MetaFap: Fall ’13 – 03 [NSFW]
Mark IV, tentacles, victory and losing streak
Freezing Vibration – 03
In need of better wrestlers, Sekai de Ichiban?
Side effects include possible Nova transformation
Mark IV is revealed this week as an enhancement on previous tests to get E-Pandoras on the same power level as Pandoras, and while the company is quick to publicly report the successful sparring session because results are awesome, surprise surprise, its effect is only bound to do more harm than good as Gina has some Nova popping out of her. When Amelia complained to Scarlett about the administering of the drug and then quickly changed tune after being threatened, it was a reminder that these girls that came from rough backgrounds can be pushed around and persuaded with ease. There were noticeable improvements from Gina in what limited action we saw, but now she’s set to go out of control
I give the dive a 10, Elizabeth an 11
It’s good to see Bridget and Rana get screentime (even Kazuya pops up for about a minute, though who cares about him) before the start of what will be the first meaningful action piece of the series. Boy, how great is Freezing when Kazuya isn’t around being his awkward self? Anyway, ecchi was in relatively short supply during this arc in the manwha, so the anime has made the pool a central spot to get the girls in bikinis (or less) and having conversations. The best value here plot-wise is getting a little bit more about the personalities of these girls as we head into the handling of Gina Papleton.
Good Vibrations
- I really like when Bridget has her hair up like she did during her exercise session. It’s a very attractive look for her.
- How about this weird moment where someone else’s eyes popup over Bridget for a single frame?
- I know Rattle is a starving girl, but let’s get her away from observing the 5-second rule.
- This week’s eyecatch is quite the tease.
- There were a couple nice musical pieces this episode like the scene with Gina offering to take Mark IV, something I’ve paid almost no mind to in the past with Freezing.
Yuushibu – 03
Yuushibu: classy as fuck.
Yuushibu is one hell of an odd show. The first 3 episodes started off as the “worst piece of visual media I’ve ever seen” to being “actually cute and funny” and now to topping my ballot in the Anime Power Rankings (seriously, of the 6 points the show got last week, 5 of them were from me!). Extrapolating from this trend, by episode 12, we can expect Yuushibu to sit somewhere between the Moon landings and antibiotics as “greatest accomplishment by humanity ever.”
I’m a strong proponent of the idea that a show is at its best when it sticks to its strengths rather than trying to shore up its weaknesses, and that was exactly what happened in this episode, giving us a more of the wonderfully animated action that had been the only entertaining part of the first episode. I can’t say it deserves any awards for choreography or cinematography, but it’s always refreshing to see things actually move, and move fluidly in an action scene, which is all too rare in anime. Phino hopping around dodging that tentacle monster air purifier, All A leaping and stepping off it, Raul jumping over it to prepare his attack, all were a pleasure to watch. Even the non-action scenes had great touches too, such as Phino “sneakily” grabbing a snack from the table while Raul was chatting with the manager.
On the flipside, the show’s weaknesses were as weak as ever, starting with the paint-by-numbers interactions between Raul and Phino. And I can’t say I expected anything less trashy from this show, but a gropey tentacle monster that explodes in a shower of sticky white liquid? Come on (no pun intended), really? At least there actually is a story developing in the series, with yet another hint that Phino’s demonic nature + magitek = bad stuff. Who knows how that will pan out, but after the past 2 episodes, I know I shouldn’t count this show out for anything.
Lawson’s standard issue uniforms, taking their inspiration from Strike Witches
Presented without comment.
The action doesn’t really work as screenshots, so check out these gifs someone put together.
Walkure Romanze – 03
She is the health teacher, you know
Noelle grabs a double-handful
Bathtime for Mio!
Goodbye long hair
Well, that was a pretty big turnaround. Last week’s episode was a clinic in embarrassing ecchi tropes with general terribleness on the part of Takahiro and eye-rollingly bad innuendo. And this episode started off about the same way, this time with Noelle and Mio talking about ‘tensing up’. But from there, it just got a lot better, culminating in the first jousting match of the series, the ‘not a duel’ between Bertille and Mio.
