The Sighs of Suzumiya Haruhi: 04

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3 Responses to “The Sighs of Suzumiya Haruhi: 04”

  1. Baka-Raptor says:

    Know if there’s any fan art of Kyon punching Haruhi? If so, send it my way.

  2. LuluChan92 says:

    OMG, if I were Kyon I’d beat the crap out of that unreasonable brat! God or not, Haruhi was a f@cking bitch and there’s no way anyone could just let it go. It actually felt really sickening watching that scene…

    Despite my feelings about Haruhi as far as this scene’s concerned, I really enjoyed watching Kyon being full of himself (finally)! For me it was like a level-up to his status!

    Too bad he went there and said “Let’s make this film a success”! He should choose his words more carefully, or at least make it clear that Haruhi’s previous doings are completely unacceptable (he buried himself, I’d say)…

    Anyway, let’s see what’s going on next! Untill then!

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