Freezing – 01 (NSFW)


Ness: Welcome! Somehow Fosh and I got stuck with the almighty goddess Kyo to cover the release of Freezing and the outcome is epic!

Kyokai: So, here we are the three musketeers… /shot. Anibloggers to discuss the most titillating watch of the Winter season. Yeah, that was a pun. I can bet everyone has seen those giant bubbles >.>

Ness: Well, yes

Foshizzel: lol bubbles? XD


Kyokai: URGHHH I don’t want to see other girls’ you-know-whats but as I signed up for it, I need to be objective about those giant bubbles. I was chatting with Eri yesterday and we talked on lengths over it >.>

Foshizzel: LOL, so it’s one of these shows, huh?

Kyokai: Yeah, I watched this for Noto Mamiko

Foshizzel: Bubbles are nice >.>;

Kyokai: Yeah, of course, they are bubble after all.

Ness: So yeah, that opening scene…

Foshizzel: She’s so slow at getting dressed, slow camera

Kyokai: SO SLOW

Ness: It’s supposed to have anticipation! Like how we don’t even see her face yet too

Kyokai: Lulz, yeah, we are stuck to her boobs and ass for a long time… who looks at faces this day and age anyway, huh?

Ness: Cool transformation, way better than Sailor Moon

Foshizzel: glowwwww so the dress comes out of her

Ness: The symbol on her back is like one of those blow-up parts on beach balls.

Kyokai: Lol. The OP is fine~

Foshizzel: Sparkles on that OP

Ness: I really like this song! It’s like the 3rd time I’m listening to it

Foshizzel: Train ride… be sure to say hi to Sora

Kyokai: Btw, is this some late night show or something

Foshizzel: not for kids?

Foshizzel: fighting in rain woooo blood

Kyokai: I like the reconstructions but mannnn, nice fight!

Foshizzel: dramatic music… HEADSHOT fail

Ness: The sneaky attacks are awesome. Panty shots!

Kyokai: Loads of ’em

Foshizzel: WWE of the future

Kyokai: Girls fight it out, the rough style

Ness: More blood everywhere><;

Kyokai: Oh btw, I was thinking this is actually Toshima for girl :3

Foshizzel: Yes, yes blood… no one messes with the 12th block

WTF panty shots

Ness: Military guys and we don’t even see there faces like the opening!

Foshizzel: Physics!

Ness: The principal is a nun who is okay with the violence?!

Kyokai: lulz, anime plotlines for you

Foshizzel: OMG twin tail

Ness: Carnival sounds like a bad name for such an event

Foshizzel: This computer cost a billion dollars

Kyokai: What kind of training is that?! Oh btw, why was she blushing then. Weird.

Foshizzel: Super special kind



Kyokai: I WILL CUT YOU – Awesome!

Foshizzel: She’s the king of the hill now


Kyokai: SABER~ <3

Foshizzel: Such a lovely morning

Kyokai: She reminds me of saber for sure

Ness: Her favorite food is HAMBURGERS!

Foshizzel: Nuns… what is this, INDEX?

Kyokai: If she says, Harahetta, I’m outta here!

Why do they need to know her 3 sizes and favorite food?!

Kyokai: Cut to a scene from grey’s anatomy

Foshizzel: OMG operation

Ness: Creepy

Kyokai: BLOOD, yeah!

Foshizzel: This is not scrubs D:

Ness: SKIN!

Kyokai: Ewww. Regrowth is tough business

Foshizzel: A GUY, OMG

Ness: What’s with the obvious breast shot of the teacher ><;

Kyokai: YAHHH – girly looking though


Foshizzel: He’s a trap

Kyokai: Oh, aren’t we full of traps, nyaa~

Foshizzel: Strike witches?

Ness: Story time! IT COMES, the monster from the sea!

Kyokai: Who the hell is this monster, reminds me of eva’s angels

Rejected monster from Eva

Foshizzel: DBZ FACE

Ness: Oh shit, she has DBZ scope on

Vegeta lent this to me~

Foshizzel: Only you girls can save the Daaayyyyyyyy

Kyokai: Girl power, yeah! XD

Foshizzel: She was once the master chief…

Ness: Riiiggght

Foshizzel: but died in a horrible free fall

Kyokai: Noto Mamiko~ <3


Foshizzel: Yes…hug her when she’s CHANGING

Kyokai: hennayatsu~

Ness: But really, this is sad…

Foshizzel: Sounds like MGS. Waaaahhhh big babby

Ness: Be quiet Fosh, don’t ruin my moment here!

