Medaka Box – Ch. 09


Are you now in the Medaka train? Haha I’m so in it xD. The work of the (only) three-member student council just can’t seem to endlessly pile on. What will be the next request for them to fulfill this time?


It’s none other than the clubs asking for club funds. With that, Medaka conducted to have a Swimming Meet, with all the clubs participating. The winner having a prize money for their funds. The catch is, the prize money comes directly from Medaka’s own money! Wow, can this girl can’t get any more powerful and perfect? O_O.

Also, the student council will also be participating in the Swim Meet as well. Lol at the obvious implication that the Student Council has a strong advantage with Medaka in their group.

Pretty interesting build-up for the next coming chapters. I just hope it would not be too predictable though. I really appreciate on how the manga does not focus only on Medaka and her utmost perfection, because it would be too… boring. It’s cool that there’s also focus on the school and everything around her. And there’s Zenkichi as well, who is like a walking “Medaka Biography” for knowing almost everything about her, and it’s interesting on how little by little, we get to see Medaka being spotted by little imperfections ^^.


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One Response to “Medaka Box – Ch. 09”

  1. TJ says:

    Yup I’m now on the Medaka Train. Chuu Chuu!

    I’m guessing Medaka might snag herself a treasurer, since she was complaining about how the council didn’t have someone to manage money.
    .-= TJ´s last blog ..CANAAN 01 – First Impressions =-.

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