First Impressions – Hibike! Euphonium
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So we’ve gone from one musical endeavor that I used to be a part of, the piano competitions in Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, and now moved into another that I used to participate in. This time it’s KyoAni’s story about a concert band club. I actually played in school bands longer than I played piano competitions (by a year), so I am definitely interested in an anime take on a concert band. |
From Genki to Prosaic
skylion// At first blush the show goes quite a long way to outliving some of it’s comparisons. K-ON except brass/wind ensemble comes quickly to mind; and I cannot dismiss that totally. Hyouka with Horns? Sigh. I’ll just stop right there. At it’s heart, this show is a character study that springs from one girl’s journey through a stage of adolescence. If this premier episode is any indication, then the path she walks won’t be like that of her studio’s preceding female leads. Kumiko (Asai Ayaka) is not Rikka Takanashi, nor is she Yui Hasegawa. If the other two shows were built of very hyper-kinetic moeblobby style, this one wants take a different movement to craft it’s tale. It’s more interested in the nuances of some things left unsaid; of a slower build. So for those who might not have thought to look in KyoAni’s direction for that concern, I feel you can put that aside.
Two very different reactions
Highway// I found it interesting that in the first episode of this show that they broached the topic of relative quality of school bands. In the US, almost every high school has a band, but the quality is all over the place. Even within my high school, we had four wind bands (there were also two orchestras). The top one competed for top prizes, the second one competed as an also ran, while the third and fourth ones were not invited to competitions. But it was pretty clear how your playing was by what band you were in (we auditioned every year for placement, and BTW I was in all four, from worst to best, moving up one each year).
So when we see that the results of the competition elicit different reactions from Kumiko, her nameless friend, and Reina (Anzai Chika) to the ‘dud gold’, it was an interesting window into their self-images. Yes, Kumiko’s statement about Reina’s reaction was rather crass, but given the other reactions, it’s fairly certain they were punching up to get even a gold rating, rather than something to be disappointed by that they didn’t get to advance, but Reina didn’t get that memo.
OK….it’s a bit Genki….
skylion// Which is not surprising, as you can take the director and writer out of those shows, but you cannot completely take the shows out of the them. With both Hazuki and Sapphire we see some small glimmer of characters past. But only just a glimmer or two. These two share some depths with Kumiko in that all three of them feel the pull of the new high school experience; feeling like a team after just a few short scenes with each other. That’s a big part of what made K-ON work, despite the lack of band practice and over-abundance tea and cakes otherwise. It’s nice to see friendships form so naturally. Hazuki will have her share of fans with that go-to attitude, and the overwhelming moe nature of Sapphire has captured my heart. Just don’t ask if she stands on a box to play contrabass…
Or wonder about that name. Will Midori ever stick?
Our main cast has some great support with both Haruka and Asuka as terrific standouts. They both look to reflect exactly what this high school band has to offer. This is not leaving out the no-nonsense-not-at-all-Sawa-chan that is Matsumoto-sensei.
Hibike! Hirake!
Highway// But then there’s Kitauji’s concert band, proud of the fact that they got a Bronze rating, and aspiring to become a silver. They’re not good. I loved the reaction shot as the band started to play on the steps, the other girls smiling while Kumiko grimaces. That squeaky clarinet (clarinet is what I played, then switching to Bass Clarinet (yep, I saw that Bass Clarinet there!), and then Contralto Clarinet – E-flat rather than B-flat for the Contrabass), the slightly-off drums.
skylion never played an instrument….the players of said instruments, however….
Perhaps Kumiko’s initial reactions that they were terrible are a little harsh, but it’s a very natural reaction from someone who is experienced. We are our own worst critics, as I’m sure that during my band gig tomorrow night I’ll count up the mistakes I make, but our listeners wouldn’t be able to tell. But we can also be fairly harsh on those that don’t quite measure up.
I loved the reminder that the Can-Can came from classical music
skylion// As I said, there are moments of reflection going on within Kumiko, and those thoughts run deep; her past in her middle school band, what she hopped to accomplish, if she had any real desire to reach nationals, and of course Reina (who, despite her exterior is quite lovely in the ED) She gives a great deal of it away as well to us. She mentions the rather frivolous choice of her new high school based on the sailor seifuku (this ain’t Kill la Kill!). But no-even-buried underneath that snark is her real concern, “In a lot of ways, I wanted a new start.” That leaves us with the obvious question. We can see that where she came from is probably the basis of her wan exterior (shaken up thou it always is with Hazuki’s forwardness). Hyouka with Horns? Perhaps, in some small way, the connection of that old bland uniform she used to wear to one more rose colored is saying something as well.
…even breaking away from a childhood friend….
Highway// I liked the internal issues that Kumiko worked through getting to the point where she’s accepting joining the band. She seems to have been one of the most realistic about the chances of her band before, realizing that they were in range of Gold but probably not going to move on, while Reina was unrealistic about their chances, and the other friend didn’t have any clue at all. And now going into a significantly worse band (if they’re willing to accept someone completely novice, it’s pretty obvious what their quality is), it will be interesting to see how she is able to accept what their chances are, and how to deal with the people who have unrealistic expectations. Can she relax and accept the status, and still have fun with her new friends? Sometimes it can be hard to be the best player in your group, because you wish the others would do better. But ultimately the biggest source of fun with band is the camaraderie that comes with it, and the feeling of playing in a bigger group. I think that will probably be what Kumiko is able to grasp as they move through the series.
That lovely, quiet change of mind….
So, which one is Highway?