Kyokai: oh man……… poor limiters….

Foshizzel: Woot! Helicopter ride

Ness: The school president who doesn’t open her eyes… creepy

Foshizzel: this school is loaded

Kyokai: Close eyes are always creepy

Ness: Yeah><

Foshizzel: Gin family line

Kyokai: Yeppers, born schemers

Ness: YOUNGER BOYS as Limiters! I’ll rob that cradle!

Foshizzel: We gots no money for eyes

Kyokai: Yeahhhh… Again that Eva music. FREEZZZZZZINGAAA!

Foshizzel: POWER UP. I have Mai Hime flashbacks

My duel pose is better than Cardfight! Vanguard and Rio!

Ness: Seriously this monster looks like from Eva

Foshizzel: The left over bosses

Kyokai: Yep, and even the background music is the same and dem cores~

Foshizzel: its just like strike witches! kill the core = win

Kyokai: Same as eva too. What a meshup

Foshizzel: 999999 damage

Ness: This part is so sick

Kyokai: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh painful

Ness: Falling limbs, ewwww

Foshizzel: She won’t make it to season2

Kyokai: GORE, YEAH

Ness: REI from Eva! When her limbs fall off and crap

Kyokai: Is there a season 2? 0.0

Foshizzel: No idea xD

Kyokai: I hope not!


Foshizzel: and thats how babies are made

Kyokai: She’s talking about someone’s death with that creepy smile. I don’t like this taichou at all

Foshizzel: lol

Ness: I know! It’s so bad

Foshizzel: Retreat!

Kyokai: Oh, the hime-sama~

Foshizzel: One girl…with the power!

Ness: But this scene with Kazuha was touching for me…

Kyokai: She’s gonna save the world


Kyokai: It IS

Foshizzel: Queue sadness

Kyokai: Good music too

Ness: But that one moment of a sigh just hit the spot…

Foshizzel: Yep! Player defeated!


Kyokai: with a sacrifice… Touche~

Foshizzel: All she got was a shirt for loot

Kyokai: Lulz

Ness: What shirt… she isn’t wearing one still

Foshizzel: all that military tech

Kyokai: the texture, yeah

Kyokai: Yokosou Shounen~

Ness: Welcome committee of one girl!

Foshizzel: Wink~

Kyokai: I had to say that. If only Nakata Jouji was in this

Foshizzel: Lol

Ness: Whooosh, panty shot and he blushes!

Foshizzel: She didn’t get her cookies damn it

Kyokai: Be ready for more boob shots

Foshizzel: Owned!

Ness: And all this time Brigette has been fighting since night




Kyokai: Love the blade

Foshizzel: Clone of saber!


Foshizzel: Dude, all I said was nice face D:

Kyokai: HAHAHAAAA. We have a one track mind. We can’t help it

Foshizzel: Lol



Kyokai: Yeahhhh

Foshizzel: We can kill all the students

Kyokai: Welcome to your DEATH

Foshizzel: Twin tail with attitude? How original…


Ness: Omg this girl

Kyokai: Hahahaa, told yaaa

Foshizzel: It’s cool, this happens all the time






Foshizzel: Must touchhhh

Kyokai: I remember Kuroko here

Ness: Kon, haha

Foshizzel: Whoa, buddy

Kyokai: Oh sure, bury your face in and go nomnomnomnom

Ness: Boob hug GO GO

Foshizzel: Saying hi

Kyokai: Lulzzzz


Foshizzel: Soffttt

Kyokai: YEAHHHH… Holyshit

Foshizzel: She’s unclean now… he really missed her O_O

Kyokai: Oh right, Limiter made in heaven?!

Ness: Ya, really

Foshizzel: lol, HAMBURGER

Kyokai: wow what transition, that seemed a forced cut >.>

Ness: What a cut off

Kyokai: Song is not bad but you know what is missing?!

Foshizzel: Yep, access denied

Kyokai: All the girls should be swinging on poles

Ness: Hahahha

Foshizzel: Yep… slowly..

Kyokai: Sorry, I got spoiled by Panty and Stocking

Ness: But the president’s scene is funny. The shadow!

