Anime Status & Summer 2010

Get into gear for a very loooooooong post: Ani stats and Summer Reviews

Another round of Anime Status and something new: reviews of Summer Season! I kept on postponing the May ani-stat for such a long time that June is at its end while I sit to write this (first draft stage). I decided I’ll scrunch the two months together – two birds with one stone. I don’t know how long this post would take me to draft and compile but hopefully I would end it soonish… like within the two remaining days of June (Fail! Its 1am of 2nd July right now T_T). So, I have to start with a joke, eto… What do you get when Senjougahara gives you an innuendo-filled thigh massage? Show ▼

Fufufuu~ Let me tell you, I adore Bakemonogatari. I know it’s not a surprise as I’ve been sporting Senjougahara’s Gravatar for some time now; even my twitter account has a “Watch Your Step” (that actually is not very visible =.=;;). More of this later below and back to the current babble: Summer is almost upon us and there are at least some titles that are looking increasingly interesting with time. Big reasons of that is some of my favorite series are ending or already have ended this month so I’m feeling a bout of melancholy…. Before I spiral down to depression though, let’s have a quick wrap up of Ani-stats for May and June together, then move on to cool titles of coming season.

Disclaimer: This is particularly a very personal list so expect biasness, favoritism and fangirling. Also expect spoilers regarding titles I’ve nominated. So, if you haven’t been keeping up-to-date, skip them for spoilers. Also, if I bitch about your favorite show, gomen~, I get my choice and so do you! ^_^

From the last ani-stats list, few additions have been made while some titles completely vanished off the list. Two of them are Working!! (Still on hold after 3rd episode) and Senkou no Night Raid (no subs available after 6.5 episode and I couldn’t go on after 2nd epi anyway).

16. Bleach (273/?): So Ulquiorra has moved on to greater pastures, whatever they are for Espadas though the ending with Ichigo’s transformation was indeed awesome. I would be looking forward to the captain’s fight, especially Kyouraku and Shinji’s but currently not a very regular of this anime.

15. Uraboku (12/24): I’m still watching this and not only for bromance. I get a strong dose of Shizu-chan in Hotsuma (Daisuke Ono) after all! Not to mention Takahiro as Zess, Shinichiro as Tachibana, Hiroshi as Kuroto and Mamoru as Shuusei—some of the seiyuus I really like.

14. Kaichou wa Maid-sama (13/24?): Oh how have you fallen, my pretties! I still love Usui and Misa-chan and think they are total WIN but due to the recent lackluster episodes, I feel like just leaving it for a while and marathon epis later so that I might appreciate it more. Currently, the barrage of side-character arcs is making me snore. Mint-chan agrees blogging the same series and so do a lot of readers.

13. Naruto Shippūden(166/?): The recent Hinata episode was one of those moments that I was really looking forward to in the anime after Naruto’s sage mode. It was done nicely and my heart really went to her for scrunching up her courage for that long awaited confession. The animation was a bit wonky though, the light swirl on her head almost felt similar to flash animation. I dunno what Perriot is doing but they better check their quality and soon. Do they even have a QA department? *shrugs*

12. Hakuouki(12/12): Now, this is one of those anime that has delivered and came to par with my expectations of: Period drama with an array of Bishies, an interesting storyline around Oni and their bloodline and Sword fights! Now, I’m a girl who likes action and even after believing and banking on words most of my life, I do agree that a simple look or touch can make a hell of a difference in communication. This was what becomes apparent in this series, mind you, there are many dialogues and few action sequences dawdling on conversation alone. But, if you are looking for a Samurai short series dealing with human emotions and likable characters, this one is for you. Joojoobees (blogging the same series and some other favorite shows of mine) and I would follow its second season to air in Fall.

11. Darker than Black OVA (3/4): Whenever I see a new episode of this, I get depressed. Xiao-chan (also blogs Katanagatari and brilliantly so), pretty much sums up everything nicely about the current episode. I do love Hei and Yin pairing and going over all that Izanami explanation after season one is just sad that’s all… T_T (Best music to hear after this is Jesus Cloud from the season two OST release.)

