MetaFap – 27 [NSFW]
Bathtime, boobs and awesome magical transformations!
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha – 03
Maou smuggled those potatos in her chest~
Invisible roller coasters are exciting.
Maou wants to make out with you so kiss your screen
After an educational episode two weeks ago (didn’t know about the whole crop rotation thing), I was presented with an… amusing and somewhat silly follow-up episode. Out of all things, she invented potatoes. As a person who lives in the 21st Century, this looks… Heh. It baffles me how only the Demon lady knows how to plant potatoes. Everybody except the Demon Lady is dumb in this anime, and this is degrading somehow. Not trying to be insulting of course, since I think it’s amazing that the Demon Lady actually knows how to do that. I’ve been loving the power, intelligence, and charisma she has been showing. She proves to be a master that’s worth to be followed. What’s cute, the Demon Lady still has this innocent maiden-ish vibe all around her, despite her strong personality, so NNGGHH. I totally love that combo. It’s against the typical dumb moe characters I’ve been seeing a lot these days (not all, but I didn’t fail to notice that lots of moe characters are portrayed with no brains). Even intelligent people can be moe. SMART MOE is really the best.
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 15
This bromance kicking into high gear for Jin
Mashiro-“Hey dude…you…wanna get high with me?” Sorata-“………”
Kitty x Sorata
Wait a minute! Kiritsugu is that you?
As Nanami demonstrates that she’s absolute perfect waifu material, Sorata deals with his overly adoring sister and finally getting along with Mashiro again. It’s still rather frustrating seeing Mashiro try so hard not to step on any landmines with Sorata, and having him appreciate it, but still be rather oblivious to the fact that he hurt her pretty badly. She doesn’t seem to mind, but that doesn’t make what he did okay. Or maybe he has realized, but he hasn’t really apologized for it. As for Nanami… I’m dreading the episode where she gets her heart broken. She’s just such a great character and she’s helped Sorata so much ever since she showed up in the plot. Though this episode, she wandered into the supportive background childhood-friend stereotype which was kind of… boring.
…I think Fosh might have had something with that caption about BL on the last post for Sakurasou. Jin staying with the student council president was a pleasant surprise. No, not because of the BL connotations (I was joking in the sentence before this), but because he’s really serious about becoming a better person for Misaki. He wants to be able to walk with her and follow his dreams and I totally understand that. ….But Misaki’s depression was understandable as well. Misaki always seems to live in the present, so I can see why it would be hard knowing that Jin loves her, but doesn’t want to do anything about it. If he was in love with a different girl, she could just keep trying to win his attention back. With this scenario though, there’s not much she can do other then just wait it out. However, with her recovery this episode, I think she can make it through okay. It was kind of odd that Mashiro was the one to solve her problem since that job usually goes to Nanami, but I think it was because Mashiro’s words weren’t direct advice and posed more as a question that helped. It made Misaki think the problem through. In any case, Sakurasou is back to it’s feel-good self and even if Sorata has issues, his father is hilarious. I guess it’s round 2 of the presentation coming up and hopefully, Sorata makes it through. He has support and more experience this time. It’s time for him to show that hard work can try to achieve genius. …Plus if he fails, I don’t want to see Mashiro get hurt again.
Senran Kagura – 03
Soap Ninjutsu training~
Welcome to the beansprout world
Ikaruga enjoys a warm bath.
Asuka has a new best friend to go on wacky adventures with.
Time for the third episode of Senran giant boob ninjas on Metanorn! Last week things ended on a random cliffhanger with Yomi suddenly showing up itching for a fight, but the actual battle between Ikaruga and Yomi was basically one sided because Ikaruga got owned so fast and I thought that Asuka would jump in and save the day? Even though she didn’t save the day I think Yomi was playing around anyway or testing the waters against the “good team” besides the odd battle it was nice to see Ikaruga step up and take charge in training the other girls! That and helping Asuka overcome her fear of frogs? Thank god…if they dragged that on for another damn episode I would have been so mad! Now will we finally see her become a really badass ninja? I would honestly say nope…unless she has a hidden personality that takes over in times of danger *cough* Hollow-Ichigo-Nine-tails-Naruto *cough* but hey at least she can summon her frog next time. Random fun fact this week Yomi is voiced by Ai Kayano so we get to hear evil Saori, Inori, Mayaka, Muginami and Mashiro!
