Durarara!! – 05

Rabu triangle commence, yo.

The episode starts with someone running off, but ends up getting caught by Celty. Some girl from the shadows appears with a katana and tries to attack Celty though. Can’t take screencaps of that scene because it was too dark it wouldn’t be really that clear at all to view it except for the flashing red eye of Celty’s attacker. Hmm, I wonder how she plays in the story. Anyway~

Aww~ Shinra. He’s so fabulously romantic. Too bad Celty seems to not have any clue that Shinra’s knocking some rabu~ sense into her xD.

D’aw~ I just enjoy their interactions. Shinra’s WEIRD taste is surely amusing. I lol’d when he considers someone as headless as Celty as ‘enchanting’. Erm, well they say love is indeed blind.. lol.

This week’s episode is narrated by Kida Masaomi this time and I must say that Miyano Mamoru’s definitely giving a very natural job at him. Welcome back officially, Mamo-kun~

Moving on, yup~ We now have the love triangle. Kida admits that he is targeting Anri, but at the same time his best friend Mikado seems to like her too.

Lol Kida is definitely adorable in his own way being fabulously confident on girls. Bad thing is that I never see him getting a chance with Anri, unless this gets some crappy shoujo-like plot turn there xD. I like Kida being with Kida only (or Mikado *smacked*) But I just wanna say that Kida’s awesome in his own way without having a love interest.

Kida glomp always comes out of nowhere xD.

Lawl. Why this friendship has the potential to get broken because of some girl? T___T


Ok, this teacher is a pervert indeed 😡 Keep yo eyes away from Anri’s juggles!!! >:(

The girl Anri’s talking about (Harima)… turns out to be someone close to Anri. She’s also a stalker to Yagiri, but then she suddenly disappeared. She and the girl with a scar on the neck looks very similar, so I thought her head might be replaced with someone’s. Celty might get involved with this now.


Awww these two~ <3 I think Mikado’s more in the know about things without everyone knowing about it.

Bang! totally reminded me of Akira on Eden of the East

Creepy spammer :eh2

Ugh, Shizu-chan gets too little close to nothing on screentime this episode T__T. When will he throw more stuff again? ;D

Mikado encounters the “luvahrs~” Seiji and the scarred girl. I don’t really care much about these two until we finally dig down deeper to them… but lol these two are so seriously eloping together, they need to get a room fast xD.

Hmmm Kida and the Yellow Scarves… *prevents from saying anything spoiler-y*

D’awwww moment :woo

There’s a new girl in this episode, and she’s visited by Izaya on the hospital. It’ll be very interesting to discover who she’s related with, why is Izaya visiting her, and what’s up with her and Kida ^^. And oh yeah, Izaya also only appeared at this part on the very end T__T Needs moar Izaya screentime, but heck, it’s really weird to see him acting so gentle here O__o.

Creepy girl = Slasher girl a while ago??


Awesome episode again. This show is definitely consistent with the amazing story-telling and character perspectives. And for sure this anime always brings you a LOT of questions to your head every episode. I love these type of shows.

I also love the timeline of this episode jumps back and forth, that was very creative again when it comes to the story-telling department. Gotta love how everything started with all of us not having a clue what the hell’s happening, until it gets explained bit by bit. Nice to see Kida and Mikado’s genuine friendship, and that’s kind of worrying though on how much more it’ll be tested. But so far, it’s just a friendly rivalry to a girl. Isn’t that cute~?

So yup, besides from the story-telling, I enjoy its characters very much as well. I’m glad that Shinra’s getting some screentime on this episode as well because he’s just so adorably cute! I really want a Shinra plushie right now >__< Oh scratch that, actually I would want a plushie of them all~ xP.

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14 Responses to “Durarara!! – 05”

  1. zhokolatte says:

    Awesome recap as always~ I love the gifs and the Mikado♥Kida looooooove.

  2. RyanA says:

    Yea, I love the ungrounded momentum aspect as well. The whole thing seems almost autonomous and moving, viewer just needs to jump in and go with the flow… seems kinda similar to how the Ikebukuro setting works for Mikado; just needs to pay attention.

