OTP of the Week: Haru x Elie

OTP of Week #2: Haru x Elie [Groove Adventure Rave]

LOL we’re going a little vintage in OTP of the Week ^^. I was like, 12 years old or 5 years ago back then when I’m so addicted to Groove Adventure Rave ^^. Haru x Elie is one of my early shippings when I was just starting to love anime ^^. This definitely belongs to my top 10 most favorite shounen manga couples of all time~. So yeah, I really miss Groove Adventure Rave so much! I love the anime a lot and I totally fell in love with these two. And oh, who would ever forget about that mascot between them? Plue! XD.

I just can’t say anything much more about these two on why I jsut love them both to bits up until now. They’re development just flowed really naturally. Boy meets girl without a past, helped each other on their journey, and start to feel a little spark between each other but they both just deny it~ And they’re so obvious that they really care for each other so much ^^. Haru x Elie’s chemistry just works so damn well :thumb: .

I wish they would have made the anime longer/or had made a sequel though, because it felt cut :rage: !!! So yeah, but good thing the manga had been scanlated ^^. Too bad I already feel quite lazy  to continue where I had left from, but I will, as soon as I have time ^^.

So yeah, I hope you love this couple too as much as I do ^^. More pictures:



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7 Responses to “OTP of the Week: Haru x Elie”

  1. Emiko-chan says:

    Ooh! I remember that anime… I think I watched back around when I was twelve or thirteen. Haru and Elie was definitely my OTP at the time too! I remember watching and hoping for fluff every week~
    .-= Emiko-chan´s last blog ..Vocaloid Day – 06/19/09 =-.

  2. Shion963 says:

    If I remember correctly, I also started reading Rave around five years ago.

    If you couldn’t remember where you left off, do what I do; start over.
    .-= Shion963´s last blog ..Orewa yuuzai =-.

  3. mikan_sakura says:

    I miss these two!!!
    Totally one of my favorite couples as well when I’m also just starting on anime. They work so well together 😉

  4. cinderbird says:

    The anime should have gotten a sequel/continuation.. :rage:

  5. linnah-chan says:

    I just noticed…we have the same OTPs!!!!!! <3

  6. MASHIMA Hiro says:

    i don’t know what a fluff is. But i want to ask a question anyway. why do some anime and manga have different names even though the have the same plot?

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