Vividred Operation – 03
I loved Akane’s chase scene!
I didn’t even need to photoshop TTGL glasses this week!
Required plot device shot of the week.
Akane has found a new partner this week sorry Aoi-chan.
Vividred Operation continues to deliver with its eye candy, but the magical girl friendship tropes being played (ironically) straight keep pulling it down. This episode had the simple agenda of introducing Green to us as part of bringing the team together, and much of it was well done. Wakaba’s initial encounter with Akane was nicely animated (especially Akane rolling out of the shed), and so was most of their duel later on. Those showed off some unexpectedly fun martial arts from this mecha magical girl show, though they were certainly nothing jaw dropping (or at all realistic). A big disappointment was the brief chase scene through the school. When Akane jumped the stairway railing, I had hope that we were in for a good dynamic on-foot chase scene, but those hopes were quickly dashed by a series of action stills taking the place of actual animated chasing. To be fair, some of those shots looked pretty cool, but they could have chosen far cooler – and believable – poses to show Akane’s fleeing skills. I’m still waiting to see an on-foot chase in anime that holds a candle to, say, the Craig/Foucan scene at the beginning of Casino Royale.
Wakaba’s super self-conscious kendo master character felt all too familiar. Her attacking Akane when she crashed, followed by her challenge to protect her honor or whatever felt contrived, obvious excuses to get the girls to interact. This falls within acceptable suspension of disbelief for a magical girl show, but I’m not happy with shows that play it so safe. The actual transformation and docking was also all too familiar, really just the same thing we saw last episode, except without the cool extended action scene with planes and ships and explosions. Just transform, dock, win. Seeing the exact same thing so soon lacks the same effect, even if Green did look particularly beautiful both during her regular transformation and during her Vivid version. I do appreciate the speed with which the show is creating magical girls. Grandpa also seems very willing and able to hand out abilities to any girl he hears about; is there a limit of those magical girl producing keys? If not, it’s a wonder why he doesn’t have a harem army of magical girls already. We’ve still got Yellow to introduce, who might dock with Green next episode, the first combination without Akane. Well, maybe not within the episode, but hopefully down the line, if the show continues to evolve away from its spiritual predecessors, something it desperately needs to work on.
Tags: Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 03, NSFW, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 15, Senran Kagura 03, Vividred Operation 03
POWUH: 600-699 and LN Enthusiast with 623 comments
Sakurasou: Sorata’s dad is voiced by Ookawa Tooru, who also plays the goat, Don Valentino, in Cuticle Inaba this season. Completely different range and character types. And he played Heathcliff last season in SAO. When you pair that with Matsuoka Yoshitsugu who played Kirito… ehem…Enough seiyuu fagging from me.
Random SAO comment is random. If this was RC then I’d probably get a ton of downvotes orzAnyways, I’m on the Nanami ship and I’ll go down with it when it hits the iceberg. She’s a great girl really so the day she gets rejected or loses is gonna be a hard day for me. Not that I dislike Mashiro but Nanami is just far better than her.
And it’s weird to see a normal role by Arai Satomi in Mama Kanda. Kuroko(in Railgun) just pops out in your mind when you hear her voice. She does a perverted loli as well this season in Mondaiji so this role is quite different from the usual.
Great episode. Still one of my favorite airing shows.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Yeah, I’m on that Nanami ship as well (and speaking of downvotes at other sites, they’re not the friendliest about that Nanami ship either). I’ll keep seeing what I want to see there, and hoping that she can somehow pull it out. But I’ve been disappointed before (poor Ibuki-chan and Hina-senpai…) and I’m sure I’ll be disappointed in the future, too.
