Uchuu Patrol Luluco Series Review

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Space Patrol Luluco was such a fun series!

winter15-foshSpace Patrol Luluco was easily my hidden gem from the spring 2016 anime season! It also helps that Trigger was behind it and I am a huge fan of whatever they do, but did you watch this? If you haven’t I highly recommend that you give it a shot especially if you’re a Trigger fan like myself.


Fun moments

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Planet Kill la Kill was amazing! They even used the OST from the series.

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Sucy from LWA even made a special appearance~

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This is from SEX & VIOLENCE at MACHSPEED which was part of the 2015 animator expo

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The original Inferno cop pops in!

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The Gurren Lagann pose was also used.

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Finally some Kiznaiver! Recognize the lightning bolt and mascot dude?

Extra Space Patrol

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Midori was a greatest sidekick!

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Luluco’s mom Lalaco was AWESOME! She was the best badass momma.

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Dat detailed animation!

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Gotta love these crazy expressions <3

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Nova and Luluco win for best couple.

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What a cute dork <3

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Luluco upgraded to Trigger girl aka the Trigger mascot.

Next Trigger project

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I can’t wait for Little Witch Academia!

Finished Artwork





Is huge anime fan from Florida! who loves to watch anime and also enjoys drawing and collecting pictures, my favorite genre of anime has to be Mecha, there is just something awesome about giant robots beating the crap out of each other! Other than that type of show, I love a good comedy or action series :D
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14 Responses to “Uchuu Patrol Luluco Series Review”

  1. skylion says:

    Finally some Kiznaiver! Recognize the lightning bolt and mascot dude?

    Do you see a certain couple here near the end of Kiznaiver ep 12?

    Quite possibly one of Trigger’s best shorts, and as close to a meta-fiction as I want their anime to get. I liked the reference drops, and I loved how it just LEANED into that Heart is the Best Super-Power Ever! point. She’s a good mascot our Luluco. For the future, well beside more LWA, I want to see more of her mother’s space pirates! Cause Space Pirates, man! Do I have to explain why?

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yeah I saw that in the final episode so I guess Nova and Luluco exist in other trigger shows! At least from here on out I can’t wait to see where else they pop up later.

      Agreed I feel the same about this series being their best short series! I kinda forgot they also worked on Hacker Doll The Animation but I dropped that kinda early…yeah the in house references to past series was such a huge surprise! I wasn’t expecting KLK, LWA, Kiznaiver ,TTGL, Sex and violence at machspeed and Inferno cop!

      It would be cool to see a Lalaco spinoff series!

      LWA is next! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I’m so damn excited to see that and I look forward to whatever magical adventure they take us on.

      • skylion says:

        I think Nova and Luluco popping up there means that she does eventually find him…but it’s the adventure finding him that counts right?

        • Foshizzel says:

          Yeah he told her before he bit the dust that they would meet again in another world or life so I guess technically they got together eventually or are going to be looking for each other forever?

          • skylion says:

            I think it was Trigger’s way of covering their bases. I think it would be heartless to leave that hanging, but at the same time they had to let people know it was going to be OK. So she found him in the Kizna world, or the Kinza versions found each other? AAAAAAA. Crisis on Infinite Lulucos!!!!

            • Foshizzel says:

              It’s kinda of cute to know that they always get to be together no matter what universe they end up in! D’awwwwwwwwww~

  2. HannoX says:

    It was a fun series and Midori and Lalaco were great. But my absolute favorite part was the announcement of a LWA series. I guess the money they raised for the LWA2 Kickstarter and the BD sales for both told them there was a strong demand for it.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yeah it was really fun! Easily one of my favorite Trigger shows as of late.

      I think the 2nd one got them a lot of extra cash which they used to make it an 1hr and 30mins instead of the normal hour! I guess they figured LWA is popular enough to finally become a TV series, but I want it now! Hahah

  3. Karakuri says:

    Man, this anime was so fun! And I loved the turn of having the first love/heart/whatever of the teenage girl being the most useless thing in the universe (I admit, I laughed) into the ultimate power. I totally wasn’t sold on Nova and Luluco as a couple before that (which might have been the point…), but I’m glad that skylion pointed out that they do seem to find each other.

    Overall, man Trigger does some out there stuff, but it sure is fun.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Oh yes! It was a ton of fun! LOL yeah I kinda laughed too Luluco falls for Nova, gets betrayed by him, falls back in love with him and poof he dies!? Wow poor Luluco, but now we know whatever world the two of them end pop up in at least they get to be together so Yay! I guess they will always get a happy ending.

      We can really tell the creative team behind Lulco got to have so much fun! I would love to see another season in the future, but at least LWA is next.

    • skylion says:

      Rarity is a matter of perspective. Millions of middle school girls fall in love for the first time every day (yes…that is exaggeration!) But if you’re just one of those girls…


      Hey Fosh, speaking of out there stuff, did they skip a Ninja Slayer drop? Not that I care, but….

      • Foshizzel says:

        I can’t recall any Ninja Slayer moments or references to that series? Maybe Trigger wants to forget they ever made that one or it’s a rights issue? Because it was created by two dudes from America…

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