Left to Right: Tales from Metanorn

It’s been brewing in the darkness for sometime, but now it’s finally here!

Hato: Okay! Fine! You caught us! Would it be right to assume that some people may have been confused at Junko’s title, which reads “Comic Artist”. Well, here is why! I’ve had this idea floating around my head for a few months, and earlier this month, we decided to jump on it. The result? Read on and find out!

Hato: Well, there you have it! The first installment of the Tales from Metanorn, Left to Right! Now this is just the beginning. Like Kyokai states in the last panel, this plan starts with this. So, where are we going from here? We already have a few ideas with where to take it, but to find out you’ll have to keep reading! At first, we plan to release a strip every two weeks, and of course, once we have more time and resources (two people are doing this all by hand, people!), that may increase. Same goes with demand, if this takes off, we’ll have to deliver! But enough from the lowly editor! Let’s hear from the one who put the most effort into this, Junko!

Junko: Uwaah! This is been so much fun! I guess Hato has already introduced it but please enjoy a piece of Meta history, brought to you by Left to Right! I’ve got so many hopes and dreams for this comic. Playful stories from the ‘Metanorn Office’, stories to our takes on your favourite anime and everything in between! Maybe even a little drama and storyline, haha. I’ve got so much planned for this and I am way way excited and hope everyone enjoys this. A big huge thankyou to Kyo, who gave us the a-okay, and to my editor, Hattori -er- Hato. Please enjoy!

Kyokai: Even when this was a bit exaggerated, I felt a lump in my throat when I saw the final version of this after conceiving it along with Hato and Junko. This has been one of those plans that have been sitting in our Ideas Bank since January and finally with the induction of Junko, it’s become possible. Great art work and conceptualization; sure brings back some memories but I can easily say Metanorn has become an interesting highlight in my life, which I took as a challenge. With much love and respect for Kanzie and Tsui. And, of course, world domination.

My team and I have many plans for the anniversary, so this is just the beginning. Expect more interesting content till the end of month, so keep on watching this space people! But before then, like Cool-chan reminded, guess who is who above and 10 points to everyone who guesses it rightly. Ja ne~


We live, laugh, enjoy and strictly believe on "more the merrier". When together, we usually come up with very chatty, conversation-based episodics and interesting posts.
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86 Responses to “Left to Right: Tales from Metanorn”

  1. Zabobinator says:

    WOOOOOH!!! It’s out! This is so great! Good job Junko! You’re awesome! 🙂

    Props to Hato and Kyokai too of course! 🙂

    • Namika says:

      *0* you stole my first comment!!!!! TT^TT

      Naah, I’m just kidding, it’s okay ^^

    • Kyokai says:

      The art style is awesome and whole thing fits so well! Amazing team work to get this out. xD

    • Junko says:

      Thanks so much, look foward to the fresh meat issues coming up next~

  2. Namika says:


    How many times must you catch me(and a lot of other people) off-guard?! 😀
    The art is adorable! *,* Junko, great work! Hato, great idea!

    Also. I am bracing myself. For that “more interesting content till the end of month” >.> trying……. guessing……..

    • Kyokai says:

      Fufufuuuu~ I guess, I love surprising people? :3

      Three year anniversary doesn’t come everyday so definitely warrants some continued merrymaking and special posts. ^^

      • Namika says:

        Yup, the anniversary is definitely worth celebrating!! :3
        Mou-ichido, Omedettooo~! ^^

  3. Overcooled says:

    I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again – AWESOME WORK ON THE COMIC. I really can’t wait to see more. <3

    As for our readers, can you guess who is who? ;D

    • Kyokai says:

      With the many ideas cooking in the back burner, we sure would be looking forward to more. xD

      Good question, I should go add that in my comments, 10 points to everyone who guesses right!

      • Namika says:

        My turn to guess!!! ^^
        Show ▼

    • Ruby says:

      Lol I’m good at guessing! ;D it’s Show ▼

      • Hato-kun says:

        Incorrect! Keep guessing!

      • Yvoon says:

        how do you know this?! T-T

        i didnt get any of them… 🙁

        *go hides in a dark corner*

        • Ruby says:

          Lolol cuz I talked to everyone on msn and kinda know what their personalities are like :] I feel so proud of myself teehee c: don’t worry, you’ll get it right eventually 😀

  4. VucubCaquix says:

    Aw, this is so cute.

  5. Balloon Thief says:

    This looks great. Way to go Junk and Hato. It looks professionally done.

    Who’s the person wearing the helmet supposed to be?

    Can’t wait for the next comic.

    • Kyokai says:

      Thank you! <3

      You gotta guess from the team. Take wild guesses. xD

  6. Eri says:

    Are you intending on taking over every “industry” there’s out? Hey, you still haven’t made T-shirts with “I <3 METANONRN" prints :3

    • Kyokai says:

      Fufufufuuuu~ My keyword is diversity for Metanorn but staying true to the fandom industry still.
      And who knows they might be in production, though I can bet we’ll have very less demand.

    • Ness says:

      That can be arranged xD

    • Junko says:

      I’m seconding T-shirts here, I’d like one!

  7. Babitto says:

    This looks really good!! Will this be sold in a manga volume? xD haha I would buy one <3

  8. Alynn says:

    This is so awesome! The lines are so nice and clean, and I don’t know why, but I like the way the feet and hands are drawn, especially.
    /Already hooked

    • Ness says:

      Yeah, I got to witness Hato’s raging on how hard it was to do some editing on the comic xD Junko is just awesome and even has her own assistant haha.

    • Junko says:

      Thankyou! I was really paranoid about working with this art style for a while, it’s great to hear that people like it 😀

  9. Elyon says:

    *_* WOW. This looks incredible!
    You guys just keep cranking out all of this amazing stuff!

  10. Hoshi says:

    ~This is just so amazing; it’s like the prologue to some epic story (which I’m sure it will be) xD
    JUNKO I LOVE YOUR ART<3 I'm officially your fan, hahaha!

  11. baka_girl says:

    Wow, nice!!
    My question about Comic Artist’s job description was answered! xD
    But it’s so hard to guess who is who, any hint? 😀
    Well, I’ll try first then..
    Show ▼

  12. Moni Chan says:


  13. anaaga says:


  14. Foshizzel says:

    YAY! I am so excited to see going up! Great work Junko on the drawings <3 the designs! And Hato for cleaning things up hahah nice job!

    Can't wait to see more so exciting! 😛

  15. Ness says:

    Great work Junko and Hato! The comic looks so awesome!

    Guess hearing Hato raging on Skype about lines and his out-dated Photoshop was well worth it hehehe just wish I recorded it xD

  16. Ruby says:

    Wow nice artwork Junko and great idea Hato ;D
    The characters look so cute! XD Is there gonna be more characters outside of the meta team? hehe I’m super excited for the drama and love triangles XDD

  17. Reaper says:

    Aw, it’s adorable! The humble origins of Metanorn’s plan for world domination spread of anime/manga love! Hats off to Junko and Hato for the awesome comic 🙂

  18. Amutofan123 says:

    Oh, this is a really good idea! And I love your art, Junko~ It’s so cute! Looking forward to more!

  19. amado says:

    this is good.
    as long as there are gags, sexual innuendo, romance, slice of life, blood, action, adventure, horror, etc.

    not asking too much, am I?

    • Junko says:

      I think..I think we actually have enough planned to cover all those, actually!

      If not, challange accepted!

  20. Hato-kun says:

    Thanks everyone for your awesome words! We’ve got some very cool story arcs to play with and a multitude of gag strips we can go with, so expect to see a little bit of everything!

    Thanks again everyone! <3

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