Akame ga Kill! 21-22

The death flags finally caught up.

You were expecting Kara, but- ah screw it.



No More Love

Farewell kiss.

You might have noticed the lack of Akame ga Kill! last week. Kara was busy. You might also notice the brevity of this post. I am busy. So let’s get straight to it. Mine dies. We were all waiting for that to happen, so it’s not a shocker. There’s no death sentence like being the love interest of the MC in this kind of show. At least she took out Commander-in-Chief Budou with her, which is apparently an impressive feat even though we have no reason to believe this beyond characters repeatedly reminding us of this. Surprisingly enough, Tatsumi handled Mine’s death pretty well and skipped right past the depression stage. All the better for us. I do wonder if this is how it actually went down in the manga since apparently the anime is starting to really diverge from the source material.

How will Tatsumi face Esdeath?

Anyway, Mine’s passing might mark the end to any romantic developments in Akame ga Kill! I don’t take Esdeath’s advances seriously since I still don’t think she really sees Tatsumi as more than just an object she suddenly decided she wants to own. Despite her claims that they are birds of a feather, all she’s done is repeatedly tell him to be with her without really doing anything to convince him to reconsider the prospect. Not to mention, our hero has made it clear that he will never let himself come to like someone who spreads death and destruction for her own amusement. So with Mine down and Esdeath out, there’s really no one left with real romantic interest in Tatsumi. Leone just teases him and Akame only sees him as a comrade, after all.

Two Sisters

A powerful moment.

Speaking of Akame, episode 22 covers her final confrontation with her little sister, Kurome. I guess despite not being able to kill Kurome, Chelsea did leave a lasting impression on the girl. And by impression I mean deadly injury, of course. Anyway, Kurome definitely wasn’t at the top of her game so the outcome was a foregone conclusion even if we ignore the fact that Akame is one of the good guys and moreover the titular character. Anyway, it was a bit telegraphed to have a random giant monster pop out to interrupt the battle and conveniently take out the last of Kurome’s good friends dolls. But regardless of the hamfisted writing, the last moment between the two sisters was still exactly what it needed to be. Nothing too sappy or melodramatic. Just two warriors meeting on the battlefield for one last clash.

At this point I’d be more concerned about Wave taking out his anger on Night Raid for taking Kurome away from him than anything else. Esdeath is busy fending off the entire revolutionary army. And I can’t take the kiddo emperor’s giant mecha thing seriously. It’s just an even easier target to hit if you ask me, considering the boy probably has absolutely no training in combat. But hey, at least he will serve as a meat shield for the prime minister to get away for a little longer. Anything to further demonstrate what an asshole the guy is.



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15 Responses to “Akame ga Kill! 21-22”

  1. zztop says:

    Ohmygod, they killed (insert name of Akame character here)! You bastards!!ヽ(●-`Д´-)ノ

    • BlackBriar says:

      The series has already shown it’s not playing favorites so it couldn’t be helped. Everyone has a potential target on their backs. Just have to brace yourself when it happens. 😉

      • skylion says:

        …well you see, this has become the point of the show. With everyone having a target on the back, there is not need to brace oneself. It’s gone from shock to forgone conclusion. Not a good way to build a drama.

        • BlackBriar says:

          The tension comes from guessing when and how it will happen. Some episodes, you think someone is going to die, might be a character you like but they live to see another day only to end up biting the dust when you least expect it or when you believe they’re actually going to make it all the way through in one piece.

  2. skylion says:

    The thing with Mine’s death is that it was expected all along, but they never really gave the relationship and true depth, just as with Shelle ages ago. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Have her survive the onslaught. Then kill her in a completely different way later on!

    Anyway, it was a bit telegraphed to have a random giant monster pop out to interrupt the battle and conveniently take out the last of Kurome’s good friends dolls

    It also showed us that these two can work with each other and they truly aren’t so different. They have a connection that puts the duel in new terms. Or…it’s the whole “no one gets to try to kill you but me” thing….

    • Sumairii says:

      It also showed us that these two can work with each other and they truly aren’t so different. They have a connection that puts the duel in new terms.

      Sure, I’ll give the show that much. It was still an awfully convenient way to get rid of the two dolls though.

  3. BlackBriar says:

    You were expecting Kara, but- ah screw it.

    You stole more character deaths from her. I can only expect retribution from this. 😀

    You might have noticed the lack of Akame ga Kill! last week. Kara was busy. You might also notice the brevity of this post. I am busy.

    School and/or Holiday season involved. These are easily understandable things.

    It never ceases to be intense. Night Raid and the Jaegers… Members on each side just keep dropping like flies. The best part of Akame ga Kill is when it shows the gravity of the reprisals when a war/revolution is involved. There is no conflict without casualties. It’s as close to realism as it gets.

    Surprisingly enough, Tatsumi handled Mine’s death pretty well and skipped right past the depression stage.

    The deaths of two childhood friends and the loss of three comrades before Mine. It wouldn’t sit right if he doesn’t develop a sense of acceptance of reality despite the intense pain.

    Susanoo stood his ground to protect his comrades so he deserves an honorable mention. Kurome’s end was an inevitability so that couldn’t be helped but I didn’t expect Mine to die as well. Well, not so soon, though, because of the ambition she strived towards. At least there is some sort of comfort as they both died peacefully in the arms of those they cared about. Right now, Akame’s suffering is the most profound. Yes, she’s lost comrades but even worse, she’s lost the only family she had left. That’s something irreplaceable.

    All hell is ready to break loose in the empire so I’m very interested in seeing how this all ends.

    • Sumairii says:

      The deaths of two childhood friends and the loss of three comrades before Mine. It wouldn’t sit right if he doesn’t develop a sense of acceptance of reality despite the intense pain.

      Fair enough. He did have a very brief moment of depression over his childhood friends. I still figured his reaction to Mine’s death would be exaggerated because love. Stories like to do that when love is involved. But I guess Tatsumi had already steeled himself as per Akame’s words.

      • BlackBriar says:

        Make that four comrades. I forgot Lubbock died, too. Still, lamenting is natural but if he exaggerated for every one that died, Tatsumi wouldn’t hold up at all. Bulat also already warned him what comes with leading the life of an assassin.

  4. BlackBriar says:

    Come on, Spammy, give me a break. He’s been hounding me a lot lately.

  5. JPNIgor says:

    So many unnecessary changes… All because they didn’t want Tatsumi and Mine to properly date.

    • BlackBriar says:

      Tatsumi is seemingly being made a jinx/death sentence for any girl that tries to get close to him. That sucks.

      • JPNIgor says:

        If Tatsumi is the death flag himself than Leone is abusing her surviving rights…

  6. Foshizzel says:

    Yeah apparently Mine is not spouse to die this early and it pissed off a lot of the die hard manga only readers, but hey whatever its an adaptation which means these things happen and they gotta squeeze in the important deaths because I don’t think Akame will get a second season as much as id love one…

    RIP Mine I was just starting to like having you around and RIP Kurome T______T

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