11eyes – 01

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11 Responses to “11eyes – 01”

  1. I wanted to watch this asap but then I saw the panties =_= I’ll go watch DtB2 instead . . . even if Hei is only at the end . . .

  2. Metalsnakezero says:

    I’ll keep watching to see where the story is going but the fanservice will low my score on this show.

  3. クレナイユメ says:

    The comparison to Chaos;Head is way off – probably because of the atmosphere the anime gives it. Persona is closer to it.

    I’ll just keep my eye on this for a bit, until I hit the part where Misuzu takes on one of the knights alone in the school and their battle tears it apart (Won’t be until…3-5 episodes). It’ll be a nice review on what happened until then.

  4. fenixdown110 says:

    This is alright. Still better than Kampfer which is all fanservice and hardly any story. I’ll watch a couple more for good measure.

  5. wildfire808 says:

    it gave me the feel of Silent Hill. with the alternate worlds being turned on and off and the weird ass creatures. The creepy noises also added to that (like the siren in Silent Hill). I’m impressed with the series. One of the animes that surprised me this season.

  6. fenixdown110 says:

    Rather than remind me of Silent Hill, this reminded me of Persona 3, except there aren’t coffins in the street. It’s just monsters.

  7. 4nBlue says:

    Panties are animation studios idea. The eroge had it’s first panties after three weeks of zero fanservice. And tentacles were not once used in “that kind” of ways.

  8. Fukuda says:

    actually….its not Misuzu…its Kukuri…XDahahahaha…lll Misuzu is the red haired girl that’s a minor mistake.

  9. Katimusha says:

    Looks pretty nice and was very helpful good job on the description of the episode. I agree that it felt very similar to chaos head and I haven’t seen or played persona 3 so i wouldn’t know about that.

  10. DrifterSoul says:

    well, I already watched this anime, and gotta say:they scr*wed up a show with more perspective than it has now. pretty good, but nothing special though… 🙁

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