POWUH: Meta Team and Megane-chan with 3214 comments
Really? I thought people would be on the Nanami ship like no tomorrow since she’s such a great character. …I’m on the Mashiro ship myself, but I wouldn’t mind being disappointed if Sorata went the other direction with Nanami.
POWUH: Meta Team and Megane-chan with 3214 comments
I wasn’t even aware RC had downvotes.
Oh yeah, Arai isn’t typically in normal roles. I can’t even think of one where she isn’t a pervert or the (second) greatest narrator of all time (Wakamoto will ALWAYS be first).
POWUH: 600-699 and LN Enthusiast with 623 comments
Vivired: So much for military secrets and secret identity when Akane just gave the power to Wakaba like it was candy or something. It’s like they need to have her join by the end of the episode just because :/
I keep facepalming in this episode and show but I can’t seem to tear my eyes off it. And not because of the butt shots, mind you
(though you probably won’t believe me anyways orz). I’ll still stick around with this. I need some silly shows like this to wash away some of the serious business of the other shows that air in the same day.And the angle for the 3rd pic of Vivired(after the TTGL sunglasses) seems to be an obligatory POV shot every week for the show. Will it be consistent next time? I guess that’s probably a reason to stick around…
And dat school uniform. Has to be one of the weirdest uniform I’ve seen. What a treat for the guys in there huh.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I think they’ve gone to the well at least one time too much for the camel-toe shot in Vividred. And if we get it again next episode, I’ll be rolling my eyes. And all I’m thinking when they go to that is “MIDDLE SCHOOL”. Yeah, not my favorite combination of thoughts.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Dat ass and thighs shot will probably be in every single episode to showcase the growth of certain plot devices duhuhuh
@Highway: Yeah I know what you mean and you just have to set your brain to anime mode vs reality mode, because your brain would explode if you think to hard on that! Also there are countless shows with young character that look way older.
I always like to point out that Ichigo from bleach is “15” but looks easily “20” same for Oihime? She is the same age but looks like a character ripped from queens blade or take a recent series like Jojo? At the start they are 15-16 and ripped like some pro wrestlers xD
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Yeah, generally 15 / 16 I don’t have too much of a problem with. Heck, Queule in Boku H was supposed to be ‘middle school’ age, which could be like 15.
There are some series, tho, that I wish were set in college rather than high school, and some in middle school that should definitely be set in High School or college.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
…then you have shows like the Minami-ke, which pretty much telegraphs a furo-scene by giving us a rainy day outside scene. Fanservice?! Why yes, it’s elementary
school!And then you have the outrageous sit-com 80’s teen sex comedy appeal of Mitsudomoe.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Like the latest Minami-ke that featured 4 loli’s in the bath? I was like fans are eating this up.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
I know I had a pair of chopsticks….Lol.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Really? Then I’ve got to catch up. Four lolis at the same time sounds like an overdose, even for skylion. I’d bet 20 bucks he passed out somewhere along the lines.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
You owe me twenty. When they go more, we can go double or nothing.
POWUH: 700-799 and Parkouring Fanboy with 776 comments
Oh god, those uniforms had me cracking up and also facepalming. Come on, couldn’t they have given lip service to suspension of disbelief by giving the boys shorts as well, if not necessarily quite as tight? Seriously, who’s on the school board? Dr. Isshiki isn’t the only pervert with a lot of power in this world!
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
It was me….
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
+1 to this comment
(here we go again)
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
I have awesome hot pants powers. Fear Me!
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Fosh, this is your fault for opening the door. Expect dogpiling after this.
+2 to this comment.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
It is my dream to build a learning institution for MagiTek Girls. Here they learn how to combat evil. Here they learn the power of friendship.
Here they learn the power of communal bathing. In this institution they will discover the power within, and the power of protection the weak.Here they will learn the power of the hotpantsHonor, Duty, Valor,
Fanservice.POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Nice plan. You’ve got to respect a guy with ambition. So this is like a school to exploit fanservice no matter the form. What do you get for extra credit?
