Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma✫Illya 2wei! – 4ier

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 Team First Base Stolen First Kiss

 If anything, this one was about lack of communication, for many reasons; secrets, things you aren’t ready to reveal, or just flat out poor communication skills


Miyu just evens out the sides

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Every magical girl has to be a mystery

Well, you cannot contain a force of nature for long. Nor can you keep the Number One Kiss Demon down for any length of time. I have to admire Kuro’s chutzpah. In exchange for for basically agreeing to do what she wants, she gets to….do what she wants; cursed tummy symbol and shared pain aside. But this pales next to the Edelfelt identity creation machine. “…the same thing you did for Miyu?”. Wow. That’s heavy plot in the foreground and the background; probably get to that in later episodes. For now, everyone was dodge-ball fighting…

Pudding, Homework, Funnel

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Why is Mimi the referee? She belongs on the right side of the court…

Death before Dishonor! Or at the very least a revenge driven game of dodge-ball. It seems that bakanakama cannot shake the curse of the kiss demon…and Kuro has no immediate memory of her exploits , “Oh, that?” .. So it’s to the field of battle. Was the outcome anything other than obvious?  At least for Nanaki, Suzuko, and Tatsuko. Defeat was the only option. So Nanaki…do you’re own homework, Suzu…funnel* for yourself, and Tatsuko…your own pudding is not a bad thing; but it’s a  shame as Tattsun was saving her first kiss for her older brother…yes, this is anime… But the effect of the game is to have Illya step up and give Kuro a piece of her mind. As I was reading the manga, the question came to me. Like why didn’t Kuro just up and say what she was/is/is up to. Well, episodic drama…

The risk of taciturn characters

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She’s interested in the shared pain angle, she just isn’t letting on

Which brings me to a part of the story, both manga and anime that I’m not all that on board with. Caren.  I understand she’s a character from Fate/hollow ataraxia. And in spoiling myself with that wikia link, I know why she is taciturn and mildly sadistic. But an odd cipher character, such as she is, interacting with other characters for over-reaction was just not as fun and interesting as it could have been. It’s true, she serves as a pretty good mystery hook by episodes end naming  Kuro as a miracle, Miyu as an accident, and Illya as necessary or inevitable, but that could have been one and done without most of her scene.

Base Hits

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I cannot say I was a huge fan of this particular episode. It reminded of ground covered or yet  to cover rather than just, you know, acknowledging and covering it. I recall speeding through it while reading the manga feeling it didn’t have that strong an impact. If it was a breather episode, many moments of broad comedy and Cipher McCipherson, left if feeling out of breath. If anything it made me want to inhale the next episode as soon as possible…

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…cause, furo episode….

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Pretty…and done by the shows in between and 2nd Key artists…

*Bonus points if you can illuminate what a funnel is…


All around nerd that enjoys just about any anime genre. I love history, politics, public policy, the sciences, literature, arts...pretty much anything can make me geeky...except sports. Follow me @theskylion
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16 Responses to “Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma✫Illya 2wei! – 4ier”

  1. Di Gi Kazune says:


    Also, Shiro looks like a delicious shouta to be… dolphinized.

  2. Wanderer says:

    Kuro isn’t up to anything at this point. She’s behaving herself and going to school and acting like Illya’s cousin, just like they made her promise she would. Illya’s the one who isn’t leaving well-enough alone.

    • Vince says:

      What happened last 2 episodes, I wouldn’t blame her for not taking it well, plus she’s an elementary school girl.

      This episode was pretty slow compared to the pace of the source material. I don’t think it’s that bad of a deal, it seems it’s willing to give some screen time to minor characters which I appreciate.

  3. BlackBriar says:

    Kuro was denied her collection of kissable mana replenishing tanks. What a shame. Though, draining them daily… I’d give them less than a week before she sucks them dry.

    That so-called nursed has to be the most morbid character I’ve ever seen. She’d do well working in a morgue if dealing with healthy patients isn’t within her interests.

    The OP had me thinking. Kuro is a manifestation born from Illya using the Archer card last season. Since Miyu has used the Saber card and is going to use it again as the OP indicates, then that might enough to speculate Miyu might also have a copy but with Saber’s attributes somewhere along the line.

    • Di Gi Kazune says:

      What do you expect of a nurse that is the daughter of a certain priest? Or was it ramen vendor? A morgue is no fun to her, especially given her family background. (See last episode of Fate/Zero.)

    • thorgriim says:

      haha, I was thinking the same thing about Miyu making a copy of herself with saber, that will be quite interesting to see.. and it may not end well for them.

      I mean are we going to get friendship and sacrifice in the end? dramatic heartbreaking? or just a dream? who knows but I still like the idea of an anime, too bad we only get 10 episodes to find out, But maybe that’s a good thing in its own, too much would be overkill.

      • Wanderer says:

        Kuro came to exist under a very specific combination of conditions that Miyu is incapable of duplicating.

  4. BlackBriar says:

    Kuro was denied her collection of kissable mana replenishing tanks. What a shame. Though, draining them daily… I’d give them less than a week before she sucks them dry.

    That so-called nurse has to be the most morbid character I’ve ever seen. She’d do well working in a morgue if dealing with healthy patients isn’t within her interests.

    The OP had me thinking. Kuro is a manifestation born from Illya using the Archer card last season. Since Miyu has used the Saber card and is going to use it again as the OP indicates, then that might enough to speculate Miyu might also have a copy but with Saber’s attributes somewhere along the line.

  5. thorgriim says:

    So a game of cute girls playing dodgeball with some high stakes eh. This wasn’t a bad episode, Like you it just left me wanting to watch the next episode now!

    That nurse haha, I find it funny and yet confusing, like what is her aim in all this, is she there for comical relief or a mastermind? I hardly remember her.. from and of the fate stuff.. but… I’ll have to do some research haha. (looks at Skylion’s link..to click or not to!”)

    I’am also wondering more curious about Miyu for some reason, maybe with Kuro in the picture it makes me wonder where Miyu came from? could she be a sorta clone/copy/made up friend by Illya? though that is a bit a far fetched to say the least lol.

    Lastly this episode made me feel a bit sorry for Kuro, she wants to fit in and now that she finally gets a chance she is still treated as the bad guy, well she is BUT still you can’t help but feel sorry for her now. yes she sorta started it, BUT just not fitting in or wanting to be accepted left out and thinking your just a copy a fake is a bit much to take in for a middle schooler, if she is one? anyways can’t wait for next episode!

    • skylion says:

      The one thing I should have mentioned was that both the Kuro side and Ilya side are about equal when you get down to it. But Poor Communication Skills is status quo here…

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