Foshizzel: Ending song is catchy

Kyokai: Lulzzz

Foshizzel: They are Freezing in place… fk your chains

Kyokai: End scene EPIC. What’s up with that mushy music?

Foshizzel: Chibi pic, cuteeeeee

Ness: Meh

Kyokai: Lol

End Thoughts:

Kyokai: So, what did everybody think about this? I was reminded of old-school animation from this; kinda late 90s with the colouring and character designs.

Foshizzel: Well, definitely a show for the guys, not much of a plot yet but seems like Queens blade set in the future.

Ness: The animation didn’t feel too up to date, yeah.

Kyokai: Definitely a show for guys

Foshizzel: HoTD without the zombies, throw in some aliens and you get this

Kyokai: Yeppp, add in some mecha suites and baddies, you got the new spin

Foshizzel: High school of the mecha. Well, Queens blade was exactly the same as this but mid-evil/magic

Kyokai: Great, we get moar fan service

Foshizzel: Less gore though

Ness: Yeah, I watched a few episodes of Queens Blade but the story wasn’t as good and the action was shit

Kyokai: Was Queen’s Blade censored?

Foshizzel: Not really

Ness: At least in this Freezing, I can tell that we’ll get some good fighting. BLOOD AND MOAR BLOOD!

Foshizzel: Lots of topless shots

Kyokai: So the same category… YEAHHH BLOOD

Foshizzel: Yeah blood xD

Kyokai: AND FIGHTS, I love it xD

Foshizzel: We can all agree the blood and fighting was great

Ness: Yes

Kyokai: Oh, hells yes

Foshizzel: People die in this xD

Kyokai: The voice acting also

Foshizzel: I was more into the music xD felt like every Micheal Bay soundtrack thrown into one anime

Ness: I liked the BGMs for the most part, matched what we saw

Kyokai: BGMS were good

Foshizzel: Yes

Ness: Especially the sacrificing of oneee-sama<_<; Maybe the only turnoff so far is the Nova WTF Eva Monster Rejects.

Foshizzel: Haha, the monsters, designed by 12 year olds >.>

Ness: But what did you guys think of the story in general? Carnival is a tournament to get the strongest Pandora. Pandora’s exist to fight Nova.

Foshizzel: Sounds like every other “tournament” theme show

Ness: And Limiters are little toy boys for the Pandoras~

Kyokai: Oh hells yes, definitely

Ness: I want to see the actual tournament happen though. I want to see more of the Limiter’s role in it.

Kyokai: Their little helpers

Foshizzel: As long as he doesn’t have to kiss all the girls and build a harem to power them up. Like in samurai girls

Kyokai: Lol, we have another contender for this: IS

Ness: He already has a harem~ He’s the little brother of every girl’s hero!

Kyokai: All of the girls in school, yeah

Foshizzel: hardcore siscon

Kyokai: YOSH. No wincest though

Foshizzel: Course

Kyokai: Half the fandom just said boo and sighed

Foshizzel: Lol

Kyokai: This is for those who like fighting and gore with some fan service thrown in. Definitely a series for the guys but strong-willed girls like myself and Ness would like this as well xD

Foshizzel: Of course XD

Ness: I’m slightly excited for seeing the next episode.

Foshizzel: Same… more bloody fights

Kyokai: What’s gonna happen with the imouto double

Foshizzel: Waiting for the expected beach episode…

Kyokai: The guy is pretty much her limiter now

Ness: Beach episode, haha

Kyokai: lulzzzz

Ness: Class trip!

Foshizzel: Where someone will lose an arm or a head or other body part

Kyokai: Social studies trip

Ness: But it’s fine because they have the techonology to fix all of that :3

Kyokai: Regrowth is srs bsns

Foshizzel: What did you learn at school, Sarah? OH how to cut people in half

Kyokai: And look mama, I gotta new dress for it too!

Ness: Hey, it is a school for fighting heh. They’re all basically military experiments in a sense

Foshizzel: True… weapons with a bust XD

Ness: HAH

Foshizzel: So, in a way much like eva pilots are made for one thing to kill aliens

Kyokai: Yepp to save the world. It’s sad how strong women have to show boob and panty shots to fight each other. >.>

Foshizzel: True

Ness: I think the series would be fine without such things

Kyokai: It’s like that nipple joke from Togainu no Chi

Foshizzel: In the end they just want $$

Kyokai: I think so too, Ness. And those DVD and Blu-ray sales

Foshizzel: Pretty much

Kyokai: What else is there?!