I’m always anxious with a new KyoAni production. I know that I am in for a gorgeous sight with high levels of character animation and lovely scenery. I’m probably not as burned out by the genki moeblob as many fans are, but it’s still great to have a change of pace, with more thoughtful characters and a broader background. As of right now the character pop in just the right way. They’ve got a great three man band playing well together. So it’s going to be fun to see it hit all the snags next episode when Kumiko reacquaints herself with both her former band mate, and her past.
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 261 comments
I…I Got a Confession to make, only few from the KyotoAni is consider to be really good and worthy!
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and the rest are just too…lame, so lame that i myself seem to be so questioning of why are so many people are so obsessed with this company…OK, hopefully i’am not alone for that…
as for this one, I’am kinda bit sad that it only runs at only 13 episodes! still, let’s see how truly worthy is this…so we’ll see!
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
Finally, someone who actually can justify their Kyoto Animation love with evidence instead of the usual “kyoani can do no wrong” spiel.
Whilst I may disagree with your list, you have at least won my respect.
This show is moeblobs with brass and will remain so until such a time an A/Z ending happens. I’m going to be frank here: Slice of school-life stopped of interest to me since 2004/5/6 unless it has that something exta/special. I believe Shuffle! was that last one.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
So basically no form of patience whatesover for a story to tell itself the way it has to and appreciate it for that? I guess if there isn’t the equivalence of some form of Insane Performing Clown Car tearing up the scene, it’s just isn’t worth it?
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Nopeeee they have plenty of series that failed and nobody liked! Free was probably the start, but I liked that one after getting over the OH GOD ITS ALL DUDES instead of the norm cute girls doing cute things.
Every studio has a few failed projects so that statement is kinda dumb lol.
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
You’re like me. We just like Free! just to spite the kyoanitards.
They should just go back and do FMP.
Now excuse me, I have a Shiro go pick up at the courier’s.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
If you watch a show to to spite someone than the joke is really on you, isn’t it?
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Also the FMP angle has been covered to death and back again…
IOW if someone is capable of, in your mind, undeserved love for said studio, then the same is true for undeserved hate. Fashion is tedious when everyone does it…cuts both ways….
POWUH: iLurker with 7 comments
Sorry to say it, but all of the anime you listed there are lame too. You just happen to personally like them as well, that’s all. KyoAni specialize in making lame anime that can still be enjoyed on some level, if you let them (personally I kinda like Hyouka and Nichijou, for instance, and After Story had its moments). Other people seem to think that KyoAni’s anime are fantastic on animation alone, and so they blow the “goodness” of their anime way out of proportion.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Yeah, I know, right. Personal taste shouldn’t be up to the persons. They really should check with other people and make sure it isn’t too personal. That would be the right thing to do….
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 261 comments
Well…You’re Right, and Besides This is just my Personal Pick and not truly my favorites cuz let’s face it, even if they are good, i feel that the other audience not to be pleased with it…
OK It is just my Confession but oh well…Silly me >_<
Now I was thinking of something which is much weirder
is it KyotoAni or uh…UM…
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POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Excellent post, guys. It’s cool to see what musicians think of it! Although you can look for connections to K-ON! and find a few, this still ain’t K-ON!. I quite like the more subdued vibe they’re going for here and I think this will be a good one. It’s like Kyoani is trying to say they’re growing up haha
Also, my hair does the same thing if I put it in a ponytail then try to release it. Except mine doesn’t look moe as hell because this is real life. Oh the woes of curly hair..
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Well, musician singular Highway. I can’t steal any good music lines he won’t give me….
As you can probably figure out, the connection with the bloby-ness of K-ON isn’t going to be any easy thing to break; either in the natural sense of the settings, or in fandoms general sense of making connections which aren’t there to begin with. But audiences are found and grown, something that KyoAni has done rather well.
My hair does get curlier the longer it gets, anything beyond three or four inches. It’s getting kinda crazy these days…
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 261 comments
And another one thing…
Sapphire…is it suppose to call her….Emerald…Cuz…
its suppose to be green. sapphire on the other hand is
blue…is it?
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
I was debating on if I would point this out. But I defaulted back to something I learned covering the bad exposition of Black Bullet. If the show doesn’t explain it, I ain’t gonna…
But sapphires are interesting…
And they sometimes go with green (lanterns)
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
Her sister is Ruby.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Actually I think that was kind of the point, or even the joke. Her name is odd, probably because her parents are odd. That’s why the teacher had so much trouble trying to read it, because “Ryoukuki” isn’t a normal name either. So her parents wanted to name her Sapphire, and came up with something kind of kooky.
This led me to imagine how outright kooky her parents are, because it is not an easy thing for parents to name their child something out of the ordinary in Japan. Of course it’s easier in anime, but in real life, it’s almost unheard of for a name to be registered like that, even if the kanji in particular are on the acceptable list. I’ve heard that it usually takes a foreigner for one of the parents to get it allowed (perhaps another example of gaijin smash).
POWUH: 800-899 and Flying Sage with 856 comments
KyoAni is a capable company with both good and bad shows. So far Euphonium is off to a good start.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
No studio is going to be capable of all good, all the time. Taste’s are far too wide-ranging. And no studio is immune to hype of all stripes. Like, SHAFT should only do the Monogatari and the Madoka franchises. Fans of all sorts are guilty of adding color to a studio it never set’s out to paint.
POWUH: 800-899 and Flying Sage with 856 comments
I suppose you are right, which means the fault lies not in our stars, but in us, the anime-watching community. KyoAni is certainly not the only production company that gets heaped with unfair abuse just for being who they are. J.C. Staff comes to mind as another company that had a string of big hits and were accused of producing trash ever since.
I hope the fans of the future can free themselves of these religious wars about the production companies and enjoy the shows for what they are.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Fans of the future! We beseech thee! Well, maybe if we acted like we want them to act….
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
Hence why I judge shows purely on their merit and not on the studio.