks think?


All around nerd that enjoys just about any anime genre. I love history, politics, public policy, the sciences, literature, arts...pretty much anything can make me geeky...except sports. Follow me @theskylion
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25 Responses to “Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma✫Illya 2wei! – 5ünf”

  1. Wanderer says:

    Pacing feels pretty identical to the source material to me. Except here we don’t have to wait several months for each chapter to be released and then translated in order to see what happens next.

    caption contest

    “A wild Kuro appears!”
    “Illya uses Tackle!”

    • skylion says:

      I’m not a huge fan of straight adaptions. I like to think of the anime productions as a new draft. Case in point, we now have more than five episodes in a row with no notable change in character than happens at a much more natural pace later in the 2wei manga. And it isn’t as if the feelings these characters have are complex enough to take this much time.

      • Di Gi Kazune says:

        Zwei is the weakest of the 3 series so it’s expected that it is plodding along this slowly. It’s mainly geared towards character development rather than develop new plots. As we all know, Kuro is the child of GARcher and Rin. (Cynicism from Papa and Tsunderism from Mama)

  2. Wanderer says:

    I’m about ready to take a hammer to the spam filter… >:(

  3. Di Gi Kazune says:

    Very faithful towards chapters 7 and 8. And we are halfway through. It looks like they are going to finish on the birthday beach episode if the extrapolation is right for 10 episodes. And then, we pray for Drei and the shota.

    So much broken Miyu this week from the hijinks. Now we ship Shiro x August. Speaking of August… he is also BATMAN! And a badass Jedi Master.

  4. MR.KLAC says:

    5eps of this already & well give wonder what next?

    sure give bath showing (poor shirou got the butler route) yet story now gotten “uh-oh” yea give kuro give “if all this not happen” speech on miyu cue going saber mode yea it’s so ON.

    yea illya rather hurry stop them going & next week mama MILK is back again.

  5. BlackBriar says:

    I know Illya’s not logic savvy but training her magic near her home is simply a bad idea. A hole in the wall is enough by itself but it could’ve been worse, like cover as a magical girl getting blown.

    In a way, Kuro is saying “Everyone is real so why can’t I be as well?” Everything is getting planned out without involving her so it’s easy to understand why she’s so peeved.

  6. anaaga says:

    Oh god, Miyu!SABER. Ugh Saber.

    And inb4 yaoi doujins of Shirou x Butler

  7. thorgriim says:

    Well again this episode left me wanting more, Damn had to end the episode there.. oh well next week I’d guess we will only get a fight and maybe we will get some Kuro closure? doubt it, a bit too early for that.

    As far as this episode, Yay fanservace Illya and Kuro! but ehh I was more like.. Why can’t you get along! read between the lines you two! but Young people they don’t often think of these things.Leave it to Illya to blast a hole in the wall.. this girl.

    Oh and yes don’t forget Shiro and August, haha that bit was soo funny, and I had a feeling this would happen, Poor poor Shiro.. but he did get to see Rin in a maid outfit.. maybe that was good enough.. oh well.

    And lastly Miyu showing off the power of friendship by having a throw down with Kuro! go get her Miya, lets have some fun before Illy’s mom shows up and makes these kids behave and get along!

    So ya these past episode haven’t really been too great, but still enjoyable! Though i want more episodes like Archer Illya vs EvilSaber, tisk.. oh well next episode will have a fight i hope hehe.

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