Sword Art Online II – 04

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/sometimes I wish that someone out there will find me/’til then I walk alone/

 <insert joke about whomever you were expecting, but it is me….skylion> So now we enter the next stage in Gun Gale Online’s immersion. Shopping. Yeah…that’s pretty much what happened…


Laser Swords are expensive

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The shopping cannot be beat! <insert Barad Dur joke here>

Of course, I kid around (but only a little). I would like to say there were a ton of surprises, but who are we kidding. We got Kirito being Kirito; what with the constant surprise his fellow cast members display when he does something awesome and unexpected. We got dodging and buggy riding. He’s super awesome at them without even breaking a sweat. But, by now I think we can let this trope lie, and move on. It’s all a trap anyway. Wow. A trap. And here many of us thought he would be genderswapped. But, I can work with this. A trap is more than fine. Until someone tells me otherwise, I’m guessing that an F-1300 type is pettanko, and an M-9000 is the trap.

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“I think George Lucas Lucasfilm/Disney gonna sue somebody” <link is mildly NSFW>

But, as for plot, we don’t have much, as it is as basic as it gets. Kirito takes his first wobbly steps into the world of GGO, and feels quite alien as he is used to his fantasy climes ala ALO. As revealed later in the episode, the environment is all cyberpunk, and so doesn’t even have a teleport mechanism that fantasy worlds would sport. But it does have automobiles. So yeah, teleportation really is a fantasy. So this stranger in a strange land has to find a friend. By no coincidence at all it just happens to be our other MC, Shinon. And from there we get the veteran coaching the VRMMORPG newbie. Shopping Shopping Shopping. And the UNBEATABLE dodgin’ range. Which was the most interesting part of the whole shebang. They actually got a native English speaker for that role.

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<caption contest>

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If you cannot tell by the tone, I am somewhat disappoint. The original SAO did a splendid job mixing exposition, character development, and world building in four episodes. By comparison I feel this outing has been mostly flat. Other than nostaligia for the original, I’m just not getting the emotional investment I should with Kirito. Now with Shino that is another story. Her character has been fascinating from the start. This is probably the reason I wasn’t very gripped by this episode. Seeing her reduced to “exposition” status wasn’t that interesting. But then, I think this one serves as a good bridge for what is to come. What did you folks think?


All around nerd that enjoys just about any anime genre. I love history, politics, public policy, the sciences, literature, arts...pretty much anything can make me geeky...except sports. Follow me @theskylion
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34 Responses to “Sword Art Online II – 04”

  1. Di Gi Kazune says:

    Disney’s Sith Enforcers are on their way…

    • skylion says:

      I was somewhat serious about this. Kevin Smith got a sort of permission form Lucas to use the sound efffects of the lightsabre. Did these guys do the same…cause that sounded quite a bit like Ben Burtts work…

  2. Di Gi Kazune says:

    For all we know, there are Disney lawyers who are 501st members. Can you imagine a pair of lawyers with Sith tattoos showing up at your premises….

    It’s kinda one thing to have laser swords but another thing when your replicas are almost too identical.

    Also, Samuel L. Jackson is going to beat the motherfucka for stealing his colour. I expect Nick Fury to accompany said Sith Lawyers. (heh… Sith Lawyers…)

  3. zztop says:

    Did the LNs say why Kirito’s new avatar has a female face and head, but a male body?

    • Wanderer says:

      Character appearances in GGO are randomly generated.

      • skylion says:

        …so, what are the chances of being a LOLi?

        • Wanderer says:

          The system makes certain judgements based on player brainwave information: one of those is gender. In the part of the novel where Kirito had just logged into GGO for the first time it mentions that, in very very rare occasions, the system will assign people an avatar of the alternate gender because their brainwaves strongly identified them as being that gender.

          Becoming a loli, however… I don’t know. It isn’t discussed. It may assign things like avatar age based on the player’s age, or it may not and it may just assign everyone’s height around a set of base stats. I’m afraid that’s not information the author gave us.

