SA ~Special A~ 13: Magic/Friends


SA now comes with new OP (top row) and ED (bottom) sequences! Finally, my ears stopped bleeding on the new OP, which seems alright and catchy as well. About the ED, it’s tweeny and cutesy but I kinda prefer Hidamari no Gate…

[:Read the rest:]

Manga Hunting: Nemunoki no Geshukusou

Math and Trigonometry is totally driving me insane, I need a break so I pick up my HOLY otaku-bow and go for some hunting(no, not for the teachers…) on manga baby!!! This time, I stumbled upon a cute little manga just recently released this year…


This is a oneshot by Yumeka Sumomo. Its about a man-hater named Chidori who gets a boy-robot named Sawara to live in her apartment. But actually, the robot is actually a real wealthy guy who’s actually crushing on her! Chidori suddenly tries to change her perception to men, but what if she find out the truth that he’s a REAL guy.. in the middle of falling in love??

Even though its still a oneshot, I still had so much fun reading this one. I really like the story, which is kind of unique. I do feel bad that its only a oneshot(why do mostly all oneshots are good?!?!?)…


“The greatest gift is delivered by a small lie…”

SA ~Special A~ 06 – Invitation/Saiga Mansion

Hikari + Green wig = Shion from Higurashi(look at the 2nd shot)


SA ~Special A~ 05 – Festival/Contest

Its so cool being a filthy rotten rich kid, right?