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 175 comments
give of mention
vivid power rangers 3eps with megaforce on the corner sure full squad & big combine to really pierce the heavens!!!
maoyuu already on ep.4 yea same formula more to develop & that COW if happen in real life you know which anime to ONORE on it.
& senran well at least get some “hmm” saw 4th ep of it with plot on way?
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Ahahahah that cow girl WHAT THE HELL xD
YES! I saw the 4th episode of Senran Kagura and I have to say I can sum it up in just one word: INSANE…that is all…
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Maoyuu: Come on, more rabu-rabu! The “helping out the human world so we can end the war” thing is cool and all, but the other part’s falling down too much. Neither one of these two has enough confidence, and even though Head Maid has enough for both of them, she can only do so much. They should look into some anime (I’m thinking Futari Ecchi or 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku would help them out a lot).
I wonder how much inventing Maou is doing, and don’t think it’s that much. With the potato, she just introduced it to the humans. Same thing with the other crop rotations and fertilizer ideas. I would imagine that the gimbal compass was mostly fabricating from an idea that was already known. It’s stuff they need to know, for sure.
And can’t we get an anime kiss zoom that’s realistic? Please? This one was worse than Kotoura-san’s last week. Best kiss approach we’ve seen in a long time was on Haganai (and that one was really good)…
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
And Spammy’s being mean to me today, he was pretty good over the weekend, but first two comments today. I guess he woke up cranky.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
He’s always mean, it’s his nature. And now that you’ve become a Meta Resident, he’s going to pay extra, extra special attention to you.
POWUH: iLurker with 19 comments
In the first episode it is implied that her demon clan knows about and has insight into parallel worlds. So maybe she gets her ideas from there. On the other hand we don’t know how developed the demon world actually is and if crop rotation and stuff is maybe the way demons do their agriculture.
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
I’ve been waiting for some Demon King x Hero action but I’m not getting anyyy, not even in episode 4. I got a love rival instead of action. I’m getting ecchily frustrated with this anime
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Maoyuu: The Demon King didn’t invent the potato, she just introduced it to a continent where it was unknown. Same as when the potato was brought back from S. Am. to Europe. Even then it took time for the peasants to accept it.
It’s believable that the Demon Realm would have crops unknown to the Human. It is after all a different continent, separated by the sea. Less believable is how readily farmers are accepting these new crops and methods. Traditional farmers have very good reasons to be conservative. They’re living on the edge of starvation and know that traditional crops and methods most years will produce enough to survive with a small surplus. They can’t risk investing labor and a field in new crops and methods which may fail. It would take more than one successful year for farmers to accept the Demon King’s new crops and methods. Even then the farmers would start out slowly with small plots and only gradually expand the new crops and methods into the majority of their fields.
Vividred: For a while I thought we weren’t going to get any loli ass shots or a between the thighs from behind shot. I should have known better.
Right now they’re just going through the mechanics of introducing the four girls and getting them to join the team. And unfortunately they’re doing it pretty much by rote. This is a fun series, but I don’t think we can expect any new additions to the magical girl formula. Unless lots of loli ass shots count.
It seems that the girl who plants the kiss is the one whose personality dominates when they dock. That seems to be the big take away from this episode. I’m guessing that during the course of the show every possible pairing will dock. At the end, will all four dock to come up with a super powerful combination to defeat the Alone in the final battle?
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Personality dominates, or color dominates? Because when Aoi and Akane docked, it was Blue but it was definitely Akane in charge. Similarly, I don’t know if it was Wakaba or Akane in charge on this one, and how could we tell. Not just because she used a sword, because Akane was no slouch fighting Wakaba. And it’s not like there was any super special move there, just slash.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
I based my guess on color. And Aoi did become more aggressive after she transformed, so I’m not so sure that Akane’s personality dominated when they combined. Maybe the question will be answered later in the show.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Yeah, there was some reason I was pretty sure that Akane was in control of VividBlue. Either it was something like when Akane spoke, Blue’s mouth moved, or that Aoi’s voice when she spoke sounded all faraway, or some reason like that. I’ll take a look again.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
You could be right. It may be that the other girl becomes the vessel (thus the combined form takes her color) and Akane is the pilot. We probably can’t settle the question until and unless the anime does.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
@HannoX: Yep Vividred Operation lives to give the fans what they want and sadly its butts and fanservice camera angles because they know WHO is going to by those DVDs for the high quality…
That is the sad and boring part of any magical girl themed series whenever you have four or five girls? Which means weeks and weeks of character introductions! Smile Precure had similar issues at the start.