Foshizzel: brb, rewatching jkjk

Kyokai: XD

Foshizzel: Haha… I wanna hear that music again >..>

Kyokai: You are already a fanboy~

Ness: Just turn the video on without watching it, haha

Kyokai: Oh, he will watch it too :3

Ness: Most likely

Kyokai: Fufufufuuuuu~

Foshizzel: Haha xD

Kyokai: Thank you for hearing us babble, peeps~

Foshizzel: Byes 😛

Kyokai: Actually READING


Kyokai: See ya next time~ xD

Foshizzel: Reading is hard…See ya

Kyokai: Hopefully……..

Ness: Next time… and we will see this:

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31 Responses to “Freezing – 01 (NSFW)”

  1. bakuhasu says:

    Why does the plot, animation, characters (besides that naked chick Kitamura Eri~), and other uninteresting elements make this show somewhat enjoyable?

    • Kyokai says:

      Because we like weird things and sometimes shit anime are hella interesting. :3

  2. Bass says:

    Lmao great chat review guys, was definitely entertaining.

    I’ve downloaded this but I didn’t feel as big an urge to watch it as I did last week. All the reviews I’ve read have been about how it’s a fanservice show that wishes it was more, and that it has potential.

    I think I’m gonna wait for a few more eps before I commit, so I guess Ill be on the sidelines on this one.

    Now where is that “must-see” show of this season….

    • Ness says:


      I don’t know if there really is any ‘must-see’ show for this season but you’ll find probably it next season hehe~

  3. Dan-go says:

    Boob physics 😀

    • Kyokai says:

      …defies gravity in anime.

      • anaaga says:

        another reason why i’m attracted to this show. it’s funny how all the boobs in anime can actually do amazing stuff. change shape, defies gravity…changed into a star?

  4. Captain says:


  5. Hime says:


  6. Foshizzel says:

    Was a fun review! This show is crazy with all the blood and gore and yes boob physics Lol… will be a fun show to follow!

  7. Overcooled says:

    I need more blood in my gore:boobies ratio to make this worth my time. Seriously, this is worse than HOTD. -.- Hopefully we get a bit more substance soon, or I’m outta here.

  8. anaaga says:

    excuse me??? NOTHING can EVER bear sailor moon’s transformation! D:<

    and so far this is like the biggest boobs i've seen this season. bigger than rio's.

    i'm actually watching this. even though my eyes turned blind every time i see the whole boobs, panties, legs crap. the girls are actually slashing each other with cool weapons. especially that blade *___* i don't know why, but there's something that attracts me to freezing. the old art? you don't see that a lot these days. the technology? the blade? probably.

    oh and there's YOUNGER BOYS. I NEED MORE ANIME THAT HAS YOUNGER BOYS. NEED MOAR SHOTA. but not like seikno no boobs plz >.> well, it’s not really shota, but who cares? it’s YOUNGER BOYS. i’m coming out of the closet here xD

    • Ness says:

      Yes, probably the biggest boobs of the season. I think I’m with you on turning blind when seeing the fan service and I’m in it for the fighting and gore.

      Ooooh, so not only are you the Yaoi Queen, but you are the Yaoi Shota Queen now… teeheeehee~

  9. Junko says:

    I can see why it’s called freezing. CLOTHES, WOMEN, THEY SERVE A PURPOSE

  10. Masu says:

    DO WANT!!

  11. Elyon says:

    I wonder how many outfits these girls run through…it must get expensive. XD

    • Ness says:

      Yeah really but they also have some sort of power to reconstruct their outfit as shown in the opening fight haha but maybe it’s only a 1 time use :3

  12. Foshizzel says:

    This show isn’t about weather! damn it…

    JK good stuff to watch with others for a few laughs and what not 😛

  13. Milistaier says:

    Lol i really would like to can join 1 episode of review Lol

  14. Juliancan says:

    I am quite surprised to see that the plot itself is not that bad considering this is liek ze MEGA OMGPWN Ecchi, more interesting than first episodes of the Gundam franchise.

    • Kyokai says:

      Lulz! That is an amusing comparison but I agree, even with all that panty/booby shots, this has an actual story. I just hope they explain the Limiter and Pandoras and we get to see more fights! xD

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