10. Angel Beats (13/13): I had big expectations from the series, as a lot of you, yes you constant reader, who made sure I see it. I was glad that I finally did because things picked up from third episodes, until the last one I guess (they had time to sing anthems and hand out certificates, yet no time to explain about angel player and how was Kanade there before Otanashi?). I was overwhelmed with Iwasawa’s song, adored Otanashi, Kanade, Yurippe, Hinata, Shina and TK (not in any specific order). To me this was 10 episodes too short and there was so much I wanted to find out about some lovable side characters but, oh well.

9. Katanagatari (6/12): Now here’s a series that I really ignored after second episode, until I was totally trolled into watching it and except for facepalming in episode four (due to no apparent fight between Shichika and the mighty warrior Hakuhei), I was a happy camper that I stepped up. Yoshimasa Hosoya has done a pretty good job as a new seiyuu in voicing Shichika Yasuri. He can be funny yet brutal at the same time with no change of expression yet damn adorable while sniffing Togame’s hair or doing meager work for her. Togame is a paradox, calling herself a Strategist yet being a total klutz. There’s definitely a lot of development between the main pair and that is always cute to watch! <3 I would continue to watch their journey of finding all Shikizaki katanas.

8. House of five leaves (11/12): I’m so glad I picked this up! From my series selection, it’s quite clear that I like period anime, all the better with Samurais thrown in (no wonder, Samurai X and Champloo are one of my favorite). Though, you can’t really call House of Five Leaves a ‘Samurai’ anime per se because it’s not central to the plot. The best thing about this is that the story sucks you in. You are curious about Sei’s (Yaichi) and his foggy past; also who can forget adorable and timid Masa? This has grown on me to the point that I empathize with the tsundere side of Sei and how his past has affected his present choices in betraying the group he belonged to and start Five Leaves to kidnap heirs of different influential families for ransom. I would look forward to the last episode and hope that Sei gets some actual happy moments that he can look back to without any remorse.

7. The Tatami galaxy (10/11): Now lookie here, I would’ve loved to see Hiroshi Kamiya as Watashi but one can’t get everything so I’m happy to get Maaya Sakomoto as Akashi at least (sadly, in very small doses). This is that kind of series that grows on you. It becomes so that you can actually keep up with Watashi’s superfast dialogue delivery and what’s happening on the screen simultaneously (you need to see an episode to know what I’m getting at). Have you experienced a piffany? A sand particle that shines when it catches light? A rare sight of something that you never knew it existed? This is a story about that piffany, which is shrouded within a 4.5 tatami room. With only one more episode to go, I just hope that Watashi finds what he’s looking for. Mattaku! It’s Akashi, right there you idiot, what’s making you wait for so long?! Grab that chance always dangling in front of you! Flags shares my enthusiasm for not only this series but most on the list, while blogs episodic-reviews (and very regularly so!) of Tatami Galaxy, House of Five Leaves and Giant Killing. So, do check his wacky reviews out.

6. Evangelion 2.22 – You Can (Not) Advance: I finally got around watching this and wow, I’m glad I did because this is total WIN! I started from 1.1 – You are (Not) Alone and even without seeing the anime series I was embroiled in the world of Shinji Ikari with a distant father and his association with Evas that spawn various relations for this lonely boy. There’s no dearth of fleshed-out characters that engage you from the moment go: Misato Katsuragi, Rei Ayanami, Asuka Langley Soryu, Mari Makinami Illustrious and Gendo Ikari are to name a few. If you haven’t already, check this out and you don’t have to be a Mecha fan to like this.

Ready for the top 5? Clickity, click!


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On-Hold: Rainbow (1/26), Kara no Kyoukai movies (3/7-these are my nuggets of happiness that I’ll watch, slowly, very, very slowly) Working!! (3/13), Buccano! (4/16) Hetalia (25/52), MariaHolic (1/12), Kuroshitsuji (8/24) and Mushishi (2/26). You can check a detailed list at MAL.

