Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun 2 – 03-05
And here I thought having cats stuck on the roof annoying
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun – 13 [END]
Shino is sad that he won’t get to shoot yaoi scenes with Sousuke again until summer
Using the power of yaoi to save the last episode
Talking to a huge snake like a boss #shotapower
This cat has better dinners than I do
And here I thought having cats stuck on the roof annoying
Time to sacrifice the shota virgin to the gods
More bishies, more drama
Shino is sad that he won’t get to shoot yaoi scenes with Sousuke again until summer
When a character voiced by Kamiyan has this kind of fetish
A new kind of terror is born
inb4 doujins at Comiket 84
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