Happy Birthday, Jrow!

Time for July’s only birthday and it’s our Audio Specialist, Jrow’s!

Hey Jrow, Happy Birthday! I hope it’s a good one, although you don’t get a World Cup match on it. Best Wishes to you for a happy, fun, and successful next trip around the solar system!


Happy Birthday, Jrow! Hanging out with you and the guys in Skype is probably some of the best fun I have at Metanorn, and podcasts are always a blast. I know you would like to get some of the gals on as well for more variety, but I digress. Hope you have a fun time partying, and keep up the good work with the podcast editing.


Happy Birthday, Jrow! Got any good plans to celebrate another year of surviving? If I could, I would give you a mecha. Yes, your own giant robot to fly around and kill people with. Or just commute to work in. Whatever you want. But I suppose I can’t so there’s no point imagining how you’d use it. Anyways, have a great day and thanks for LITERALLY giving Metanorn a voice!


summer12-nessHappy Biiiirrrrtttthhhdaaaay Jrow!!! So, what’s the plans for your special day? Going out I bet and paarrtaaay? Hehehe. Well, as much as you can do for a Monday. Unless you already did the real partying earlier on the weekend. Which is always best, celebrating twice in a week. :3 Man, what number birthday is this celebrated for you here on Meta? Time sure has flown by. Well, I hope you have a great one filled with fun, friends, and yummy foods. Take cares yarrr~!


skylionHappy celebration of the anniversary of your birth. May it find you hale and hardy. I hope your favorite sports institution defeats your least favorite in a great way. Hoping you get wiser as you get older; that’s part of the fun, really. My best to you and yours, and hope you keep the beacon of the Metaverse burning bright. Now go party…



Happy Birthday, Jrow! Yet another birthday at Metanorn and I hope there are many more in the future! I’ll keep on giving you enough reasons for burning the torchlight of our mini-talks and podcasts because it’s always fun having a conversation with you. We gotta reach that 50 and 100 after all! On this special day, I hope you have a very eventful day! So go out with friends and fam and have a blast! As you are one of the grown up bunch, party hard as well!(〜^∇^)〜


Happy birthday and Tanabata to our podcast master! Hope you have a wonderful day of celebration, and may this coming year be even better. As always, keep up the good work!


Happy birthday Jrow! So happy that your birthday is celebrated in Metanorn again! I hope you will never get tired of my birthday wishes, teheh. I hope you spend your birth day by doings things you like the most, and that includes playing games. Don’t forget to drink and eat a lot too! And you might grow older, but your voice will remain as the voice of a bishie to me, always. Oh, and one of these days, I’ll find time to appear on the podcast. Teheh.


Yoooooooooooooooooo Jrow!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE! I hope you have a fantastic day filled with gaming and watching anime and I want to say thank you for continuing to do the monthly podcasts and weekly mini-TALKS on anime and even creating games for us to play in the future! Anyway thanks for all the hard work and take care on your birthday.


Happy birthday to you, Jrow! Hope you have a great day and that the upcoming year brings more awesomeness in your life. …Also, hopefully the next year brings more podcasts too. I echo what anaaga said about “voice of a bishie”. ヽ(‘ー`)ノThanks as always for the hard work!



Join in this sporty party yo!


We live, laugh, enjoy and strictly believe on "more the merrier". When together, we usually come up with very chatty, conversation-based episodics and interesting posts.
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10 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Jrow!”

  1. BlackBriar says:

    Happy Birthday, Jrow! Best wishes to the MetaVerse editor of Metanorn. Another candle to blow out on the cake. Have fun partying but don’t party too hard.

    • Jrow says:

      Thanks BB! I did blow out a candle this weekend, but it was on a doughnut. Yeah, it was unusual, but still nice.

  2. Jrow says:

    Thank you all for the bday wishes! It’s always fun chatting with you all (though as Suma mentions, I gotta get some more of you on the podding cast), and this is actually my 4th bday being celebrated here. Yeah, I clicked the Jrow tag to make sure how many there were.

    @Ness – This is 30 for me. A milestone, but only in terms of number; still feeling young! 😀 And I did the partying through the 4th of July weekend. I did buy myself a gift, a brand new Smart TV! Anime’s never looked better, and I’m just now getting used to the Clear Motion feature that I long was like, “eh, that isn’t natural looking.”

    @Sky – The Reds better beat and sweep a Cubs team that traded its ace and #2 to Oakland. But also, this was the same Reds team that 1-hit the Padres in a game and still lost. Only the ineptitude of the Reds offense could let that happen.

    I was looking at anime characters who celebrate a bday on July 7; a few noteworthy people like Killua, Senjougahara, Ichigo and Kiba from Naruto.

    • skylion says:

      …typical Reds…Even though I don’t follow, I do know the stories..

      And as lvlnn mentions, it is around Tanabata. Shall we tie our wishes to you?

      I wants a Shinobu…

    • Ness says:

      Oooohhh. Nice a SmartTV! My fam just got one recently too. Yeah, I don’t know if I like Clear Motion. It just doesn’t feel the same. I figured you’d celebrate early heheh. Best way to go whenever your birthday lands on a weekday. Double celebration! Wooo. Glad you had fun. Man, I miss 4th of July BBQ and fun with friends. Hopefully I get to really celebrate it next year back in the states.

    • Kyokai says:

      You can check the number from the URL too. xD

      Btw, we want all the details on how you spent your birthday that is!

  3. Namika says:

    Happy belated b-day~! ^_^

  4. Joojoobees says:

    Enjoy life!

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