Yosuga no Sora – 09 (NSFW)
Meet Haruka and his many new friends….
Not much this week, so spent a few hours getting screen shots from episodes one through nine just to get a recap going. Another week another new show to review! I have been watching this series off and on; so far it has been good for me anyway. Even though there are a few graphic scenes throughout this series, the show seems to not be focused on that all the time, which is nice or else it would just fall into the hentai category. That said the animation is really top quality, I love the environments and the music really fits in nicely. Well, on with the recap then!
Episodes one just sets up the plot, introducing Haruka and his twin sister Sora. Their parents recently passed away and that forces them to move into a small village together. Haruka has a few old friends there as well. The first episode ends with Sora sneaking into her brother’s room as she removes her clothing. Leaving everything to the viewers’ imagination, which really made an impact in the aniblogging community.
Now we begin the arc setup, the first being Kazuha, who seems to be a bit of a bossy girl around Akira, often telling her what to do. Episodes two through four revolve around Haruka and Kazuha, mostly telling us how they got together. Her family has a bit of a secret floating around as Haruka finds out she is the older sister of Akira by mistake, hearing them outside the girls’ locker room.
Episodes five through seven follow Akira, the young shrine maiden through a few conversations with her and finds out she lost a pendant he gave her when they were kids. Most of her story is about her finding and meeting her mother again, thanks to Haruka who gets them to do a DNA test. The test results in negative, and Akira learns she has a different mother. After helping Akira she grows close to Haruka as they return to her house for some extra fun, ending her arc.
Episiode eight follows Nao, a girl that Sora can’t stand due to some events that happened between Haruka and Nao. Sora catches them messing around and stares in shock and demands that she leave, making her hate Nao even more. Nao and Haruka try their best to get Sora to accept them being together, but they find it very hard. The episode ends with everyone at the beach together with Sora staying home.
Recap screen shots!
Haruka gets friendly with the local girls…and Sora shows off her swim suit!
Now onto episode nine, we start with Haruka trying to convince Sora to join them on the beach but she wants to stay home. Haruka leaves her and joins his other friends, as they play volley ball and knocks the ball into the water. He then goes to retrieve the ball but gets pulled in by the current, yeah forgot to say he can’t swim. They get him out of the water and stare at him until Nao jumps in and revives him using CPR. Haruka then returns home and later in the night Sora joins him to sleep close.
“Luke, I am your fatherrr…” and Nao saves the day!!
After Sora saw her brother in danger she wants to stick to him, not wanting him to leave her again. Haruka goes to school as his friends tease him about what Nao did; he leaves school and arrives at Akira’s house as she gives him tickets to the local festival. The next day Sora gets in the way of Haruka as he tries to leave for school and makes him choose between Nao and herself. He then walks past her and later receives a text that she was going to leave for good. Haruka and the rest of his friends begin to look for her during a rainstorm.
Team up and search for missing twin-tail…
Nao then finds Sora hiding out at the bus stop, but she refuses to leave with her and runs off again. Until a random thunderbolt blasts the stop and it catches on fire, Sora’s stuffed bunny is left inside and Nao rushes in to rescue it. Nao returns the bunny to Sora as she explains she is afraid Haruka will abandon her for good. Sora then returns home and gets ready to join the others at festival, once she arrives she gets pulled by Akira. Before leaving, she patches things up with Nao giving her a friendly smile. The episode ends with Haruka and Nao behind a building, having another kind of fun together, ending her arc it seems.
Woooooosssh run Sora run!!
Nao shows her GAR side and saves the bunny!
Blushing Sora all dressed up becomes popular at the festival
Haruka, how many girls are you going to bang! D: Oh wait, I should know better, another arc is left as it seems
Extra screens!
Motoka Nogisaka fails at being a super hero…
Sora gets ready for the festival…hey she’s slow at changing….let her finish her candy…
Haruka’s such a player…. Dx
Shut up and kiss me NOW!!
End thoughts:
Well, finally Sora can quit being depressed around Nao, but I guess she does get quite lonely in the show so far, spending time alone every day. Haruka seems to pair up with any girl and I think the only one left is his sister next. Another wincest? Could be. Unless they let Haruka develop a story with Motoka? Well, I guess we’ll see. Nao was an interesting person, her story definitely had more drama, well next to Akira’s story anyway.