Note: Below is not a complete list of anime that are releasing in Summer rather a scaled down version of the titles I’m personally looking forward to. Therefore, no kiddie anime and season two of those which I haven’t watched the first. Movies and OVA list however is complete as not many ani-bloggers post about it so adding the full deal here. The titles are compiled with ANN and MAL as sources.

Honestly speaking, Summer is nothing compared to Spring that brought a bevy of shows to gorge upon; though, Fall is looking pretty good with many adaptations that I’ve been looking forward to: Bakuman, Shinrei Tantei Yakumo, Kuragehime and Togainu no Chi to name just a few. Hope you enjoy the summaries and what’s in store for summer. I haven’t decided which titles I will pick up for reviews so you are welcome to suggest.

>> Navigation:

Page 1> Anime Status for June

Page 2> Titles I’m looking forward to in the Summer Season

Page 3> List of Summer Movies

Page 4> List of Summer OVAs

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The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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49 Responses to “Anime Status & Summer 2010”

  1. Flags says:

    I take credit for everything on this list….EVERYTHING!!!
    Also if you think the Hinata episode had wonky animation; wait until you see the most recent episode. It was so wacky I couldn’t help but laugh sadly… :baww:

    • Kyokai says:

      Hahaaa, Ok, special mention for Bakemonogatari rec for sure! ^^;

      What is Perriot thinking and the story has gotten into that interesting mode. Minato!!!

      *Hands out first post cookie*

  2. oplover says:

    YES, I LIKE THIS REVIEW SO, SO MUCH. SHAFT is great, aren’t they? They have arakawa, and of course, Bakemonogatari :thumb:
    I watched the last episode of “bakemonogatari” yesterday, and this again reminds me that, “yes, Compared with Angel Beats, this is more better. No, i mean, this is the best”
    Durara, Arakawa, and the last episode of bakemonogatari. Damn they are awesome! :cute:

    For this summer… i don’t have too much expectation. Just try some, and drop the others….

    • Kyokai says:

      Arigatou ne~ :love:

      I’m an ardent fan of SHAFT and Spring has been obviously good with many gems. Angel beats wasn’t treated right but Bakemonogatari, well, the best of the lot definitely! <3

      I'll watch first episode of every series mentioned on Page 2, let's see which of them make me stay.

  3. Amutofan123 says:

    I agree with you on Kaichou wa Maid-sama, I’ll end up marathoning that too. The ending for Agnel Beats kind of disappointed me, I felt it left a lot of things unexplained. Arakawa~ Easily the best show of the Spring season. At first, I knew nothing about it and was only watching it because some other people I knew were watching it. However, it turned out to be my favorite series I picked up. The characters are amazing. I’m very excited for the second season. I just recently finished Durarara. I started watching it when it first came out, but fell way behind. I’m going to ANN everyday in hopes of seeing ‘Durarara’s 2nd Season Green-Lit”. They must have a 2nd season! oh, and that video… with Izzy… and that Limone-sensei person… It’s very addictive… Bakemonogatari is on my plan-to-watch list. Once I finish the first season, I’ll definitely be watching Kuroshitsuji II. Ookami-san is a maybe. I’m reading the manga for Hiyokoi and it’s adorable! I’ll be watching the movie! And of course, Black Rock Shooter. I have been waiting for Black Rock Shooter forever! That is what I am looking forward to the most this summer.

    • Kyokai says:

      Arakawa came out such a gem with my dream seiyuus too (Mayaa Sakomoto and Hiroshi Kamiya), not to mention Sister and Maria!

      In case of Drrr! started following ANN on twitter for the same reason. That Limone song on Izzy had me in fits yet very addictive indeed =.=;; If you liked Arakawa, you will simply love Bakemonogatari, it’s too awesome for words.

      I’m marathoning Kuroshitsuji right now since I found out that Ciel and Sebby are indeed in the second season–A-1 Pictures, You Trolls!!! 😡

      Will check out Hiyoki’s manga and definitely watch Black Rock shooter. Thanks for your detailed input! Love it! ^^;

  4. Joojoobees says:

    I guess this is that time of the season, where my initial skepticism has worn off, and so I’m more receptive to the new shows than when they were first announced. At the same time the new shows haven’t aired yet, so they might be good for all I know.

