MetaFap: Fall ’13 – 01 [NSFW]
MetaFap is back with a flash!
With many more ecchi offerings this season, as we’ve done in seasons past, we’re putting them together in one quality NSFW post.
Freezing Vibration – 01
…and MetaFap Fall ’13 is off to a nice start!
Welcome to Alaska! You could call the introductory battle a “Cold Open”… Anyway, Vibration takes the Pandora girls to Alaska to participate in the E-Pandora Project and drops us (and literally the characters) into the Alaskan cold to do battle with a dummy Nova. The action and animation fidelity are pretty much unchanged from anything we saw in season 1, which means not-so-sharp but serviceable enough to enjoy. I did like how the Limiter’s Freezing technique was animated in the battle.
The E-Pandoras (right to left): Gina Papleton, Amelia Evans & Rattle
The E-Pandora Project will be Vibration’s primary subject, and it will be an interesting arc to follow since its purpose is questionable, to say the least. Scarlett’s opening presentation pitches it as a “quantity” approach to fighting the Nova, but Roxanne brings up the subject of human experimentation, and we know how things can end up in that department. As the OP showed off, there will be girls fighting each other, and this is an issue that plagued the plot in Freezing’s first season. The purpose of what fights we’ll see here will be given varying levels of validity when taking into account what the E-Pandora Project stands for; not just because 3rd-years wanna show who’s boss.
Bringing in new girls from the U.S., Germany, France and more not only adds more girls to ogle at for season 2, but it increases the scope of the Nova situation by bringing in the rest of the world’s major powers in Pandora Development. There were many more countries introduced in the manga, but the ones introduced here are the primaries as the series starts by putting the top Pandoras in the world in the same room to hang out and Volt Texture their new uniforms.
The clothes are gonna be ripped off anyway, so why bother texturing them?
As a manwha reader, I’m concerned a bit about the personality of U.S. Pandora Roxanne Elipton. Her character in the manga is questioning about the morality of forcing regular, not-so compatible humans to be implanted with stigmata. In her interaction with Amelia Evans at the end of this premiere episode, she comes off as looking down on the E-Pandoras. This isn’t new territory at all in Freezing to have girls look down on other girls and girls fighting each other in the midst of a Nova Clash, but Roxanne is one of the more likable Pandoras in the series.
All the money her family has… no swimsuits
Press button, activate shower scene
Kazuya’s been enjoying the pics
Yuushibu – 01
Yuushibu pioneering animation with the reverse Vividred shot.
This show’s revealing to us its assets early.
I’ve had the privilege of watching some truly awful things in my decade-plus of being an avid anime fan, but I’ve never really thought about what was the very worst that I’ve seen. So in a way, I’m grateful that I Couldn’t Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job, also known as Yuushibu for short, came along to make answering that question a piece of cake. Without question, this first episode was the worst piece of anime – nay, the worst piece of visual media – I have ever seen. That’s taking into account the awesome combat sakuga at the start that bordered on Disney quality. In Raul, we have a former “hero” and now veteran abandoned by his nation following the defeat of the demon lord, forced to work retail to make ends meet. It’s unrewarding work with the only excitement being the occasional influx of nerds at a rare product, until one day Phino/Fino, the orphaned daughter of the demon lord, walks in to apply for a job. All this is in a sword and sorcery fantasy setting, except with modern appliances like microwave ovens and camcorders, said to run on magic. It actually sounds pretty compelling so far, more than a little reminiscent of the better-than-it-should-be Hatarku Maou-sama.
But everything unravels as you discover that this is the most bland, derivative crap to come out of a light novel industry that is already known for being nothing but bland, derivative crap. Phino is hopelessly naive to border on mental handicap, writing her identity as the demon lord’s daughter on her resume and being shocked when her employer finds out (OMG SO MOE!). Raul is the same overly helpful no-personality everylead that you’ve seen a million times before, quick to shout at an absurdity and even quicker to forgive. There is no chemistry between the two beyond her making some adorable mistake followed by him lightly reprimanding her and begrudgingly helping her out. The one part where I cracked a smile, when an old man in a red shirt climbed out of a carriage that looked suspiciously like the USS Enterprise including the label NCC-1701, ended not with him getting killed, but rather with him blatantly sexually harassing a female employee. Which everyone laughed off as just him being him. So… what was the point of that reference again? There is no humor in this show, nothing worth laughing at, no characters worth identifying with or even worth feeling affection for. Its one good characteristic, the animation, is used for gratuitous close ups to unnaturally jiggly breasts and impossibly short skirts, but even that isn’t alluring, because the character designs are some of the ugliest I have seen. No, I can’t fap to this. Yuushibu is awful. Don’t watch it.