I picture Akane as the leader since her default magical uniform is red? Just like power rangers and how every pink precure is technically the leader as well? Then again maybe she is the only one that can dock with the others because she was first or maybe it was the accident from her past?
I am curious to see this!
Yellow+Greed = one body and Red+Blue = one body and those bodies then fuse into another form?! Which is not uncommon in the world of magical girls because it happens all the time xD
@Highway: Maybe Akane basically takes over the “drivers seat” during the fusions? This docking method feels like the special earrings on DBZ in the Buu saga? Both characters become one but only one takes charge of the body? I know in that saga Vegeta and Goku fused, but their voices like echoed each character lol
Akane so badass I was getting Star Driver flashbacks to Takuto’s fights with two swords.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
So far Akane has docked with Aoi and Wakaba. I assume she’ll also dock with Yellow. Akane, you’re such a player.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
That sounds plausible. If she can dock with one, then there’s the chance she do the same with all the others at once. Although there’s the question if the fused bodies can handle all the excess power stored up inside.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
The question is, are the girls going to lose their underwear for the transformation scenes on the BD/DVDs? I imagine the fans those would be geared towards would want that.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
There’s already a video of that someone made…
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
That’s not surprising. Most fans have their minds in the gutter when it comes to that stuff. There’s no helping it and it’s to be expected.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
What? Gutter? Why I’ve never heard of the place….
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I dunno about ‘gutter’, but that video does have a very shiny place…
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Sure, skylion. But denial is not going to help.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
As old as I am, I don’t think of magical girls, or even power rangers, when I see a bunch of color-based merges and transformations. This is what I go to:
“Form Feet and Legs!”
“Form Arms and Body!”
“And I’ll form the head!”
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Obvious Voltron references. That’s old school mecha and there’s no mistaking that. Vividred’s combinations are DNA based.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
You know, I’m a little worried about if they multi-dock too much. I remember when I dyed eggs a lot of different colors for Easter, and if you get too many colors they just end up dull gray-green. Not really ‘Vivid’.
Maybe they’re in an additive colorspace, tho.
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
In an era where exploration is necessary for the development of mankind (at least that’s the impression the era is showing), it’s somehow unbelievable that mankind still can’t find a way to “invent” potatoes and how crop rotation is done. Probably the Dark continent is far more advanced than man’s, but the portrayal of man’s intelligence in this anime is disappointing. Then again, I’m living in a modern era, unlike them.
The Demon King did mention that the farmers refused to listen to her until she started to spread her influence among the higher ups in the village. I’ve seen this kind of trick done in RL, so it’s possible.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Boob Ninjas: I think it’s pretty clear that our girls at the Hanzou School are gonna need to step it up in a pretty big way if they want to even compete with the girls from the Secret Snake School. Show ▼
Not the best showing, just a lot of noise.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Even if they are nice girls, their training is a bit too lenient. They are ninjas after all yet they don’t have that sense of life and death on them, that an attack can come from anywhere. Ikaruga, who is disciplined and currently seems to be the strongest, had a hard time against Yomi and got humiliated. If that can happen to her then the chances of the others winning right now is slim to none.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha – 03: I wonder what time period this is set in if the characters haven’t encountered potatoes yet. That’s just weird knowing this.
Maou’s intelligence and charisma suits her well and is to be admired. She certainly knows how to win people over. Though I imagine back in those days, it would be fairly easy to impress and win anyone over. She has this innocent maiden-ish vibe about her but in a way, she deliberately lets you know she’s trying to seduce you, like the expression on her face during her conversation with Knight.