    Pretty soon, with a few episodes watched, I’ll look back fondly on today, and the optimism that convinced me, if if just for a few days, that several of these shows might actually be worth following.

    • Kyokai says:

      LOL! I had the same feeling when I sat down to compile this season’s updates. Spring was so GOOD and Fall looks awesome. Why such a bland Summer, when I think I’ll end up seeing 3-5 shows at the most. Le sigh.

  5. Kira says:

    Just saw the first ep of Kuroshitsuji 2 and both Ciel and Sebastian are back!!! The two new characters are only fodder– *cough* I mean rivals to make another awesome series. So freaking happy!! I literally cried when I saw Sebby and Ciel make their appearance. As for the new character Trancy, he honestly scares the crap out of me. Talk about one evil shota.

    • Kyokai says:

      I am so glad to hear that! *glomps* For me Ciel and Sebby can only be the shouta and demon butler I will like. This means I have another Maaya-chan show to follow. Wohoo! :cheer:

  6. Topspin says:

    I’m still wondering how Shinbo’s stuff gets such a following. Granted, his stick-to-the-source-material-like-glue approach isn’t nearly as overbearing and tedious as Maeda’s tearjerkery, but still..

    Is it the arm-flailing Japanese everyman lead? The “I’m going to point out the pun for you now” reactionary humor? Or it is just because people like to root for the underdog, and as everyone knows Shaft and Shinbo are supposedly crap?

    • Kyokai says:

      Dude… how many SHAFT titles have you seen?

      There’s a reason that majority likes Shinbo’s work and generalization never works.

  7. ichigopocky says:

    Out of your top five I have only seen Drrr but I am going to look into the others. Also if you like Giant Killing try Ookiku Furikabutte. I fell in love by like the third episode or so but now I am really depressed since the second season ended :sad3 anywhos I am also sorta losing interest in Kaichou wa Maid-sama but I the manga im still addicted to. Love Usui :woo
    I am actually looking forward to more of the OVAs then new series but I will look into them. Thanks for the update late or not. Having all the info in one places is handy.

    • Kyokai says:

      You should definitely check the others out like Arakawa and Bakemonogatari for sure and I’ll check Ookiku. KwMS is still win because of Usui and Misa but definitely need a break from it.

      I’ll check out most of the OVAs, few movies and 2-3 episode checks of all listed. Let’s see which I end up reviewing, jury is still out.

      Thanks for the compliment! <3

  8. […] original post here: Anime Status: June & Summer Reviews « METANORN No […]

  9. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kimmy H, Kyokai. Kyokai said: Just came to update my longest post ever on June anime status and Summer Review: – Off to sleep, Oyasumi~! […]

  10. gwern says:

    > There’s no dearth of fleshed-out characters that engage you from the moment go: Misato Katsuragi, Rei Ayanami, Asuka Langley Soryu, Mari Makinami Illustrious and Gendo Ikari are to name a few.

    ‘fleshed-out’? I could maybe buy this for Gendo, but if you think Rei or Asuka or Misato were fleshed-out, I wonder whether you watched the TV series. And Mari is fleshed out by no one’s standards.

    • Kyokai says:

      I haven’t watched the TV series and by fleshed-out I didn’t mean actual explanation done rather the way characters are shown in the middle of things. Seeing how fast paced everything is, still everyone had their own place, own thoughts and repercussions based on their choices. Mari was shown a mystery but interesting as hell. I would never say that any of the mentioned characters seemed left out in the time given and past-flashes.

  11. Mikoto says:

    I actually sank my teeth into Angel Beats with low expectations and got a thrill out of it. xD;;

    • Kyokai says:

      This happened on my second try though the end was just… >.>

  12. Ultimate Tempura from the South says:

    i have to admit Angel Beats was episodes too short…

    but naruto EPISODE 167.

    Its probably the best Epic Moment and Worst Craziest Wildest Animation combined!

    i was laughing.