          • Helio Ci says:

            Wasn’t there something about the time the character was played. Like he couldn’t have had the M-9000 avatar if not for the time played in other worlds and that’s why it’s so rare?

          • sonicsenryaku says:

            But why would Kirito’s brainwaves resemble that of a female??? I think a more plausible explanation would be the avatar generator locked on some facial and body features kirito has that seems feminine such as his eyes or his slender physique and randomly generated his avatar based on that. I mean technically if you gave Kirito long hair he’d look like a chick due to those features and i think that makes more sense then his brainwaves. But if that’s the Ln’s explanation then i guess that’s what we have to run with although i dont feel like it really clicks. According to his harem, he exudes manly maniliness : )

  4. Wanderer says:

    caption contest

    “All the girls love to ride Kirito’s buggy.”

    …What? Someone had to say it! 😛

    Anyway, Sinon is (in my opinion) the main character of the Phantom Bullet arc. Kirito shows up to do stuff and to tie the work back into the rest of the SAO universe for later purposes, but Sinon is the one that you should be emotionally invested about. Even when the author tries later to play off Kirito have trauma flashbacks from some events in SAO for reasons that are spoilers, I still couldn’t feel invested. Whatever else Kirito is good for, “emotionally vulnerable/need to protect him” isn’t one of them.

    Putting that aside, I think you missed the Sinon-related point of this episode. It’s not about her giving exposition. She’s smiling. She’s friendly. She’s happy. We saw here a glimpse of a Sinon who, for a little while, forgot her suffering and her fears, and was able to just be friends with someone. Yes, it’s because she thinks he’s a girl, but so what? It’s a glimpse, perhaps, of who she could have been without the pain that has overshadowed every part of her life. Maybe even a glimpse of someone she might, someday, be able to truly become. Don’t dismiss it.

    • Dualash says:

      You took the words right out of my mouth Wanderer.

      I actually enjoyed the exposition since they showed more about how the world of GGO works and along with some hilarious moments here and there, it felt pleasant to see the MMO unfold along with the characters’ personalities.

    • skylion says:

      I’m not a fan of static exposition; I like to see it in action. Show me, don’t tell me. This is not to mean I need a massive action sequence, but it has to be more than a dump for most of the episode.

      And yes, indeed she was smiling. She was happy. And that does make me happy. I don’t think anything should detract from that on second blush.

      • sonicsenryaku says:

        I am also a fan of the show dont tell form of exposition, and to a certain degree, i saw a good amount of it from Sinon. The part that was static in exposition was all the GGO mechanics stuff (which i feel was a necessary evil because it played out like a game tutorial, and doesnt that make sense since we are essentially watching a game?) but the character bits involving Sinon; that is what we as an audience was allowed to take in. Like some comments have already mentioned, we see Sinon relaxed; smiling, laughing and her guard down with no monologuing to tell us this…we just see Sinon acting different and that’s the best praise i can give this ep.

        • skylion says:

          because it played out like a game tutorial

          If there has been one thing that has driven me away from modern gaming, it is the overly long tutorial. Now this is a personal thing. I’m not going to dog on what people like out of their vidya. Me. I got a half hour. Game me, man. Portal was the best IMO. Why couldn’t this episode do that. Where is the GGO version of GladOS?

          • skylion says:

            …which makes me think, where is my SAO/GGO JoCo insert song. What do you thing of “2 and a half years” as a song title?

            • sonicsenryaku says:

              Haha unnecessarily long tutorials and hand-holding do hamper gaming experiences sometimes so i can definitely see that driving you away from modern gaming; Portal 2 was a terrific game (and who said lightning doesnt strike twice)

              “2 and a half years” isnt too bad, but let’s get a bit comical and title the insert song “Still OP”

  5. jimbobi says:

    I may be in the minority on this one, but I enjoyed getting info on some of the mechanics of GGO. True, the details could have been revealed in a more show-less-tell way. I did think Sinon’s attitude was vastly different to the badass one displayed in episode 2, I’m guessing that’s how she treats guys to keep them at bay. So, the mcs meet and they’re both entering BoB, teaming up seems inevitable (though they’re fighting in the op so w/o knows).
    Caption: Popular Anime SAO banned for ‘irresponsible riding’

  6. CarVac says:

    I too found this episode incredibly dull. I don’t remember all the details of this arc, but couldn’t they have fit more into the 20 minutes?