See the awesome animation of this badass dismantling a skeleton? Well, you’re getting none of that for the next 12 episodes. Why? Because fuck you, that’s why.
Because nothing is quite as funny as a sexually abusive customer.
Walkure Romanze – 01
Maids and Knights and Jousting
Spring is bustin’ out all over
Walkure Romanze might have more ripped skirts than Freezing Vibration
A warm welcome back to MetaFap and I’d also like to welcome everyone to Jousting: The Anime! This show’s about an exclusive academy’s “Knight Division”, where students work on becoming, obviously, knights and learning the sport of jousting. And while it’s not just a girl’s sport or school, that’s all we get for characters in the program, save our male lead. That boy, Takahiro Mizuno, was actually in the Knight Division as well, but an injury in a joust has led to him switching to the Begleiter Division, for those who are attendants to the knights, even though his injury seems to be fully healed.
Noelle’s taking it easy (click for larger)
Surrounding Takahiro is a whole stable of girls, and they’re (almost) all interested him to some degree or another. From Celia Aintree, the school’s student council president, to Noelle Ascot, Takahiro’s in high demand, even though he hasn’t committed to being anyone’s begleiter. Thrown into all this we get Mio, the pink-haired ditzy girl who is the main character, and isn’t in the Knight Division, but she is Takahiro’s osananajimi, with attendant crush on him. And apparently everyone knows she’s got a crush on him, except Takahiro.
This is about as intelligent as Takahiro gets
The best part about the show is the production by 8-bit. The backgrounds are pretty and well detailed, the animation is good even in the action of the joust, and all of the girls look good in this show. Unfortunately, everyone seems to be on the short end of the awareness stick. A couple of the characters seem pretty smart, like Celia, Akane, and Ayako-sensei (whose attempts to help Mio catch Takahiro fall on stupid ears), but for the most part they’re pretty dumb, with Mio as the leader of the pack. And Takahiro’s not much better, even if he’s good with horses. But we get into the plot as Mio gets chased by Takahiro’s favorite horse, Sakura, and runs afoul of Bertille Althusser, the school’s self-important ojou-sama. Mistaking Mio for a knight, Bertille challenges Mio to a joust as Takahiro looks on. Of course they’re not going to correct the stupid misunderstanding, so the plot’s gotta go forward with Mio learning to joust (and maybe she’ll ride her way into Takahiro’s heart. Geez, I can’t believe I just wrote that).
Nice pantsu, Bertille
Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! – 01
Worst Kill la kill cosplay ever!
A little word of advice when watching this first episode! Wear some headphones or keep the volume low because damn the moaning voices are straight out of a damn hentai and we might as well call audio porn, but was it entertaining? Honestly I found myself kind of bored and to make matters worse its censored unlike Freezing! Then again I don’t really care because I blogged To-Love-Ru when that was censored. So what even happened? The core of the episode followed two idols that land a gig to try “wrestle” some professionals or get some training from them but one of the pros named Rio started to talk trash about idols it triggered Sakura to get angry and somehow she got roped into a live wrestling match? Talk about dumb! Seriously why would you even try such a thing? I guess in the end it comes down to her pride as an Idol because its serious for her! Aside from the meh story the fanservice levels were alright minus the appearance of steam-chan in the showers, but should you watch this? Probably not unless you want to hear popular voice actresses moaning? I can bet someone will have ringtones made for this…
Honk twice for good luck!
The yuri is strong in this pairing!
Sakura-“Damn maybe I should stick to being a cute idol…”
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
SekaTsuyou: Yeah, I warned Fosh about the headphones… after I made the mistake of having it play through the speakers, and hurriedly turning it down. Geez already folks!