    • Kyokai says:

      It was so bad that I didn’t know to laugh or cry. Supposedly the most EPIC scene and they distort Kyuubi form so much that it looked more of an orange blob than something formidable. I mean c’mon Perriot! :rage:

  13. Gdragonx says:

    I dont know if you will read the comment, but for the angel beat part.. i got 2 conclusion
    1. Yuzuru is there because Kanade wished for it.. (to say, he wasnt a bug, he just appear so that kanade can be stratify.. Same reason as the program Angel Player and Guild can make weapon out of dirt.. its the tought of people.. Angel Player is a Program made from nothing, same as weapon made from dirt…)
    2. Kanade was there before Yuzuru is a way to tell him that there will not be anyone going there anymore, so there was no reason for him to stay there..

    • Kyokai says:

      I read all the comments and try to respond soon too. Love comments and theories!

      Point one seems plausible because Kanade did want to meet the one who gave her heart. Dunno about point two as Yuzuru did get out and met her in some other life. But of course, with such few episodes too much explanation would’ve been well, too much! ^^;

  14. nagi says:

    Bakemonogatari and Arakawa Under the Bridge are the BEST offers of SHAFT hands down. And Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari is one of the best ED I’ve ever heard. :thumb:

    Oh, that pic featuring our DuRaRaRa trio is awesome! Too much of a dramatic pose! :thumb: I hope there’s a Shizu-chan version of that!

    Ah, Kaichou wa Maid-sama is losing its luster indeed (but not Usui-sama of course! NEVER! :rage: ) I feel I should put this aside as well and marathon it later.

    With Angel Beats, yeah, almost everyone felt the lack of episodes to get things right but the GirlsDeMo (esp. Iwasawa/Marina’s voice) and Kanade’s wings were enough for me to love this series eternally. :love:

    Nice job in doing this Kyokai-chan! Otsukaresama deshita! :thumb:

    • Kyokai says:

      I totally agree with you! Bakemonogatari and Arakawa are many levels of awesome. I couldn’t find very dramatic poses like the above trio but a special nugget for you.

      Except for the end, Angel Beats was definitely one of the good ones out of Spring now let’s see how the average summer goes.

      Arigatou ne~ nagi-chan! Yoroshiku onegaishimus~! <3

  15. Mint says:

    Whoah, epic post, Kyo~ You managed to pull off what a team of six writers couldn’t manage to do out of sheer lazyness. xP (Uh, I mean, extenuating circumstances! Those circumstances being, procrastination.)

    What what what Ciel and Sebastian return?? What’s up with that character switcheroo it seemed like they were pulling off? I guess I’ll watch some of that, and maybe Amagami SS, BRS, and Ookami, but summer as a whole is just average. I’ll be checking back here to see if you blog anything that looks interesting, though, since I trust your opinions ;D (Ooh, and you called me Mint-chan! This makes me happy. :D)

    • Kyokai says:

      Arigatou~ Mint-chan! ^^; You already know the Summer draft has been alive for months x_X

      Yes, you heard it right, A-1 trolled the fans! But at least we’ve a show to fangirl over, ne~? I’m still not sure which of the above I’ll be regularly following, everything depends upon the two-episode check and I agree, Summer is average compared to spring.

      You are a precious Kyohai after all! ^^;

  16. umi_no_mizu says:

    AHHH SHIKI!!!! im probably going to die from fangirling on that one… i mean it has Gackt as a seiyuu!!! I’ve been looking forward to it since i first heard about it a while ago here >_>

    Kuroshitsuji looks good. I already love their opening. The Gazette make some awesome songs ^_^

    Nurarihyon no Mago looks like it could turn out good too… but i think the plot, characters and ideas are all… completely unoriginal i guess. I’m still crossing my fingers for it though!

    There seems to be a lot of harem ones this season… and not reverse harems but the regular kind T_T

    OAV wise…. I probably died from happiness when i saw Koisuru Boukun on there! thats one of my fave yaoi mangas XD

    Also Kyou, Koi wo Hajimasu i am hoping turns out good. I mean its a great storyline which, if they keep to it, will create an awesome shoujo

    • Kyokai says:

      You just listed down most of the titles that I would definitely check out!

