Happy Birthday, Will!


Time for August’s second birthday and it’s our Tech Guru, Will’s!

sumaWill! I know you’ve been as busy as ever, but I can’t tell you how much we all appreciate the work you do behind the scenes. This rings especially true in the wake of Spamzilla raising its ugly head in the past few months. Ugh… As always, keep up the excellent work putting the spam monster in its place (the Metanorn dungeons). And more importantly, a happy birthday toast to our savior, Christ! o/ᵁ


Christ-sama, Metanorn’s saviour in times of crisis. Happy birthday! A huge thanks for taming the great tsunami of spam and also for your work behind the scenes, as usual! Hope you have a great day and of course, an even better upcoming year.


Wiill! Happy Birthday to You! I hope that your last year has been great, and the coming year will be even better! Thanks for all you do keeping the site up and running, even when under siege by spambots. 誕生日おめでとうございます!


Happy birthday, Will! I’m sure everyone is going to say this but thanks so much for keeping Metanorn afloat and fighting hard in the Great Spam War against huge amounts of spam and Spammy eating everyone’s actual comments. You do so much! So rest up, eat some cake, and celebrate. Have a good one, man.


summer12-foshWhoaaaa Happy Birthday Will-sama! I hope you have a fantastic day and thank you for keeping Metanorn up and running! You rock bro!



Happy Birthday, Will! I present to you, your waifu who will cook meals and keep you entertained throughout the day. You sure have worked hard with balancing work, studying and RL. Not to mention, the pesky problems that Metanorn keeps on encountering from faulty HDDs to server issues and the Attack of Spamzilla! The last one really made us suffer but we got around them so thank you for all the hard work. Today, enjoy the day and have lots of fun with your friends and family. Keep on rocking as usual. Happy birthdaaaaaaayyyyy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


skylionHappy Birthday Will. Thank you for keeping the site up and running, and we shall all work hard to slay the dreaded Bots and Spammies in the future. Can we have that drink yet?


Happy birthday, Will! Thanks as always for running the site, letting the rest of us forget about all that technical stuff. Hope you have a wonderful day of celebration, and may this coming year be your best yet!


Happy Birthday! Enjoy the day, have fun with friends and family, and hopefully the spambots won’t attack while you’re partying and give you business to take care of afterwards.


Happy birthday Will! I hope your birthday will be filled with fun and memorable memories! Of course, not forgetting the smexy and moe characters too *wink*



Join in this magical party yo!


We are the deadly team of Metanorn. When together, we usually come up with long, informative reviews and commentary. After all, we take fangirling seriously!
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11 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Will!”

  1. Di Gi Kazune says:

    Hail Will! For without Will there would be no Will to keep the website running. 😛

  2. Joojoobees says:

    Peace Be, Brother Will! May you have health and happiness throughout the year.

  3. BlackBriar says:

    Happy Birthday, Will! Best wishes to the master behind the scenes of Metanorn and Kyokai’s partner in crime.

  4. Cybersteel says:

    Wiill never even replied me on skype Q.Q

    • Kyokai says:

      DAAAW. I think he is busy partying. He’s just logged from his mobile I think.

    • Will says:

      Sorry about that.

      For some obscure reason, I’m always logged on but the application is not running and I never get any notifications. Skype forgot the definition of “available”.

      • Kyokai says:

        Change your skype password and it will be accurate again. For some reason this was happening to my kyokai account with me forever logged in, even when I was not. I fixed it by doing this. :3

  5. Will says:

    Thanks a lot guys!
    I don’t know how, but you always find the perfect pictures for my birthday posts XD.

    Also, thanks for being patient with me, I haven’t been around much this past year and I couldn’t give the near 24/7 support like I used to, but I try my best to be there.

    Spamzilla was a big one, as I was often out and down to only a cellphone for fixing things. As for the faulty drive, it was completely unexpected, we’ve been running for less than a year on that machine after all.

    Anyway, thanks all for this last year, it’s been really fun.

    • Kyokai says:

      It’s an art, Will! And some FB stalking. XD

      Glad, you had fun on your birthday and it’s alright. You got work and what not to deal with but hopefully, Metanorn is going to be around. Let’s get some updates done on time. 😉

  6. AllenAndArth says:

    I missed Will-sama’s birthday O.O
    Noooo, how could I!
    Will Happy Birthday and lots of girls and anime for you(nothing better in life…unless it’s a girl who likes anime) o/
    keep up the art work(Metanorn is an art!)

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