Like the few strong female leads out there, she’s still self conscious relationship wise and it’s fun to watch. Having the head maid give a crash course in sex appeal and physical contact must have really did a number on her psyche.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
I’m getting a Renaissance vibe from it myself, especially with a powerful merchant alliance playing a key role in the Human realm, the introduction of the compass (and the astrolobe, which I’m surprised she didn’t also give them) opening up the possibility of longer ocean voyages out of sight of land and the introduction of new farming methods like four crop rotation rather than just three. New farming methods taking hold in Europe weren’t entirely the result of new crops introduced from the New World.
Of course, the Renaissance started at different times in different places. In Italy it started a couple centuries before it really took hold in Northern Europe. If I had to pin down a time, I’d say it was something like 1400 to 1450 with the discrepancy of corn and potatos being introduced earlier than in our world. Come to think of it, the Demon King may be responsible for touching off the Renaissance in the Human Realm.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I’d say it’s definitely pre-Renaissance. More like the time of the Crusades (like they talk about). Essentially, Maou is bringing about the Renaissance with her advances in navigation, food cultivation and storage, and desire to move the world from subsistence farming to surplus farming.
That move would by itself bring about the same kind of human advances as the Renaissance, because as more people are freed from applying the whole of their productivity to merely staying alive, the more other things they can do.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
It’s inconclusive because the anime hasn’t given us a sense of time and both suggestions have a huge gap in between them. The Crusades, more specifaclly the Third Crusades span in 1100’s while the Renaissance period is all the way in the 1400’s and surely by the latter, the population already had a sufficient amount of exposure to potatoes.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Well, I don’t think it’s really a direct copy of our world, just that it’s a roughly pre-Rennaissance period, which is not much of a revelation.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Yeah, of course it’s not a direct copy of our world so trying to figure out what time period it represents in our world is actually futile. It’s a fun intellectual exercise, though.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
The potato wasn’t introduced to Europe until the 2nd half of the 16th C. after the Spanish encountered it after conquoring the Incas. Even then farmers were slow to adopt it, mostly for the reason I pointed out above.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
European population increased throughout the 13th C. due to very favorable climatic conditions. It wasn’t until the onset of the Little Ice Age around 1350 and the Black Death that European population crashed.
Contact with the Levant during the Crusades and by Venetian and Genoan traders (who ferried the Crusaders to the Levant) stimulated intellectual knowledge in Europe. Italy was the first beneficiary of that and later it spread to other parts of Europe.
Maybe 1300 would have been a better guess as to the rough time period of our world. The Crusades as we regard them ended just a few years before then, although there may have been one or two last spasms later.
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
Demon Kin’g intelligence and charisma probably contributes to her rise as a King. That’s probably one of the reasons why people listen to her too. They’re charmed by her female appeal and her intelligence.
It’s also fun to see how she’s sexually conscious too. I love how two elements that are usually separated in women are mixed in the Demon King’s character. She can be sexy and smart at the same time
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Senran Kagura – 03: I call foul. Since when does bringing out a cannon count as a ninja art? Usually ninja weapons are swords, kunais, shurikens, arrows, paper bombs, etc but no guns or cannons.
That was the most perverted message session I’ve ever seen. I always wonder where the Japanese get these ideas to turn something normal into one big ecchi scene. They made me thought they had actually crossed that line.
The roles shouldn’t be reversed. Ikaruga is better off leading the girls while Asuka fits the underdog hero type. Since Yomi was only playing around during her fight, it painfully shows the good girls are at a huge disadvantage.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Right now, Asuka is the second weakest of them, just barely ahead of the thoroughly useless Hibari. She definitely shouldn’t be leading anyone. Ikaruga is the best leader so far, and probably will stay that way.
Ok, I’m now *rofl*. I was thinking “You know, what members of the Five Man Band trope are they?” So I go to look at the descriptions, and realize that they totally embraced it with the ED, down to Hibari with the Tambourine. I think it’s undeniable that Ikaruga is the Leader, plus she plays the coolest instrument.