Maybe the key is Bertille’s outfits…
The key to the story getting better is probably the shift in Mio from just wanting to get through this match to deciding she wants to win, along with Takahiro realizing the same thing: that if she’s going to do it, she should try to win. And Mio is actually proud of the bruises she’s gotten in training, much like Noelle’s scarred body, and everyone’s surprised that she’s come as far as she has. Except for Lisa, who complains about Mio’s technique.
Mio wins the round!
The match itself was well done, with Bertille (in her battle thong “You’re supposed to overlook that”) being overconfident in her win, and Takahiro actually providing useful information about her attack pattern and how Mio should counter it. This show is much much more interesting when Takahiro is engaged with what’s happening, and he’s not even that bad of a character when he’s actually talking about something. Contrary to expectations, Mio uses her superb reflexes (shown off before in grabbing flower petals and avoiding Noelle’s lance) to dodge Bertille’s strikes and win the match. Now we’ll see how she is wrapped into the Winford Academy Knight curriculum, since she’s obviously going to continue being a knight.
It’s kind of funny that a show that’s so focused on showing off pretty girls seems to hinge on whether the one guy in the entire show is a human being or a cardboard cutout, but that’s likely where we are in harem anime. When all the girls are cute, sexy, and after the guy, a show needs something to differentiate it, and the male lead is that thing. Hopefully, Takahiro continues to be more of an actual character presence, because his input made the jousting match in this episode better, and it even made his conversation with Mio on the bridge more interesting, because he was engaged and involved, rather than just grunting affirmation. More of this, please!
How many shots of Bertille can I fit in this post?
Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! – 03
Sakura has the right idea! Drinking will erase our minds of this series.
I really don’t even know what to say about this episode because honestly I am getting quite bored of the same old thing happening over and over again! I mean really Sakura has given up over fifty freaking time! Seriously does she even train or pay attention during training at all? Yeah I know what most will say isn’t that is a bit harsh to say? Sure it is a bit mean to attack her fault and I know that she is not a professional wrestler like the other girls but DAMN WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING? I think it’s bad when all of her diehard fans don’t even want to show up or care about her wrestling matches and what is up with every girl winning with the same move? You would think after getting defeated that many times Sakura would ask one of the other pros “Can you teach me how go get free of that hold?” BUT NOPE! She apparently has too much pride. So what happens now? Will she finally get serious and ask for help? All I know is I bet all the other Sweet Diva girls like Erena have forgotten all about Sakura? I guess the on the bright side of all this failure Misaki is taking an interest in lending Sakura some help.
The girls are just helping you stretch thats all Sakura.
Sakura-“Damn that feels excellent on my back thanks!”
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Bouncy Bouncy and the Air Purifier. Wow, you are so right Lvlln, they busted some moves. We’ve become so accustomed to static, blurry, “action” stills that something like this is just syrup. It was quite a joy to watch. Yes, the character development is somewhat like watching yeast eat sugars and expelled gas and alcohol, but that really doesn’t bother me that much; I’ve pretty much resigned myself to watching Generic MC Moe Moe Comdedies A and B every season since I got back into the fandom, and this and NouKome fit that bill.
Yes, I laughed like a loon when she was sneaking around. She’s awesome like that. I wonder what will turn her blue eyes red? First kisu? Base? Time?
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Yuushibu – 03: A hentai style air purifier. Um, just what would be in the air that anyone would need that thing? If anyone important saw what happened to Raul and Phino, that manufacturer would be getting mass recalls and file for bankrupcy.
I really felt bad for Phino after All A made a general opinion on demons. She may be a different species but she’s still just a kid who has no idea what’s going on. And the situation isn’t much better for Raul who wants to avoid an invitable conflict as much as possible.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Freezing Vibration – 03: It’s a sickening feeling when you realize the price to be paid for trial and error is someone’s life. And the company should’ve kept its mouth shut and waited for possible side effects instead of showing off half assed results that have made the Mark IV experiment a failure in the long run.
I admired Gina and her resolve to be the test subject so as to shoulder the burden instead of letting Amelia bear it all. So it’s a shame that the most likely outcome for her is getting killed because her current state looks irreversable. A bit headstrong but I was beginning to like her nonetheless because she sticks up for her friends.