    Also, Shinra plushie lol

  3. Shi says:

    This shows storytelling is win. While you have no clue what is happening at the beginning of the episode and then near the end of it you realize that it’s getting explained bit by bit <3 So much new questions though~
    Shinra ftw, so much rabu~ towards Celty <3
    I actually find Shizu-chan's scene with the dog very cute~ Animals sure like him, lol.
    Mikado and Kida's friendship is great! 3>

  4. fill says:

    kida is cute xD his narrating is nice too, can’t wait for the next episode, dotachin will be natating~~~ :kyaa:

  5. > Why this friendship has the potential to get broken because of some girl? T___T

    This anime keeps amazed me with its plot development. I’m also excited to see who’s going to be the next “episode narrator”.

    Also, Anri~~~ <3

  6. meteorhouse62 says:

    I think the new girl is either Kida’s relative/sister because of the hair… or someone he dated.

  7. Xiao says:

    You can’t have cute dark-haired megane weirdness happen if there’s no Junie~ behind it, too, yes? xD Ah, I swear, no one else can do a better job with Shinra than he does. Haha

    Totally second that on Kida being awesome as he is (KIDA ATTACK! lolol). Or rather, with Mikado and Anri as my OT3~ No romance tied, thx very much. <3 Though I wouldn’t mind some MikadoxKida either *smacked* |D;
    Argh, but looking at how things might happen, nuu~ I don’t want this threesome ruined. And especially not Mikado and Kida’s friendship over anything! *clings onto them for dear life* TT_________TT

    *mood is totally ruined by that gif, tho* And Anri is like “…*watching*…” LOL Y must u do thisss, U? xDDD;;;

    I wanna smack that teacher silly! DIRTY DAMN BASTARD! :rage:

    Hoho~, no one can underestimate Mikado now that he’s got some mysterious~ cool lines goin’. X3!

    BANG! <– Wished there was an emoticon for this. ^^;

    Creepy spammer hack. o.O;

    Ugh, Shizu-chan gets too little close to nothing on screentime this episode T__T. When will he throw more stuff again? ;D

    IKNORITE?!?! 😡

    I’m curious, did Seiji even take a shower after all that time he spent trying to find her? It’s no small city, y’know. xD;

    *gasp!* Let go of Kida, you jerk! *WHAM!* :rage:

    D’aww, moment indeed. :aww: Everyone, hug those two. <333

    I'm curious to who's voicing the new girl. And Izaya~ We're kinda missing your smexy maliciousness so come back already

    Hmm, yea, awesome as always. Really, it's so great because it balances out the right amount of "HUH?!" with good suspense. Gah, and every time they reveal something new, something else comes up to make you do that all over again. hehe ^^

    Last but not least, fund that plushie idea. XDDD

    • Kagura89 says:

      The new girl at the hospital(Saki Mikajima is her name) is voiced by [url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=5916]Misato Fukuen[url] aka Yin(Darker Than Black)

  8. zetsubou says:

    OH MAI GAH! haha. wish they’d just show everyday. i can’t wait every week!!

  9. Jinsei says:

    I’m just thinking… what if the scar on this girls neck is somehow connected to Selty’s head..less? It’ suspicious to me. I know it shouldn’t be connected but… just thinking out loud.

  10. kat says:

    Is it just me or does the hospital girl look like she could be Izaya’s sister? I know characters within the same show sometimes look alike anyway because of the art style so maybe I’m just overthinking.

    • Aria says:

      Nope, she’s not Izaya’s sister though it’s true he [spoiler] does have two and this artist’s drawing style repeats a lot…I already see a ton of lookalikes for Durarara!! from other shows/games. Or rather Durarara!! is full of lookalikes? xD

  11. CyberPixie says:

    awwwww kidaaaa! i love kida’s thought when he, mikado, and anri talked on the park and his heroic pose when saving anri from the pervert teacher pffffttt

  12. Ritz says:

    Hey, hey, have you seen episode seven? It’s all about Shizuo!!

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