First Impressions – To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd [NSFW]

To Love RU D (5)

Momo is prepared for operation harem!

If there was any returning series that I was excited for would easily be To Love Ru Darkness! Why? Because it has some fun characters that I enjoy watching, but I noticed another studio named Magic Capsule was tied to this season which has never done anything To Love Ru Darkness? I don’t know what their involvement means so we shall see.


“Oh, sorry, did I just fall and grab your butt? By the way, wanna join my harem?”


Wanna Join My Harem?

To Love RU D (4)

Dat ass face.

Fosh// As a manga reader that is far ahead of this season I am curious where things are headed for the “story” of To Love Ru Darkness and yes believe it or not behind the boobs and pantsu there are a few interesting story elements, like Momo’s desire to create a super huge harem for Rito so that all the girls that have fallen for him can be happy together because in space apparently there are no laws about having multiple wives! I guess that doesn’t sound so bad, but of course Rito isn’t fully on board with that and with this episode Haruna now knows what Momo has been planning or did she? I forget if that was revealed or not? Besides the Harem you have Yami struggling to “kill” Rito but at the same time I think deep down inside she just wants to be friends with everyone? Not to mention her sister Mea has her own set of special problems like dealing with her somewhat “evil” master Nemesis very soon and I can’t wait for that because it involves some hilarious stuff later on.

To Love RU D (1)

Good morning Momo!

So the real question is who do you prefer? Haruna or Lala if you were in Rito’s shoes? Then again with so many options I guess it really is hard to choose when you have practically the entire female cast after Rito! Yeah I know you can’t count Mikan out of possible harem choices because anime loves to toy with the idea of possible incest and Momo doesn’t seen to have any issues with it, but I only see that used as comedy in the world of To Love Ru Darkness and hey if it works why mess with it? Personally I feel that Momo would be a great choice for Rito since I consider her to be the true main character since she often pulls the strings to create chaos or “events” for Rtio to experience like the previous season when he turned into a girl or a pair of panties in one of the OVA episodes? Yeah chaos indeed!

To Love RU D (8)

Haruna is feeling great!

Plot wise this episode takes part in chapter 26.1 and the next episode jumps straight into chapter 27 and there are at least 56 chapters currently of the manga, and there are some chapters that have an “extra” side chapter that usually involve one of lala’s silly alien inventions, but if you follow this series at all you know what to expect from To Love Ru Darkness. So the premiere episode was all about Haruna getting drunk off some alien juice which almost caused her to finally confesses her love to Rito; however it eventually wears off and of course nothing happens between them. I’ve come to expect that will never happen anytime soon because if she did manage to confess then things might get super serious and nobody wants that right now! At least I rather have a few laughs for a bit and then we can get serious later.

Catching Up On Harem Builder 2015

Tolovvree (3)

Who do you chose Haruna or Lala? Why not both?

Hwy// It’s been a couple years since the first installment of Trouble-Darkness, but it’s not like they haven’t been busy putting out OVAs for the series in the meantime. If there’s one thing you can count on from the series, it’s Rito being able to fall in the most embarrassing positions possible for the girls he inevitably falls on. And how many girls have any of you ever fallen on? Maybe 1? Most likely zero, because generally people don’t fall on other people. And if they do they usually don’t land with their hand on boobs, or butts, or between the other person’s legs. So getting the fact that Rito is perhaps the most tragically uncoordinated person ever to exist on the planet, while simultaneously having an amazing probability generator, out of the way, let’s just accept all that and move on to what makes the show good.

To Love RU D (3)

Mea wants you to lick her Rito! DO IT!! JUST DO IT!!

One thing I was surprised at with the original Darkness was the actual presence of not just one plot line, but two others as well. One was continued from previous To Love Ru series, with Yami (Golden Darkness) still having the mission to kill Rito. But the others were Mea coming to kill both Yami and Rito, and Momo trying to set all the girls in the school up in Rito’s harem. And sure, the show’s not going to be completely plot driven. But they do enough with these plots to make them relevant. And because they’re such open-ended plots, it’s ok if they don’t finish in a series or two. I certainly don’t expect this series to end with Rito being King of Deviluke and having a giant harem. Nor do I expect him to be dead. But they work well enough as a framework to hang the plentiful fanservice on.

To Love RU D (7)

Haruna being mega cute here even though shes drunk…

As for this opening  episode, it felt like someone thought about that first season and said “You know, we completely ignored Haruna.” After Motto To Love Ru ended with Haruna and Lala both making it clear they loved Rito, and he loved them, they kinda pushed her aside for the whole of Darkness. Not that I can blame them, because I don’t find Haruna to be a particularly compelling character. Not having seen either of the first two series doesn’t help with this, nor does her hairstyle, which is just blechhh (yeah, I guess I went there). I don’t know if this development of Haruna really finding out about Momo’s Harem plan is going to be a springboard for more involvement from her, or it’s just giving her the first episode, after which they’ll go back to ignoring her. And I’m not going to read the manga to find out.

