Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin – 06


AFK a lot. Shiny writer. Good luck catching him with anything less than a master ball. :3
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5 Responses to “Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin – 06”

  1. Kyokai says:

    I was soooo looking forward to some Occult takeover of Kozue (which has become a pattern), but oh well, the heart theory works too because they did reference Little Prince in the previous episode.

    Fumiaki sure did redeem a bit in my eyes, I was srsly tired of calling him “Aho da ne~” all the time. I like all the characters in their own right but I wanted to see more of Smile/JK. I simply detest Mikaze and I hope Fumiaki/Maya use their phones on her. Oh btw, it’s ’99 when texting was not that common like it’s right now. You gotta give it to Anime no Chikara for keeping to timelines. ^^

  2. Overcooled says:

    lol at your captions.

    Man, I’m so behind in this, I just can’t get into it…But now I’m tempted to catch up so I can follow these posts. This episode looks really amusing, afterall~

  3. Xiao says:

    Same thoughts here on the cause behind Fumiaki’s loss of his powers and suspicion about Mikaze’s suck-up act. Things were pretty fishy earlier on but the way she tears up over having no one to taste her bread made me want to vomit.

    For that, I didn’t really approve of Maya accepting Fumiaki so soon. But it’s not really her fault since she doesn’t know Mikaze that well yet so I hope she starts realizing there’s something not quite right about her later on. Though that will probably lead to another fight between her and Fumiaki again. Wonder how that will turn out. Hmm.

    Anyways, UFOs? Preview doesn’t make it look intimidating as the same ones who destroyed the Earth, though, but I’m still hoping there’s some seriousness to it, unlike this episode. -w-

    Thanks for the review! ^^

    • Masu says:

      YEAH, the ufo was pretty lame looking, but you’ll understand after watching this week’s episode. and lots of srs bsns in this week’s too.

      sorry for the late response, and even more so for the late occult review this week. here to hoping next week wont be so bad. _ _”

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