
Moar birthday fun and this time for one of our raw meat~
We promised more birthdays, and here they are! …Or at least one of them. It’s lvlln’s birthday this time, so here are the team’s wishes! |
Hey lvlln, Happy Birthday today! Hope today is a great day with food, cake and a couple drinks (not 100% sure of your sports affiliation, but maybe a Pats win would be a nice bonus gift?) |
Happy Birthday, raw meat!! You’ve only just started writing for us, so that means we need to try extra hard to make you feel like one of us with a giant, Meta-party! Just pretend we all suddenly arrived at your doorstep on your birthday, shoved a cake in your face, then left. That’s roughly how I imagine it would pan out. Anyways, I hope we get to talk more or even tag team something together in the future. :3 Once again, Happy Birthday lvlln! I hope you have a great time today. |
Happy birthday lvlln!~ 😀 I hope you have an awesome birthday, and eat lots of good food, and get lots of cool gifts, and just have an amazing day in general! I know you’re a fellow freshy, but I look up to you for having such a great amount of experience with anime, and hopefully one day I’ll be as knowledgeable and informative a blogger as you are. Wish you all the best on your birthday! ^^ (PS. Whenever I see your name I pronounce it level light novel in my head … that’s probably terribly wrong!!) |
Woooo another January birthday! This time from one of the Raw Meats XD Exciting~! Well, I have yet to get to know you well lvlln but I do hope to in the near future with some chatting and even tagteam. January is always a busy month because there’s just so much going on. But we can always make time for birthdays and the fun that it can bring. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Despite your birthday being on a Sunday this year, hopefully you don’t have to cut the party short because of Monday stuff. So yeah, have an awesome one filled with loads of fun and relaxation~! |

Happy Birthday, lvlln! I hope you have a great day today filled with lots of cake and maybe some special gifts?! I drew you a picture with Araragi and Senougahara teaming up to eat some cake…gotta love bunny girl version of Senjougahara drawn in Kill me baby style, I hope you enjoy it. |
So this is your first birthday with Metanorn lvlln! How exciting~! Are you enjoying it so far? I hope so. We haven’t really had a chance to chat yet but hopefully we’ll get around to it soon! Until then have a happy birthday, (if you are old enough to drink, or even if you’re not! Who cares!) have a few and relish whatever it is your going to do on this awesome day! |
Happy birthday lvlln! I barely talk to you at all. Heck, did we even talk before? I don’t think we did… Anyhow, since today is you birthday, make sure you celebrate it! Doesn’t have to be a big party, but this is the day where you’re allowed to eat a lot! So make sure you do that! And after your birthday, I hope we’ll talk more with each other 😉 Once more, happy birthday! |
Happy birthday, lvlln! I can’t say that I’ve talked to you all that much, but I hope your day is awesome~. Hopefully we can tag or talk more in the future! So once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (…On a side note, I think Fosh pronounced your name like “Ivlyn” (with an I and not an L) or something on skype once. …Is that the right way? “Levlyn”? “Levline”? Lol maybe our present to you should be to pronounce your name properly.) |

January is sure a happening month for the Metanorn team because we have so many birthdays lined up! Happy Birthday, lvlln! I hope you have a good one with loads of surprises, cake, surprises and some moar Type-Moon goodness (that you can never get less of). With you being so active with SCCSAV, we definitely need to have a live meta-watch soon. |
We live, laugh, enjoy and strictly believe on "more the merrier". When together, we usually come up with very chatty, conversation-based episodics and interesting posts.
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 199 comments
Happy b-day! Nice work so far, you post Nisemono review even before I watch it, and that is something 😛
POWUH: 800-899 and Flying Sage with 856 comments
Happy Birthday, and best wishes for great year ahead.
POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
Happy birthday! (:
POWUH: iLurker with 12 comments
Happy Birthday lvlln!!!!