For the FINAL Glory!
Update: Soon to reach 1,800 votes within 25hrs. This will be a tough race till finish!
It’s been more than a three months run starting first week of April, when the contestants were announced along with poll schedule. It took month and so many rounds for the numbers to drop from 168 to just two. It’s an understatement to say that it’s been a long journey. I almost feel like, I’ve gone for pilgrimage and now I can finally see the light that was promised to me. The team has been planning since April 7 in the background with brainstorming, graphics to scheduling of special posts; the Metanorn team never stopped and neither got tired. Before any other update, let me applaud my teammates, without whom this was not possible. We are a rag-tag team, contributing from seven different countries, twelve different locations and time zones. The maximum difference is twelve hours and I literally reside in future but we have crossed these boundaries as a team. In our weakness and strength, we are together as a band of friends, who are tight and ready to back each other up.
Honestly speaking, a lot of well-wishers told me not to participate but I wanted to give this a try because the first one was a blur. The team had same thoughts and thus we began a long journey of highlights and of course mildly campaigning for our first two rounds along with raising the intensity as we progressed. We didn’t have anything planned after Quarterfinals so when the semi-finals hit, we were almost beside ourselves. Going up against the Tourney I boss was no easy feat; not to mention, he acknowledged the competition and pinned the post for emphasis. Due to hidden votes, we didn’t know if we were winning or losing. But we spammed on twitter and poked our friends to go vote for the tourney they were all new to. After days of campaigning and wait, we finally got this:
Lots of fireworks were shot (4th of July was just excuse!) and partying done. We heard the crowd cheer and for a while, we didn’t know anything except for exchanging unintelligible messages with each other. Once the calm returned, we put our game-faces back on for the final haul. This time we are facing the notorious, who for some reason likes to get a rise out of anisphere along with trolling. Personally, I don’t understand his point but everyone has their own way I guess. Content-wise he writes fansub-reviews that are followed by a closed community, who like their subs on quality side (who doesn’t?). In comparison to ours, there’s nothing because the content categories are completely different and not being a fansub reviewer, I can’t critique his posts. Which leaves me to simply plug: check out both the sites and vote for yourself.
But I would like it more, if you support Metanorn Team instead. We are ablaze in competition and will be campaigning hard to win your vote. Now, let’s hear it from the team:
Battlecry Messages from the Team
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This is it! Are you ready everybody?! Metanorn is in the finale gonna try to beat another to take that primetime spot to be the new kings on the block working hard for the title, the top grand prize, We’re feelin’ ready to win, light the fireworks high For victory, because it’s almost fact Metanorn is gonna win this pact Raise your hands for the pride of Red Bracket! |
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Can you believe it folks? WE ARE IN THE FREAKING FINALS! Ahem…anyway it sure has been exciting to see all the flooding of support from everyone on Twitter, G+,Tumblr and Facebook. Thank you for all the support up to this point, but it is not over yet! We need your votes to progress the final round so VOTE4META! DO IT NOW! Because there will be special hugs for everyone <3 <3 <3 Thank you again! |
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Thank you to all who have showed their support for us. You know that we wouldn’t be where we are without you fans and stalkers. But showing your support by voting for us isn’t over yet. So, Vote 4 Meta! Nuff’ said. |
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Ah the aniblog tourney has been such a journey for Metanorn, but we managed to make it all the way to the finals thanks to all of your support!~ Thanks for the love, and we’ll be needing your help for this final push to the champion title. °◡°♡ So, one last time, METANORN FIGHTO!~ |
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T-t-t-t-the finals! We actually made it past THE psgels! Can’t… form… proper… thoughts… too… shocked… Thank you guys SO MUCH for supporting us during our last round and let’s take this ALL THE WAY! |
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Woah. Honestly, when we first started out I would’ve never imagined that we would make it to the finals, and the journey so far has been amazing! A very bigggg thank you goes out to all our readers and voters, you’ve made this worth fighting for! ♥ This is the last stretch, so there’s no time for whining, we’re in it to win it! |
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Our battle for the Holy Grail is almost over. We have bested a most formidable foe in Psgels. What I’m going to do now is use all 3 of my command spells at once on you. First command, #Vote4Meta. Second command, don’t vote for our competition. Third command, listen to the MetaVerse podcast. That last one isn’t the most relevant to the tourney, but I’d always love to have new listeners enjoying and commenting on the shows. |
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IT’S. THE. FINALE. So not nervous so not nervous SO NOT NERVOUS. Ok, I’m not nervous. Please support Metanorn by voting for us in this final round (and spread the word too, teheh)! It would mean a lot to us if you do. Go go Metanorn! We can do it! *raises pom poms* |
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So in a match that saw over 1,400 votes, victory was determined by a margin of just 13. So thank you everyone for voting; your vote mattered. We’ve taken down the former champion, but we still have to get past one more obstacle if we are to call ourselves the champions. As should be expected, the other finalist,, is an absolute juggernaut, so we’re going to need to keep pushing in these final 2 days. Please help us make this happen; victory is within our reach! |
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With a lot of hard work, we beat a veritable blogging giant in the semi-finals. However, it’s a bit too early to start going all-out with celebrations JUST YET because we have one more match. This is the big one. It would be a huge honour to be crowned the winner of the tournament (i.e. we can brag and rub it in everyone’s faces) so please vote for Metanorn if you like us! |
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Thank you is a small word but I gotta say it, many times if I have to. Those last 13 votes mattered and so this round: speak out, vote for us, if you like what we do. I know we are not the best aniblog out there and no, we haven’t perfected our ‘form’ just yet. But that is what makes us different because we are continuously learning and experimenting to become better. To some people, we might be too cluttered or even giving them epileptic seizures but IT IS ALRIGHT. We’ll keep evolving with time and you can follow/unfollow us anytime. Because that is how we are. We are META! So, supporters spread the word of #Vote4Meta, while enjoying some more cheesiness: |
POWUH: iLurker with 7 comments
Congrats on making it to the finals, and I hope you can win this whole thing!
…And I guess I’ll be commenting more since I added Metanorn to my blogroll at the insistence of your friends at RC. 😀
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 28 comments
You got my sure vote for reason I don’t want to explain.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Congratulations! 😀
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 62 comments
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Congratulations for winning the Aniblog Tourney.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
[12:55] the rules should say one vote per individual
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 53 comments