Code Geass R2 – Turn 09
Wooooooohooooo!!! I just downloaded a new media player which is wayyyy better when it comes to snapshotting(thank God)… And my first to sample is… Code Geass R2 episode 9!!!!!
[its subtitled BTW so sorry if it gets in the way… but please appreciate my effort :)… Click the images to view full size]
I’m sorry if I became so dramatic T.T you don’t know how much I’ve suffer from that […name not mentioned due to safety…] player(and using Print Screen too XD). Thank God I found this player (I’m just new to blogging so please forgive me for sounding retarded ok? lol..)…
POWUH: iLurker with 3 comments
ahh, good episode 😀
here’s a really good cosplay of C.C:
it’s like perfect it scares me, lol.
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
@kelly: CC is so nice to cosplay ^^ nice cute pic!