  7. d-LaN says:


    For those who are curious, here are the translated live commentary of Reki Kawahara during the course of the episodes.

    I’m still amaze that how fast time seem to past when I’m watching SAO II. I must be the only few who enjoy all the exposition and character introduction.

  8. Rathje says:

    Remember what they did to Asuna?

    DO NOT get your hopes set on Shino. Chances are, her character and time to shine will be offered up as a sacrifice upon the alter of shounen-wish-fulfillment.

    Don’t pin your hopes on her, and then you won’t be disappoint when Shino spends the second half of the show getting leered at in a cage while Kirito goes around being awesome with yet another hot girl.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Agreed on all your thoughts on Shino! I have a feeling she wont be the main badass of GGO instead that will fall onto the shoulders of Kirito and clearly the OP shows us he will be the only one to challenge Death Gun…

    • d-LaN says:

      It won’t happen. I can swear my pride on it. Or at least no “LOLCAGE” moments.

      Though when the plot moves to Mother Rosario she won’t have any screentime since that arc is abt Asuna and the new character adventures.

  9. Foshizzel says:

    Kirito-chan is going to confuse a lot of male fans!

    LOL-SABER-Kirito-Jesus-Jedi-master! What? That was kind of silly and the sound effects might land them in trouble with Disney? I assume they got permission, but they could have just taken the same saber sounds from Gundam.

    WHOA Kirito couldn’t shoot the gun?! AMAZING! I figured he would be a pro shot! That said I think we all knew he would win at the gambling game cause hes the BEST gamer around, but how is Shinon going to react when she finds out Kirito is really a dude irl? I just don’t want her to become interested in being his new waifu…

    Overall not a bad episode I did find it funny how Kirito was being hit on every few minutes and he just so happened to run into Shinon? LOL I guess it beats waiting around for five episodes for them to meet up right? This also reminded me of when Leafa showed him the ropes of the fairy game.

    • Di Gi Kazune says:

      *force chokes Kirito* You underestimate the power of the Dark Side(tm)

      In more important news: The upcoming FSN TV series is apparently –
      I am the bone of my sword
      Steel is my body, fire is my blood.
      So as I pray!


      And oh, apparently the raep of Sakura route is getting a movie.

    • skylion says:

      If he would have been a great shot from the get go, I would not have been surprised. Thanks for picking up on the one thing that actually did!

  10. elior1 says:

    @skylion the best line in the episode was “i gonna blast you from here to the moon”

  11. ynat1 says:

    Yah I’m done with SAO. I can’t stand another episode of hearing how great our almighty Kirito is, and I already know fanservi- er, I mean Sinon is going to fall in love with him for no real reason. So sick of SAO’s bullshit

    • Foshizzel says:

      I feel you on the Kirito thing trust me and I worry about Shnion xD

      • elior1 says:

        about shinon fall in love i just say you dont have to worry at all about love or anything like this at all

  12. Nerazim says:

    Caption: “Can’t wait till we get home” :3 (Sinon’s face totally looks like that) also, kirito actually looks kinda male there…

  13. BlackBriar says:

    Of course Kirito would blaze through a challenge no one else has been able to beat and on the first try no less. If not for the fact he logged into GGO for a mission, I’d have called a serious foul that he’d be able to use his stats from other games to gain a ridiculous advantage. But how I eagerly wait to see how he explains himself to Sinon when cross dressing cover gets blown sky high. Lucky for him the game was lenient enough to satisfy his addiction to swords. He’d surely have a nervous breakdown without one. His pose trying to sheathe his laser sword indicated as much.

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