I wonder if they designed all the characters with that in mind. I’m dyin’ here!
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Vividred Operation – 03: Wasn’t Akane supposed to keep her armor a secret? It will be bad if that unknown girl from the last battle sees her like that. There needs to be more information on her as much as the other lead girls.
Watching Wakabe’s character was like watching AKB0048’s Chieri again. Both their serious attitudes tend to get the best of them but they manage to fit the best friend category. It’s disturbing that not only did Wakabe get a key out of the blue and on short period of time knowing Akane but she also understood all the proceedures, no questions asked, of the transformations in one go as if she does it on a regular basis, especially the Docking. However, I did like her fusion form a lot more than Aoi’s.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Regarding Wakabe getting a key and knowing just what to do–this show isn’t about spending time explaining things. Stuff happens just because. That way they can get to the cool stuff. This is definitely a show where you need to disengage your brain and just go with it.
POWUH: 700-799 and Parkouring Fanboy with 776 comments
It was quite amusing to see Green go from wanting to beat up this girl to kissing her without instruction, and then merging their memories together in the most intimate experience she has ever had. I’ve seen rivalry turning into admiration aplenty, but this is something else! Akane seems to be cursed with the same girl magnetism that hounds harem leads.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Well, she does seem to be on her way to having a yuri harem.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Akane is now what Madoka was in Rinne no Lagrange raking in all the impressionable girls in her path. Yuri for the win!!
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Oh my God, I never realized she was never instructed to kiss Akane. She just knew somehow. That girl has some CRAZY STRONG PHEROMONES or..or..something. I really don’t know what.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 15: Three girls under the same roof in Sorata’s house… That’s a crime! The bastard is luckier than he can possibly comprehend. And his dad is brutal. “I do not find polygamy acceptable”. The guy’s trying to shoot down the harem possibility but his efforts are in vain if he ever pays a surprise to Sakurasou.
For his wife dilemma, I’m torn between Mashiro and Nanami. It’s a 50/50 struggle and if it wasn’t for his dad’s disapproval of polygamy, maybe he could have had a harem ending. Nanami gets points for things like offering to help Yuuko out advice on the presentation but Mashiro gets hers for being sweet and trying to get his approval.
I admire what Jin’s trying to do. By separating from Misaki even though it troubles him, he wants to study to be successful and give her a bright future and not just himself when they get together and didn’t sleep with her like he did with other girls because he wants to keep her pure until then. Since everyone left Sakurasou for the holidays, they should have shown where Ryuunosuke was staying.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
See, I think Jin’s being a bit prudish and very selfish about it, and unnecessarily hurting Misaki for his own sake. Because no matter what, she’s still a 17 year old girl, and one who can be quite naive, and one who’s had all these feelings for Jin. And she’s been focused on her creations and him, and that’s it. Meanwhile, Jin’s been around, has plenty of experience, and enjoyed lots of other relationships, all while holding Misaki at arm’s length but never overtly turning her down and saying “I cannot be your boyfriend.” Like Fuuka said, half the reason he was dating her was because it was like dating Misaki but still keeping her pure.
If he wants to be successful enough for Misaki, then that’s great. But there’s no reason to punish her by putting her on a shelf while he goes and finds himself. He could work on that while being with her, and who knows, maybe a different kind of exposure to her (No, not THAT kind), a more honest relationship with her, would allow him to see something different about her, something that he could apply to himself, much like Sorata keeps finding in Mashiro and Nanami.
POWUH: Meta Team and Megane-chan with 3214 comments
Say what you will, Sorata’s father is awesome.
Ehhh, I don’t know how I would feel about a harem ending. I’m rooting for Mashiro myself, but this is one of the rare occasions where I’d be willing to see my ship lose. Nanami is just that great.