Out of all the girls who gathered at the pool, Chiffon was the most intimidating. She didn’t do much but the scene having most of her darkened and with a deep voice had me thinking “Whoa, she is not to be messed with”.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
You NEVER mess with the character whose eyes are always closed…
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
The folks from Alaskan Base are pretty awful people and are wanting to make this project work no matter how many girls they have to kill to get it completed. There’s really no sympathy to be had for Scarlett or anyone else we’ve seen so far yet in the anime.
They could’ve went either Gina or Rattle to be put in this state and the feelings I would’ve had might be mostly similar, but Gina’s good qualities are a bit offset by her attitude during that gym room scene.
Chiffon is scary, no doubt about that. Her brief little move during the Satella/Rana vs. Creo/Arnette fight in season 1 was just a little tease of what’s to come out of her power-wise.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Walkure Romanze – 03: Not a bad jousting match and a good start for Mio. She and Takahiro make a fierce coordination team. It would have been something if they started playing “We will rock you” like it was done for “A Knight’s Tale”. And Mio cut her hair. That’s becoming a regular thing for girls in anime lately.
With such a shameless, revealing armor like that, Bertille is just begging for a spot in Kill la Kill. It’s outrageous! 😀 And even though she has an ego, it’s nice to see she isn’t a sore loser and acknowledges a worthy opponent with the intent to congratulate her.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
That was a really nice move. Bertille got beat by someone who out-jousted her, even if Mio was a beginner, and for all her ojou-sama haughtiness up to this point, she accepted her defeat with the height of class. That’s kind of a different feel for this series overall, that with all these girls vying to be 1) better jousters and 2) Takahiro, there isn’t any of that catty bitchiness that we see too often. It’s very welcome.
And at least they gave a plausible reason for Mio to cut her hair, especially when the other girls have long hair. “At the level I’m at, long hair was a hindrance.” Gives her a good reason for doing it to show her commitment as well as changing things up.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
So why couldn’t she have put her hair in braids or tied it back in a pony tail? I think she would have looked good with her hair in braids and wrapped around her head.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Well, Mio’s not THAT deep of a thinker, you know. Maybe it wouldn’t fit inside her helmet if that happened, I dunno. Or maybe she just wanted short hair. 😀
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Sakura’s a deeper thinker than Mio. But I suppose she just decided on short hair.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Freezing: I don’t know if it’s explained better in the manwha, but it doesn’t make sense to me that if they’re trying to help people be MORE compatible with the stigmata, why would they use Satella, who is notoriously low-compatibility with her stigmata, and from what I remember, brute forces her way through because they’re Kazuha’s stigmata and she’s just that good. Just seems like picking the wrong person for data.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
It’s handled differently in the manga. The anime makes Mark IV seem like a drug that will instantly power-up E-Pandoras and that Satella is the base for it. In the manwha, there’s a project called Mission Synchro that pairs Pandoras with E-Pandoras in hopes of converting power, and Mark IV is used as a means to stop overflow of power into an E-Pandora.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Yushibu: I think we just need to accept that this show is going to be amusing and do things that surprise us, even while having a setup that’s plain vanilla cliche. It’s just enjoying to watch all the way around.
POWUH: 400-499 with 445 comments
Yushibu: the problem with yuushibu is how inconsistent it is with its tone: one day it wants to have a decent narrative, the next day, it has tentacles dissolving ppl’s clothes. Ah whatever; at the end Phino is just such an adorable character that I let all that go and just enjoy myself, and even though her interactions with raul are pretty cookie-cutter, there’s something about how comfortable she is around him that makes it pretty genuine (i just find raul a boring character).
The best part of the ep was the ending when phino questioned raul about the controversy of her existence as a demon. It’s pretty clear that she doesnt want that prejudice to get in the way of her being able to stay with raul, which she is getting pretty attached to as evident by her snuggling him and the sniffing of his clothes.
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 175 comments
Freezing vib – now in mark 4 stages give now sure want used Satey’s dna power but oops cue WALKING DEAD NOVA on the ride yea daryl dixon where are you?