I didn’t think the story was that bad, although sticking up for the pride of the idols seems like a lame reason to get yourself into a match you’re going to lose. I give Sakura some credit tho.
I was waiting for Rio to start strutting around like Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, but they even got a chair for that.
POWUH: 800-899 and Mad Scientist with 814 comments
I… played the episode through my speakers at full blast in the middle of the night. Could have been worse.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Well I watch anime with my brother and we usually start our marathon of shows around 2-3AM and thats when everyone else is dead asleep xD
The story was decent ill give it that I mean at least Sakura didn’t win the match because that would have been really stupid >.>
Rio ftw! She taught Sakura to shut the hell up LOL
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I’ll keep watching BouncyBouncy and the Hero Guy, I didn’t think it was that bad. But then I thought Inu to Hasami wasn’t that bad either. 🙂
It does need more of the Disney stuff, tho. And it’s not like it totally cheaped out on the rest of the show, just got rid of the good style.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Disney stuff? what? LOL
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 175 comments
well give of fall anime so far those 3 mention
freezing s2 – welcome to alaska & more females on it with Funi already got pick-up with dub coming soon indeed Satey is back.
Yuushibu – well to say from hero in training to now worker in the magical best buy store & with having demon lord’s daughter as the co-worker at least it not yet CHUCK on it.
Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! – the MAIN EVENT yet it’s deliver give female wrestling anime is indeed give big watching & that so own both wwe & tna same time.
so yea those 3 fall anime to watch for me as of this time.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Sekai: Yeah WWE fans and wrestling fans should enjoy this series sadly I am none of the above xDD
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Looks like it’s Bouncy Bouncy and the Hero guy, which I thought was quite funny, for all my Faps this season. I didn’t get into Freezing at all when it first aired, and it doesn’t pique my interest now. And the other two were just…well, as Fosh says, kinda boring.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Boring and terrible animation! I swear there are a lot of terrible ones from Arpegio, Machine doll and now this new hero show? Why do they think cell shaded anime character designs work? They need to wake up because it DOES NOT work for anime, maybe I am just ultra picky lately?
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
I don’t think you’re too picky for your own tastes…I found Bouncy Bouncy and Hero to be of mine, well, it’s pitches a bit to low, but I can take that.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
While Piccard is the better captain, Yuushibu should have had Kirk as the customer. He’s the womanizer.
Walkure: You’re in trouble when the most interesting character (and probably the smartest) in your anime is a horse.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Walkure: You’re in trouble when the most interesting character (and probably the smartest) in your anime is a horse.
Yep. Best Review. Which is not a slight against you HWY.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
You guys are missing it. That guy was Riker.
I’m hoping that Walkure Romanze gets better. If it doesn’t, at least it’s pretty to look at and the character designs are cute, and the action scenes seem to be pretty good.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Riker had the best beard in spaceeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Agreed. That had to be Piccard because Riker would never shave off that righteous beard.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Hey, when you get old and bald, it doesn’t fill in as well anymore. And it could have been super patchy, and noone wants that.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Sorry, Highway, but you’re wrong. In the 24th(?) Century they have working hair growth treatments. For whatever reason Piccard chooses to be bald. And Riker chooses to have a righteous beard.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
MetaFap is back from its well deserved vacation. Time to break ourselves back into the glory that is ecchi.
Freezing Vibration – 01: I’ve been waiting for this after seeing how interesting and open-ended the finale for last season was as Kazuya’s grandfather exclaimed the being a Pandora is double edged sword. Also, it’s good to Bridgette and Rana. At least the story won’t focus on keeping who in line because of the school’s social status.
In all honesty when thinking about it, the E-Pandora Project sounds like a half assed attempt at achieving equality because not all the women are compatible to become Pandoras (much like the setting in Index/Railgun where Level 0 want to be espers but can’t) and a popularity contest for those who just want fame out of it. What the latter apparently don’t understand is that once you become one, you’re basically an expendable weapon in a war.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Yuushibu – 01: My sympathies to guy who wanted to become a hero but couldn’t. This is what happens when you don’t have a back up plan. The animation’s nice and there’s some pleasant looking characters. The show doesn’t beat around the bush throwing the PLOT in out faces but they win points for boldness.