I mentioned this before, but I think this is probably one of the better animated shows of the fall season. I noticed lots of detail in the character designs and the village locations. The music also seems to fit well during the more dramatic scenes, like during the rain storm and festival sections of this episode.
So far I really enjoyed Nao and Akira’s stories, but mostly Akira’s because that’s the type of character I tend to fall for as in hyper and random. Haruka seems to be an interesting character too; you can tell he really likes each girl in the various arcs, even though Sora always has some random dirty thought about him. I can only hope there are no nice boat endings for Haruka in the future.
Not much was said about the next episode, I can only assume it has to be Sora’s arc since the others are already done. Can’t wait to see it as I’m loving this show, not so much for the sexual scenes but the characters.
Thanks for reading! See you next time!
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
someone here actually watch yosuga no sora…yay!
i’m not into the first 9 episodes. i was waiting since episode one of sora’s arc, but they put that last. bummer. i also don’t like that nao girl.
but now i’m happy sora’s arc is here now. YAY!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Hahaha yes yes…that I am…
Yeah most people can do that with a arc set up much like Agamai SS you can skip arcs and still follow. Yeah little sisters always get the last arcs it seems in both series..
Nao had a good story, but I still like Akira more ;D
Yep! now you can enjoy 😛
POWUH: 600-699 and Wingman with 655 comments
im surprised metanorn is actually reviewing these XD
i just got interested in this anime because i had some interest in the actual game 😛
finally the next arc is the final sora arc 😀
the one i was waiting for since episode 1 XD
looking forward to next episode 🙂
btw don’t you love part C? so funny XD
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Lol yep!
Nice I haven’t played the game, but the show is fun so far 🙂
Next episode is good too lots of crazy fun happening.
Lol yes was great xD
POWUH: 600-699 and Romance Expert with 652 comments
eh someone finally blogged yosuga no sora.
according to the preview this ep, all of the arcs before was just haru’s imagination.
btw ep 10 is out and now subbed.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
yep looked like a fun show to review.
Yeah it seems that way, I just saw 10 that was a great episode this week ill get that review started.
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
yeah, the preview said that it was just haru’s imagination. but it’s probably because it’s sora’s arc.
but i was SO HAPPY when she said that, bcz i love sora’s arc the most :3
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Ooooh nice 🙂
Yep Sora is interesting xD
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Now you guys understand, why I got new writers? To cover all scopes of anime so that everyone can find something of their own interest. ^^
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Hahah yes yes 😛 good stuff so far…
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
I was so sad when no one was covering my favourite porn, I mean anime. It’s actually a pretty good show for something I said I’d never watch (Masu made me watch it lol). I’ll be skipping the twincest arc, but I’ve enjoyed it up until now.
I really liked Akira’s arc too, less because she is “hyper and random” and moreso because she expertly uses that as a front so she doesn’t cause people to worry about her. She’s the kind of girl you want to look after so you get to see the real her, as opposed to being the token “I’M RANDOM AND ALWAYS HAPPY!” girl, who I would never be able to stand.
I feel so manly when i watch this for some reason *cries*
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Lol yeah it’s a good show so far.
Well said about Akira, I think thats why I liked her more than the other girls.
Lol! np there 😛
POWUH: 600-699 and Wingman with 655 comments
i never knew you were watching my favorite
porn, I mean anime 😀 I agree on how Akira makes me want to protect her so much as opposed to other IM HAPPY GO LUCKY- girlsps i lol on your manliness
POWUH: 1100-1199 and Meta's Evil rice-flour Product with 1137 comments
so much shipping, this is like amagami for perverts 😀
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Lol yes! thats the best way to describe this anime!
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 234 comments
I have a few 2 word phrases to say to this:
Holy crap
Good lord
My god
Good thing I’m not at work or anything because I totally ignored the NSFW tag at the top LOL
I should have expected this out of this series, omg.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Well they don’t really focus all the attention to the sexual scenes, they happen yes but it’s not like the show has 5 minutes of talking then rest the characters going at it for rest.
But yeah this might not be for everyone…and yeah the Nsfw tag is a great warning xD
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 21 comments
Th-This is hentai, right? O____O
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
more like ecchi, with the boobs and all of that censored sex scenes. hehe.
hentai is waaay worse that this 🙁
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Agreed this is more Ecchi than hentai, there have been a few shows like this where you get topless shots but thats about it like Queens Blade.