Oh right, Ryuunosuke. …Uhh, not a clue where he is. I wouldn’t be surprised he he just stayed at Sakurasou and nobody noticed because he never comes out of his room in the first place.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Phew! I’ve had a busy week. Not been able to maintain a presence here all that time. But, hey, life is up and downs, right?
So, we got the Faps?
Settlers of Cataan: The Anime
I agree very much. Demon King Moe seems to be the smartest tack on the board, and is pretty much holding the show together. I couldn’t be more pleased! Dominate oh Mighty Demon King! Dominate them with your mind, and your taters, and with your yams.
VividOshiri Operation!
I like it when an institute of education has standards. These are great standards to uphold. Yes. Yes ::sage like nod:: Yes. Guys just don’t line up in the DAT ASS department.
One thing I have to mention is: What they heck is up with Akane’s smooove fighting grooves, eh? Where did she even learn some of that. She’s jumping, and leaping, and catching practice swords like she was born to it. Forget the fastball, forget the range, just have her fight the Alone barehanded.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Welcome back Skylion!
Vivid: Akane is boss that is all! I guess she is just special xD
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
It’s the Powah of the MC! I hope VividMomo Operation becomes a reality. She’s a great character.
And I know people notice Isshiki-san peaking out of Momo’s shirt. Damn Damn Damn lucky little otter.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Maoyuu reminds me of Settlers too! If they get into trading sheep for wheat or road-building then we’ll really be talking.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Wood for sheep….
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
I laugh every time someone makes that trade.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
As do I. You know, now that I think of it, the show might remind me more of Agricola, that one is a bit more complex, and more rewarding.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Boob Ninjas!
It has boobs and it has ninjas. Anything else is just trying to hard. Be all you can be, Boob Ninjas.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Don’t forget the shameless sexual innuendo that’s wrapped in as well. Like the way everyone eats those sushi and that insane message scene. It made me think of this.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
This is the boob part….
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
That scene? I remember it was so damn funny xD
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Bait and Switch is best!
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
So should I move C3 up on my backlog watch list, since I’ve cleared off Chihayafuru now? I’ve been wondering how it is.
POWUH: Meta Team and Megane-chan with 3214 comments
Not bad, not the worst. The harem lead is pretty cool, the harem itself is cool too. …It was a great 1st arc, but then the villain changed and the story kind of …fell apart.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
The lead, Haruaki, is cool considering he’s played by Yuki Kaji. It’s one of the few roles where he doesn’t play a weak hearted, cowardly character.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
UST runs in the family: The Anime
Perfect Waifu material anyone? The Good Ship Nanami is just to perfect, to amazing, to all around wonderful. The heart doesn’t know practical, it only knows instinct. And on that level Sorata is totally into Mashiro. JC Staff loves the odd ball couples, Taiga x Ryuuji? Instinct level love right there.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
I have heard a lot of hate towards Nanami because everyone likes the pairing of Sorata and Mashiro sadly…I don’t really mind who he chooses, but in the end a heart will be broken T___T
JC Staff really does love their odd couples! Even though it isn’t officially cannon Misaka x Touma from good old index is always a hated pairing…
Taiga x Ryuuji FOREVER! I love that pairing.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
I don’t have a single speck of hate for Nanami. She is a great character. Just to perfect in the context of the show. That perfection just hoists the relationship death flags up a million mile high pole.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Yeah, Nanami’s “Not going to get Sorata” flag is as big as the one they spread over a football field for the National Anthem. But I’m going down with the ship. It may be fleeing a wolfpack of U-boats through iceberg-ridden shark-infested waters, but I’m sticking with it.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Bless you, good Captain.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
It’s the honorable thing to do. A good captain always goes down with his ship (I’m so glad I’m not the captain). Everyone else, abandon ship if the time comes.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of people trying to shout me down on other sites for being a Nanami fan, stuff like “Well, she can’t win, so you’re just being delusional” and “Quit fooling yourself, it’s obvious Sorata’s not doesn’t see her like that at all”. It’s almost *too* defensive, like they’re not sure that Mashiro’s going to actually end up with Sorata (which I pretty much am sure of).