Moar Darkness

To Love RU D (6)

Haruna-“If I marry Rito then there will be threesomes?!”         Nana-“……..”

Tolovvree (4)

Rito in his natural habitat.

Tolovvree (2)

Momo is always so tempting! Damn it Rito she wants you.

Tolovvree (1)

Dat face on Haruna.


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End thoughts

Well that was hilarious and sexy as always! Thanks To Love Ru Darkness for staying the same minus the terrible censors, but I remember the previous season was censored to all hell! At least we have the OVAs and in the future Blurays to look forward to right? I do have some sad news after checking the MAL page I guess this season on has 14 episodes? Yeah that is only half a season which has me bummed out but ah well what can we do? Anyway what did you like about this episode? I enjoyed drunk Haruna.

If you were expecting something different from this first episode, I have to ask “did you hit your head at some point recently?” Everything in this show was just as usual, and that’s not really a bad thing. We’ll see how far the harem plan goes, and how far the murder plans go. And hopefully you’ll enjoy watching it… with headphones.

To Love RU D (10)

See you for summer MetaFAP

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18 Responses to “First Impressions – To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd [NSFW]”

  1. Di Gi Kazune says:

    I’m just going to say: More Darkness here, cutting out all the nice bits. More like Brightness though…


    • Foshizzel says:

      Lol yeah but I plan on doing comparison shots for the stuff they censored over so fear not!

  2. BlackBriar says:

    We sure are getting returns through sequels this season.

    Oh, Momo, the only girl in anime that wants to see a harem take form. Such a rarity. An uneventful first start but it is nice to see To Love-Ru again. Of course censor-chan had to stow away again on the fanservice ship. If given the chance, I’d throw him overboard.

    The animation isn’t the same here. I looked back at one of the episodes of last season stored on my external hard drive. Something is definitely different.

    Dat ass face.

    Personally, that was disturbing to see.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yeah that we are we have Working, Dragon Ball Chou, Durarara!!x2 Ten, Gatchaman Crowds insight, Aquarion LOGOS, Non Non Biyori Repeat, Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX and Miss Monochrome – The Animation 2.

      That is probably why I it works! There is a female who is pro harem? The fanservice being censored sucks, but ah well we can always hope for more uncensored OVA episodes in the future.

      I noticed that too the animation isn’t the same and most of it looks a bit CGish in some spots.

      LOL yeah imagine if that was always Rito’s face and the girls are still attracted to him? LOLOL the series would be completely different.

      • Highway says:

        The girls in DxD are fairly pro-harem. Momo wouldn’t even have to convince them. The problem there is the insecurity of the two main people. This is a problem that Lala doesn’t seem to have.

        • Foshizzel says:

          Well I wasn’t saying ToLoveRu was the best and I know the girls of DxD wouldn’t mind a similar thing with issei, but yeah we know Rias against such because I mean every time she catches Akeno trying something with Issei they always fight over him always and yeah the fact that Lala doesn’t have any problems with it is kinda weird.

          • Highway says:

            Nah, that’s a little different. I wasn’t really trying to say DxD is better, just that they’re also interested in a harem. Even Rias understands that that’s the way it’s going to be, it’s just that her insecurity and worry about whether Issei even likes her in the first place pushes her to fight with Akeno about it. If she understood how he really felt about her (and if he would just say it), she’d be much less antagonistic with the others.

            Rias’ mom even tells her that she needs to be the one to coordinate all of Issei’s mistresses and concubines.

            • Foshizzel says:

              Yeah true she still has no idea how Issei feels about her I guess once they get over that things should improve and true about Ria’s mom talking about mistresses and what not lol.

  3. BlackBriar says:

    We’ll see how far the harem plan goes, and how far the murder plans go. And hopefully you’ll enjoy watching it… with headphones

    Same goes for Shimoneta this season after the first episode. That’s for sure.

  4. HannoX says:

    Okay, let’s address the major issue here–Rito is a total lecher. Nobody is that clumsy and it’s far too much of a coincidence that when he falls he always ends up with his hand on a boob or ass or his face between a girl’s legs. And he’s so slow to recover. His harmless guy bit is just an act so he can get away with this stuff without going to jail or Golden Darkness actually killing him.

  5. […] Kazuya, Rito may be able to give you survival […]

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