PhotobucketHere’s again my personal corner of my rantings, blabberings and musings on the IN stuff…

-The epic feudal manga InuYasha closes takes its final bow on its 588th chapter. Wow that’s a lot. I honestly don’t follow the manga and I’ll admit that this final chapter is like, the first InuYasha manga chapter that I’ve read… but I watched the anime… The story ended quite ok continuing the looooong distance relationship between InuYasha and Kagome, Sango and Miroku stayed forever in love, and mostly everyone gets a happy ending. Its quite typical since its “good victors against evil” and “girl and boy in love” but its very satisfying for me.

– I just bought some DVDs of Shigofumi ~stories of last letter~ and Hayate No Gotoku. I’m totally looking forward to watch them if there’s a homework-less day or in the weekend for a marathon…

– I just read the chapter 5 of ToraDora and I think that the series is so far so good! I always end up wanting more every chapter of it because the story is so cute!

– And finally, I just wanna share a chocolate with each and everyone of you who’s been reading my blog because I’m so happy today!(in comparison to my faux pas yesterday) Weeeeee!!! Haha… My Dad just sent a package that contains a new flat LCD monitor with CPU for me!!! (Ok, where will I place it now on my room?)… Anyway, my tech-friends are increasing LoL…

*hands chocolates*



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One Response to “”

  1. Solviter says:

    Chocolates? You should’ve given us a gold bar or something…

    HEY, friends are precious, right?

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