Spice and Wolf II: 01 – Furry Furry Time~


Anime’s hottest furry is back.


OP: “Mitsu no Yoake” by Akino Arai

I really love the OP and ED music for the first season, and the OP for the second season turned out to be good as well. I really enjoy the parts where Horo and Lawrence are dancing. Also, I think the OP just indicates a huge future hint for the two of them.


Yes, it’s officially back! After that Episode 00 OVA it had way back ago that disappointed me, I literally am worried that this second season would already suck under Brains Base. But so far, I think there’s nothing wrong with it, it seems that I can slightly trust Brains Base after all. AND I’m just stunned on how amazing the second season can get hopefully.

I always enjoy every interaction of Lawrence and Horo on their journeys. They always talk back on each other, tease and mock, even though most of the time Horo wins, but it’s really entertaining and it’s basically what I had missed from the series.


It seems like someone got struck by cupid’s arrow of love at first sight. Oh well, who wound’t fall in love with someone like Horo anyway. Need to keep an eye on this Amati guy lol.


But no one can beat Lawrence after all. He and Horo just sparks undeniable chemistry when together. I think I can really call it one of my favorite pairs on anime. The bedroom scene is nicely animated. And just how everything they tackle together is just worth watching plus we get to know how these two developed with each other so far.


ED: “Perfect World” by Rocky Chack

I prefer the really eccentric first ED, but this one is still good. It follows the same animation for the 1st ED, and the little Lawrence and Horo illustrations are something which I really found to be very cute. The song is also good too.


So what can I say? I’m just plain happy that it’s back and it seems to become better now. I really enjoy the first season, even though it cannot fit into other’s tastes because of its pacing, but I think that is the show’s charm. Horo and Lawrence’s chit-chats and interactions are the fireworks of this show. Last but not the least, we’re seem to be getting where the series is really going. Definitely looking forward to this one each week.


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6 Responses to “Spice and Wolf II: 01 – Furry Furry Time~”

  1. Other says:

    Yeah, they could have really slacked off with the animation quality during the bedroom scenes but they were great. I hope they stay together even if Craft has to grow old while she stays the same.
    .-= Other´s last blog ..Summer 2009: Bakemonogatari, CAANAN, Princess Lover, Spice & Wolf II, Taisho Yakyuu Musume =-.

  2. foomafoo says:

    :haha: I love Horo’s hang-over face


    Damn, I need to catch up on the first season x_x
    .-= Sapphire Pyro´s last blog ..Axis Powers Hetalia – Episode 25 Preview =-.

  4. kadian1364 says:

    I wonder if the ED hints that another furry-tailed companion is going to join Horo and Lawrence soon.

  5. meteorhouse62 says:

    Yes! This sequel is epic! I’m glad to see Horo back :love:

  6. tutu says:

    Horo :kyaa: :kyaa: :kyaa:
    I miss this series. I’m glad it’s back again :thumb:

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