2008’s Dozen: Favorite EDs

The next batch are three ending sequences from the same anime: Macross Frontier. No explanations, they’re just great. Macross Frontier had the best soundtrack this year IMO. Here are my favorite EDs from the show:

09: Diamond Crevasse by May’n – Macross Frontier



Video contains an EPIC SCENE SUPER DUPER SPOILER!!!!!!!!


08: Aimo by Megumi Nakajima – Macross Frontier




07: Ai Oboete Imasu ka by Megumi Nakajima – Macross Frontier




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14 Responses to “2008’s Dozen: Favorite EDs”

  1. maglor says:

    >>> Sheryl’s Northern Cross still gets my #1 spot because it’s just great and amazing ^_^.

    I agree.

  2. Emmie says:

    I definitely agree with your number 1. Northern Cross is just beyond words. Good picks overall.

    Btw, that ToraDora pic is so cute!

  3. Josh says:

    I approve of your #2 and #3 songs

  4. […] Metanorn: Best OP, Best ED […]

  5. nazarielle says:

    Yes! Vanilla Salt! I’d actually say it’s my #1 or maybe #2 favorite ED that I’ve seen this year, but then I’ve seen some pretty old stuff recently, so I’m not sure it counts :p

  6. omisyth says:

    Still Doll – deliciously macabre.
    Style – deliciously sultry.
    Northern Cross – deliciously dynamic.

  7. FuyuMaiden says:

    Macross Frontier pretty much owns this list, doesn’t it? Well Macross used so many songs in their endings (and all of the songs in that show were awesome).

  8. Xiao says:

    So much…Macross.
    …and May’n and Megumi Nakajima are such great singers. xDD

    ARGH! #9! I don’t know who he was but that was awesome! Even though…he died and all. T_T

    Yea…awesome. ^^


  10. Kitsune says:

    Indeed, Macross Frontier songs are great 🙂

    The scene for Diamond Crevasse is epic, but you might want to put spoiler warning because it can ruin the experience for some people who have not seen Macross Frontier yet, but will see it at some point.

    Nakajima is not Iijima, but her love recollection was ok 😛

    I like Vampire Knight and Shion no Ou songs 🙂

    Yes, Northern Cross is one of the best songs this year 🙂

  11. Alan says:

    well… can’t agreed more than that->macross deserve d highest point n always be~


  12. kanzeon says:

    @maglor: Northern Cross is really great ^_^

    @Emmie: It’s cute isn’t it? Got it from google ^_^

    @tsuiteru: Agree.

    @Josh: Not #1?

    @nazarielle: Banira~ 🙂

    @omisyth: The trio of deliciousness.

    @FuyuMaiden: Yeah, and they’re really are memorable so it’s really impossible for me to just put only a song in this list XD

    @xiao_jie: OMG I’M SO SORRY for the spoiler!!! TT.TT

    @Kairu: Yeah~ Sing along to it XD

    @Kitsune: Post edited ^_^ Thanks for reminding XD

    @Alan: Yep ^^.

  13. roodiy says:

    the only one’s i knew were vampore knight and special (both which i LOVE)…must watch more anime~ :]

  14. kanzeon says:

    @roodiy: I love them both too ^_^ Some of the anime on this list are nice too ^_^

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