Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi -11


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12 Responses to “Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi -11”

  1. Mikuru says:

    oh :shock ! i remember :see ! nekomiya is the guy ryouko saved from the delinquents when they were in middle school in episode six! :shock

    jhajha nekomiya has’nt changed but i think he grew up a little and now he wears boots and a hat jhajha :tea

    • Ryuuko says:

      Omg! I completely forgot about that =O I had no idea they even showed Nekomiya in previous episodes. Man you must have a super memory to catch that lol… Or maybe his new hat obscured my vision haha.

  2. Overcooled says:

    Ookami-san really brought the action this time around, it was a good episode! I loved seeing Hitsujikai fight!!! Except..um..I was kind of expecting a 2-episode long battle. Instead they had an anticlimactic finish to our kidnapping dilemma which leaves us with 1 episode to start and end something. This…could end very, very badly. But I’ll hope for the best >___<

    • Ryuuko says:

      Ah dude I’m gonna be so sad if we get a bad end. I was so hyped up with the Ryoushi vs Hitsujikai fight that didn’t really even happen >,< They got Ryouko out safely and all but Ryoushi totally deserved to kick ass imo lol.

  3. Kyokai says:

    I’m glad I looked into your post and then went to watch the episode. I thought the fight would go on till the end… I just wish they end this well.

    Btw, I will take all credit for recommending this to you. Hoho~ :sparkle

    • Ryuuko says:

      Haha go ahead and take the credit Kyo it really was you that got me into it after all haha! I guess we’re all hoping for an exciting end, it’ll be a shame to end it weirdly after all the cool prep work they’ve done!

  4. Joojoobees says:

    I completely agree with the sentiments about wanting an ending that doesn’t suck. I’m somewhat perplexed with the way they handled things so far (why not kick his ass when they had him cornered?), but as long as the ending doesn’t completely suck, this will have been a fun show that had some really good moments. Not life-changing, but entertaining.

    • Ryuuko says:

      I’m pretty much in complete agreement with your last statement. I think Ookami-san has been entertaining enough to warrant at least that much praise lol. I think I’ve been definitely one who would have supported the much needed ass kicking but so NO idea why they wouldn’t sort him out then and there >,<

  5. Nestro says:

    LOL where was the episode with the 3 pig brothers I did not watch it lolz

  6. Ryuuko says:

    It was episode 8 lol. They did a fake trailer with the three pig brothers starring as villains in a movie against Ryouko, Ringo and Ryoushi. Watch it ’til the end! ;D

  7. Nestro says:

    wheres the movie?

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