      Shiki: I have very high expectations from this. Hopefully it would live up to the hype.

      Kuroshitsuji II: I’m sooo glad that Ciel and Sebby are back. Though Alois sure is one nasty brat and Claude very different from Sebby.

      Nurarihyon no Mago, it’s been some time I watched something youkai related and this might be the ticket if DEEN treated it well.

      Amagami, Mitsudomoe and Seitokai are just to name a few in case of harems, while in OVAs, I’ll definitely watch these two, whose mangas I’ve completed (Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu I dropped after a while because of too much doraoma).

  17. […] Kyokai's Bakemonogatari love. […]

  18. Hellomotto says:

    Damn, this was a VERY long post!!! I like long posts though. And it wasn’t tl;dr too. Yay!

    It seems like we’ll be watching the same series for the summer, though I won’t be keeping up that much due to “limited” internet access. XD

    As for Nurarihyon no Mago, I’m hoping that it turns into Natsume Yuujinchou…but it looks like it isn’t. It looks more like Inuyasha…meh.

    (Btw, I need to talk to you more often!!!)

  19. Xiao says:

    Gah, I’m sorry for not commenting lately (and for this to be so late, gomen! >.<), Kyo-chan. Been away for vacation and had no internet access. Plus I’m still recovering for jetlag so I’m a little behind in everything. ^^;

    Anyways, yayzies for a long status post. Gonna make lots of comments to make up for the past two weeks so prepare yourself! LOL xD;

    But before I get into anything, I will have to scold you for not telling me your twitter account sooner. *already followed you* But since you love Bakemonogatari so much and are a Senjougahara devotee, I shall forgive you. <3

    Alrighty, moving on!

    Uwah, your watch list is as long as ever. I think you’d make a great buddy for watching anime with in general cuz I’d need someone to sit with me through all those shows otherwise I wouldn’t do it. xD;

    KwMS! – I somewhat agree a lot. The show has reached the point where it’s gone back down to low-level interest yet is still able to remain entertaining. On a weekly basis, anyways. And that’s a heck of a deal for a slice-of-life, shoujo anime. I’d say there’ll be more things to talk about when Misaki’s tsuntsun barrier starts to melt considerably and her side of the relationship with Usui actually starts moving somewhere. Knowing Misaki, that’s going to take a while. Heh.

    DtB Gaiden – OMG, we should totally duet Jesus Cloud together when the last OVA airs this month cuz it will be TT_______________________TT , I tell you! … TT___________TT

    Angel Beats! – Yea, this was cut way too short. I think the ending would have been more acceptable (I love it actually but I wanted more before seeing the end) if P.A Works had given this more time. Overall, it was a pretty ambitious project to begin with so I can understand if the studio was being cautious about dragging it out too long. You can lose viewers when new stuff comes in every season, y’know. Still, there’s enough Key fans to support this so I’m still stumped over how it’s just 13 episodes. :/
    In any case, I’m glad you came back to watch it all the way through. The characters were indeed special, each in their own ways and it was bittersweet to see them part to move onto their next lives.

    Did I mention how emotional I got when Otonashi confessed to Kanade and she disappeared after saying thank you? Omg, Key, this is why your fans can’t stand you! *bawls* ;__;

    Katanagatari – C’MERE AND LET ME GIVE YOU A HUG!! *HUG* <3333
    God, I’m always the happiest when I hear another person convert to Katanagatari-ism or whatever. Lol I’ve heard too many shallow viewers criticize it for the excess of dialogue without researching who wrote this book the anime was adapted from in the first place. And it’s not like simple talk talk talk either. It’s Nisioisin-written talk talk talk. YEA. 8D
    Anyways, glad to know someone knows how to appreciate Shichika as much as they do Togame. Seriously, Shichika does not get enough love (and admit it, Togame would be boring without him around) so here are cookies to ya for loving them both. *gives cookies* 😀

