Manga Hunting: Nemunoki no Geshukusou
Math and Trigonometry is totally driving me insane, I need a break so I pick up my HOLY otaku-bow and go for some hunting(no, not for the teachers…) on manga baby!!! This time, I stumbled upon a cute little manga just recently released this year…
This is a oneshot by Yumeka Sumomo. Its about a man-hater named Chidori who gets a boy-robot named Sawara to live in her apartment. But actually, the robot is actually a real wealthy guy who’s actually crushing on her! Chidori suddenly tries to change her perception to men, but what if she find out the truth that he’s a REAL guy.. in the middle of falling in love??
Even though its still a oneshot, I still had so much fun reading this one. I really like the story, which is kind of unique. I do feel bad that its only a oneshot(why do mostly all oneshots are good?!?!?)…
“The greatest gift is delivered by a small lie…”