I’m already liking Phino in appearance (Those teeth and ears… Nice!) and personality and it’s a safe bet a great deal of fanservice is going to come from her. As a demon lord’s daughter, she’s a lot better, livelier and bolder than Miu from Hagure Yuusha no Estetica.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Walkure Romanze – 01: First I find out there’s female wrestling this season and now there’s female jousting. The ladies sure want to prove their capabilities to the guys… and they’re more than welcome to do so.
Takahiro’s situation is similar to the lead from Yuushibu but here, he has a chance to get what he wants but for some reason doesn’t want to. I demand a thorough explanation on that soon enough. The premise is interesting; however, by comparison, this show is the weakest of the MetaFap entries this season.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
You think it’s the weakest? I dunno, seems the art is probably the best of the four (not that you can really see Freezing’s art because of the super crappy broadcast quality), and I think there’s at least as much story as SekaTsuyo. Hopefully, we’ll get more of the smart characters like Celia, Noelle, and Akane, but it’s not looking too promising with the main couple being Mio and Takahiro. I’ll keep comparing things to Da Capo III tho, cause this looks better in comparison (so do most things). At least Takahiro apparently has some skills that are in demand.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Don’t get me wrong tho, MF feels too much like a race to the bottom this season. We’re too spoiled by DxD last season, I think.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Wow, a race to the bottom? Sounds like you set the Fap tone right there…
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
High School DxD is the ideal ecchi anime. These are just attempts to fill the void in our hearts.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Freezing Vibration: Maybe her family has money because they don’t spend it on unnecessary things like swimsuits. Seems like the bare boob content in this show is a bit low.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
Hey, I wasn’t complaining. She never did any of this skinny-dipping in the manwha, so good on the anime for giving Elizabeth (my personal favorite character) some “classy” scenes.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Who needs a swimsuit with a body like hers!? She has to show it off xDD
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
If you’ve got it, flaunt it.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Freezing: I hope that they do more explanation of why the e-Pandoras are significantly different from the old Pandoras. I mean, it’s not like the other Pandoras were born with Stigmata, they had them implanted. So basically, they’re trying things which enhance the natural synchronization so that people with levels too low to be worth it before are eligible.
It’s not like people who get organ transplants with immunosuppressant drugs are less than organ transplants that don’t use them.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! – 01: Whew! It’s a good thing no one significant was around as this was going on. I had the episode playing on my PS3 with a rather high volume. My god, all that moaning… there’s no way anyone would not blush from hearing that. I gotta wonder how things went for the seiyuus behind the scenes. They must have felt awkward. 😀
The only drawback that spoiled the overall entertainment were those damn censors. They were a complete rip off. Going into the story, which is shaping up to be a good underdog story, I’ve already taken a liking to Sakura and have to give her props for her bravery, convictions, resolve and loyalty. You can do all you want to her personally but don’t dare disrespect her friends.
Ayana Taketatsu brought her typical Kirino-like voice to the series but Haruka Tomatsu brought a deep, villainous voice perfectly fitting for someone as ruthless as Rio.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
I know right? I swear that first part of the episode was basically Kirino of Orelemo having a sexual scene or whatever other character you like that Ayana Taketatsu voices >.>
LOL behind the scenes extras needs to be on the DVD/BD I swear or we can wait till funimation dubs it? They do a lot of ecchi shows ahaha
Censors are a pain, but I had a feeling either the wrestling or jousting show would be censored and I have a feeling the jousting one will be because they have not done a shower scene yet…
I am personally waiting for Hisako Kanemoto’s character she wears green! I am curious how someone like her voices a “fighter” because she tends to play cute roles like Amy from Gargantia, Ika Musume, Kotoura and Yayoi of Smile Precure.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Will she sound like Ika throwing a tantrum?
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
probably hhaha
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
The possibilities for me were either Kirino or Date A Live’s Kotori.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Azunyan or Guilty Crown’s Tsugumi…