Namie Amuro – Dr. [PV]


Namie Amuro’s first-ever animated PV for the song “Dr.”

Concept of the PV [ANN]:

The video’s story is set in the year 3000 on an Earth that has been reduced to ruins by weapons of mass destruction and environmental destruction. An animated alter-ego of Amuro is the lone survivor who wants to restore the once beautiful planet. She attempts to “convey a message of ‘world peace’ that transcends time” to the 21st century through a time-slip. A girl living in the present (as represented by another alter-ego of Amuro) receives that message of world peace.

I think the PV is very cool. I really like the futuristic theme Namie now implies (like WILD). And I love the song. I also think that the video has a message and a story as well. Well done. And this is just me though, but this kind of reminded me of a certain Britney Spears music video with the PV being animated and stuff (but yeah I know it’s totally different! …it just came into my mind XD).

More screenshots:

And you can download it in here!

–> Download PV here [.avi format]


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4 Responses to “Namie Amuro – Dr. [PV]”

  1. […] Dr. Namie Amuro Review by Kanzeon Fluximation (Studio 4℃) AMV […]

  2. Anjel says:

    I love the video!!!

  3. […] All youtube, dailymotion, etc. links are dead but Metanorn has both beautiful screencaps and a link here.  Now let’s […]

  4. luisa says:

    :kyaa2: aaah me encanta namie amuro¡¡ canta tan bn aaah que genial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :kyaa:

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