Team Up! Updates & Deadline

Some quick updates about the opportunity to write for Metanorn~

I feel so out-dated! For the record, I haven’t watched any new anime for two weeks, not counting the ones I caught up with while stealing some time between shuttling off here and there. As I’m still traveling and I’ll be able to continue my reviews from 26th November; sorry Kuragehime, Yakumo and Soredemo (At least Overcooled is covering Arakawa xD). However, my team will be keeping you all entertained in the meantime and I’ll be dropping in, every chance that I get. So, expect many posts regarding updates and something we have been cooking for some time very soon. ^^

It’s about time that I announce clearly about our recruitment deadline and the process involved. On the basis of our sidebar announcement and updated post, we have been on the lookout for new blood to expand the site content. We believe in diversity and everything is accepted under the sun of fandom.

So, the official deadline date is 20th of November (±12hours), as we are very international and awesome! XD

I must say the quality of applications improved a lot this time around so my team and I already have a sizeable number of applications to go through. We’ll be looking forward to some more and all I can say right now is all the very best to the ones who have already sent in their applications and the ones who will by 20th November.

The judging process would be done in two stages. I will do the initial screening and then all screened applications will be read and judged by the current Metanorn team. If the judging becomes hard, in case of too many good applicants, we might take some help from our off-site aniblogger buddies for a final round. Jury is still out on the exact number of finalists wanted, which pretty much depends upon the number of good applications.

Remember, we are all about sharing the love of fandom and on all genres! So, be it anime/manga/music/news reporting and occasional event coverage. I’ll be expanding some of our sections so look forward to a varied bucket of content in our style coming the new season. Till next time, Ja ne~


The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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28 Responses to “Team Up! Updates & Deadline”

  1. Captain says:


    • Dan-go says:

      Gooooo for it, be confident, I’m rooting for you all (i wish i could be among those applying 🙁 FUUUU- EXAMS)

  2. Namika says:

    I think, I’ll take a risk and try to apply. *nervous*

  3. Tofu says:

    WOOT! 20th of November, can’t wait!

    For all those who have submitted, I wish you all the best of luck, there will always be writers and bloggers better than us but if we put our minds to it then we can do ANYTHING!!


    BTW: The chocolate brown writing is so AWESOME! Is there a chance to put in into the main site? ^^

    • Dan-go says:

      ew….i think most people prefer to type theirs… 😛 however, snaps for you for being dedicated

      • Tofu says:

        ahahaha oh Dan.. ;D Ey good luck on the EXAMS man! Study hard (or did you finish already?) I just finished mine this week… ><"

        Have I ever told you that your Pikachu looks awesome? xD

  4. foshizzel says:

    Awesome news! best of luck to all that apply! long as your having fun that’s all that matters 🙂

  5. zabobinator says:

    What does the application require? I kind of want to apply! ^_^

  6. Zenbaka says:

    S-so tempting @_@ Hnnng but do I have the time is the question orz

    Good luck to those who do send/sent in their applications~

    • Overcooled says:

      Well, you have until the 20th to apply and think about it XD If you’re horrible at managing time, then I’d think about it a bit more. I’m guessing probably school is what eats up most of your time, so think about how much free time you have in-between work and if that can be used for blogging :3

  7. SSJ says:

    Where’s the application, or how do we go about applying? Maybe I’m going to make an embarrassing first impression by somehow missing something obvious, but it would help me to know so I can actually apply. Thanks!

    • Overcooled says:

      All the info is in the updated post, which is linked in my comment response to zabobinator. You probably just skipped over it, so it’s okay. ^^; Just send your application to [email protected]


  8. Kushi says:

    Good luck applicants! (as for me I’m doing college apps TT^TT)

  9. Captain says:


    ..ahahahahah, nice date. The date which my camp starts. NICE.

    • Kyokai says:

      LOL! I hope you will be wired or connected while you are there?
      I would get back home on the same date, finally!

  10. psy_star says:

    I applied last time, so should i just improve/edit my last application and send that? Should I rewrite an example post?
    Also, I think I would like to write reviews for series/music/manga and un-essay-like posts discussing things without a particular category e.g. “The Progression of K-ON!” or “On Japanese Music in the UK”, would that be okay?

  11. Kyokai says:

    Hey psy_star, You will have to re-submit the App. I guess, write a new episodic in the metanorn’s episodic fashion or if you want to try out for editorial posts, that would be cool too.

  12. As much as I’d love to try out for this (since I basically have nothing to do with my time but watch anime and post about it from time to time), I’ll skip out.

    Good luck to everyone else tho~ <3 Can't wait to see who you all choose after!

  13. Tofu says:

    WOOOOT~! 20th of November~! (Where I am) Deadline guys, but for those who still want to try for it, you still have time!! HURRY!!

    Now~~~ we wait…. *cricket noises*

  14. Tofu says:

    I wanted to ask, how do the people that get picked know that they did? Do they get an email or do they find out the same time as everyone else? (Posted on Metanorn)

    Just a curious question ^^

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