    Expect ep 7 to be one major WTF, though. Moreso than the ep 4 troll…and that’s not even the beginning of it, sadly. ^^;

    Arakawa – Although I didn’t watch this even halfway through, I approve of it getting into the top 5 spots and agree, it is the best out of all the spring season shows. I think you described all its eccentric qualities in full very well so I won’t add more to that. Personally, it was just too out of my comfort zone for me to want to finish it. ^^;

    DRRR!! – What can I say about this? …Hmm. “How the Dullahan saved Winter 2010”? S-shut up, it doesn’t have to be Christmas! *tsuntsun* LOL xD;
    All that’s left to say is when the sequel will be. There’s been some discussion about that over at the LJ community already so I’m sure it’ll be coming within the next year but I’d also like some confirmation for Kimi no Todoke before then. KnT, how I miss it. T3T

    FMA – I…will marathon this…after I finished Kuroshitsuji. *nods fervently*

    Ok, if someone told me last year that I’d have to wait a year for the last episode to air, I would’ve strangled them. But oh, I think the last episode was almost enough to make up for the very, very, very long wait. Of course, I had no doubt it my mind it would be good. I just had to hate SHAFT a bit for repeatedly pushing back the release dates. *pouts*

    Anyways, god, I will miss everyone, too. Especially Hitagi and Ararararararagi (;P) cuz they’re so OTP, it’d put all OTPs of this year to shame…I think. I’m just speaking on a whim here, don’t mind me, lol.
    Good news is that there are plans for animation of the other novels that haven’t been covered yet. This includes the prequel to Bakemonogatari, which is Kizumonogatari (I hope I got that right) and it goes over how Araragi and Shinobu (and Oshino) met. I think characters arcs for Araragi’s sisters, Karen and Tsukihi, are also up there in this project. Whether it’ll be an OVA or not, I’m not sure.
    And that’s the bad news. If SHAFT is the one to take up these arcs, it will be even longer before the DVDs come out. Things like this have no promised release date so it can be very long before we hear news of it again. Hopefully, it won’t take forever oh yea, I just cursed it, doh! since Bakemonogatari is still very popular so it’ll be a smart chance for them to earn some quick money if their budget is sinking again. *sigh* SHAFT… -.-

    Haha, wow, I’m almost at 2 pages with this thing. I better save it just in case my comment doesn’t go through. XD;

    So, summer season…

    Shiki~ I saw an exhibition for this while I was at Akihabara in Tokyo and let me just say, it’s looking pretty awesome so far. Extra points for including Gackt in it which is <3
    I can’t wait to see the first episode! *excited* x3

    HoTD, if you have high tolerance for a lot of blatant fanservice, is pretty good so far. I don’t intend on staying with it but I’ll give ep 2 a try before dropping it altogether. Just to see the other characters, y’know.

    Ookami – Pretty funny, pretty good. Just might be the best (or most popular) watch of the season.

    Nurarihyon no Mago – Going to check this out but don’t think I’ll stick with it, tho. Seems like generic shounen material. :/

    Kuroshitsuji II – Marathoning first season before episode 2 comes out. All I have to say so far is, Ciel and Sebastian pwn the newbies (but that’s only because I find Alois very rude and in need of hard spanking).

    Movies I’m not even going to bother with until it’s available for download. Out of all the ones on the list, I’m looking forward to Gundam 00 the most. And as for OVAs, Black Rock Shooter is a guarantee. Expecting lots of posts to shoot up in my reader for that.

    I’m still waiting on the torrent for Bungaku Shoujo cuz it was released two weeks ago and urgh, it just frustrates me cuz I really want to watch it! Someone needs to hurry up and upload the raw already. I don’t care about subs right now, I NEED THE RAW! *goes crazy* @A@;;;

    And…might look briefly into Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu but only because I want to hear a certain seiyuu in the cast.

    *sigh* …Damn that was long. xD; Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I hope I didn’t break the comment box or anything. I’ll be looking forward to the posts you’ll have for summer. ^^

  20. Paulus says:

    Congratulations – you’ve just rated a new fan 🙂

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