Yushibu – sure give magical item overload yet airi show her hero moves yet fino going to that switch off item yet raul still got hero magic within him & yet cue big question from fino can human & demon co-exist?
sekai wrestling – oh my sakura now 0-50 yet all lost due to boston crab well at least she not a boston person & yea chris jericho asking why keep showing that move?
but now sakura time for misaki’s style training to rid fear on boston crab so you can be a female wrestler.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
sekai wrestling: I really have no idea WHY they had to make sakura loose 50 freaking times really!? That was so dumb…
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Walkure Romanze: One thing I haven’t been able to figure out about this series is if Sakura is part of Takahiro’s harem or not. In Ep.2 she sure acted like she thought she is.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Well, Takahiro sure doesn’t seem interested in any of the human girls, much…
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Sakura shows more interest in the girls, tearing off skirts.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
SekaTsuyo: That got really painful to watch. Making Sakura lose 50 times is just outrageous. I mean, that’s what, 8 months of wrestling at 3 matches a week? They just pulled a number out of their butts for that. I was a bit surprised at Toyoda’s method for ‘helping’ her, tho: beat the snot out of her, and then not let her give up. Not “Here’s how you get out of a Boston Crab”, not “Here’s things you can do to not be in that position in the first place.” I don’t think that 3 episodes in the show is too much to spend on breaking the main character down, but watching her cry and say “gibu upu” umpteen times was a little too much.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Aye very painful! I was not expecting it to be 50 losses I mean sure I knew all along she was going to bet owned for a while but DAAAMNN 50 times and all by the same lame move? Lame…
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! – 03: The entire run was harsh to watch. Sakura’s problem was that the the resolve she had against Rio was softening over time. Misaki’s way of motivation is brutal but it should have been the reality check handed to Sakura long before the loses could even reach fifty. She has to brace up and use her head because so far, it’s been nothing but strength and no technique.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Yeah I think I am done watching/reviewing it I just can not find anything to enjoy anymore! Originally I wanted to watch just to hear Hisako Kanemoto’s character wrestle, but so far we have followed Sakura and shes freaking TERRIBLE at wrestling…
50 losses is enough for me I GIVE UP~
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 175 comments
well come on give going 0-50 is one thing hey it not like they make her 0-63 aka 1988 version of Kenta Kobashi?
besides give this i’m still warching wrestling anime til the end.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
*Bro fist* I’m with you on that one and more than willing to see this through. It’s only the third episode so there’s still room for improvement. Not to mention the list of first class female seiyuus that shouldn’t be ignored.
Personally, Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! isn’t as bad as other animes this season I’ve dropped easily. Like Ace of Diamond on the first episode, Samurai Flamenco in the first couple of minutes and Coppelion is next if it doesn’t shape up. I haven’t even bothered with shows like Meganebu, Hajime no Ippo, Noucome and a few others because they weren’t looking interesting at all.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
When I watched the Girls Wrestling show (I’ve since dropped it), I would think on occasion that there actually can be a good anime about an idol who wants to be a wrestler, and that the Hajime no Ippo style of training/strategizing/etc. could bring a legit quality to a show while still having cute girls, ecchi scenes, girls moaning, etc.
As for Ippo, I don’t know how long a fan of anime you’ve been, but I think you may have missed the boat on being interested in that series. Ippo:Rising for newer more recent fans is like starting a new anime, then finding out that it’s already 100 episodes in; then interest drops (unless you hadn’t checked out after seeing “sports anime”).
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
You’re totally missing out on NouKome if you’re not watching it. It’s all that and a bag of chips.
SekaTsuyo could get a lot better this week… or it could continue to be really disappointing. Having an A-list of seiyuu doesn’t mean a lot if the majority of the show is Ayana Taketatsu crying “Gibu-Upu!” a bunch.
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 175 comments
yea besides sekai wrestling give how hard work in japan style wrestling way different than wwe or tna versions.
give once you watch stick with it to the end yea i keep check on it yet really give deep down it could got potentital to hidden good to watch.
yet just to ask IF plans for dub wonder who going to cast on the dub?