Eden of the East Movie I: The King of Eden [PV]


Whoaaaa!!!!!! I’m so excited!!!

The official website streams a promo for the upcoming film. No actual movie footage yet and I cannot wait till they release some! The King of Eden will premiere on Japan, November 28, 2009. The sequel Paradise Lost, will open on January 2010.

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22 Responses to “Eden of the East Movie I: The King of Eden [PV]”

  1. Dang, it’s just a week after the finale and I’m already missing this show. I can’t wait for the movie :oha:

  2. I want the movies . . . like . . . .NAO!!!!!!!!!! *_*

    the wait is killing me T_T
    .-= Sapphire Pyro´s last blog ..07-Ghost – Begleiter =-.

  3. 11or1 says:

    I can’t wait for the movies! :runs:

  4. anton of the east77 says:

    love the anime ❓

  5. Lisa P. says:

    Hello!:) can anyone please, write to me about when the film exactly release and which countries is releasing in!?
    Cause my crappy country they dont like manga!! <<suckers!

    Write to me!
    on [email protected]

  6. ashiiya says:

    Wow I really missed this anime and I thought it was gonna end just like that but now that there’s two movies on the way, I can’t wait :DD two movies is like a whole new season >:]

  7. haleySmith says:

    I sooooooo hope they have the movie in English Sub,If they dont i may cry.:'(

  8. daim says:

    a very well done story..
    Hope to see the movie soon..

  9. daim says:

    I’m hoping that this is not the compilation of all the episodes…(For the first movie though)..
    a 😉 🙁

  10. AnimeWatcher says:

    When will be possible to watch in online The King of Eden? xD

  11. ErioMondial says:

    Well, Takizawa-san actually brainwashes himself at the end of the story in order to be responsible for the elimination of missiles. Damn. How can people use 10 Billion yen to fire missiles at their own county? Weird eh. I think the movie is just the same as the series. Just the graphic is better!

  12. GHmimi says:

    I’m sooo looking forward to the movies X)

  13. Shirayuki says:

    daim said:
    “I’m hoping that this is not the compilation of all the episodes…(For the first movie though)..”

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  14. Shirayuki says:

    Why didn’t I used the Reply button?! :freeze2:

  15. for the great great man

  16. sricrozo says:

    any idea when the subbed version will be released in America?

    havent been able to find a date yet, if any 1 knows lemmie know plox

  17. Nana says:

    :tantrum wanna see the movie noow! I did end seeing the show just 2 days ago but it is so Hell good D: Bad english sorry…

  18. arlene says:

    movie will be released march 24 but then the subbed version will probably take weeks after that for the subbers. I can’t wait, been waiting like forever..

    • Whoozah says:

      Uhmm that’s the second movie you’re talking about..

      The first movie was released in november, why isn’t it up yet??!!

  19. Otaku_amer says:

    Does anyone know the sub group working on the movie?

  20. Yuka says:

    WIIIIII I loved the anime!!! :kyaa2: I want it to continue. I’m sooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^__________^
    I won’t be able to sleep! :shakesfist

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