Happy Birthday, lvlln!


Continuing the January birthday parties, it’s turn of lvlln’s~

Hey lvlln! Congratulations on another circumsolar trip! It even sounds like you had a nice vacation to go along with it! It’s been fun collaborating with you on MetaFap and the livewatches, and I’m looking forward to another fun year coming up! Best wishes!


Happy birthday Min! I believe you’re still in Korea at this moment, so I hope you’re enjoying your travels. It was a lot of fun doing the IS2 live watches with you, though I do feel a little sorry that you had to sit through what turned out to be terrible show. But at least we could all laugh about it. Anyway, I look forward to more live watches if this experience hasn’t turned you off. D-Frag is certainly a much better show in almost every regard.


 Happy Birthday!!! I wish you all the best on this exciting day. It seems like you’ve already been having a crazy good time going to Japan and such (I’ve been living vicariously through your twitter adventures), but some more celebration can’t hurt. The next time you travel, don’t rule out Canada, ok? It’s closer than you think and I can wish you a (super) belated birthday in person. Keep up the awesome blogwork and have a good one!


 Woooooo! Happy Birthday Lvlln or as I love to call it happy real life leveling up day! Anyway you are always fun to chat with about anime or listening to you talk about your love of all things Monogatari, which is always informative and one of these days I will read the novels, but I hope you take some time to sit back and relax with your family and friends on your birthday!



Happy birthday, Min! It’s always fun making graphics for your birthday posts because most of them are related to my favourite fandom stuff. To one Type-Moon tard to another, hope you get more chances to trip Japan and other otaku places and make other fans jelly. Now that you are back, let’s continue with our usual podcasts and fandom tweets that we get into but besides all that I hope you have a wonderful day. I present you a special maido pair with a huffy princess. So, enjoy them and have a blast; party hard!


 Happy birthday, lvlln! Hopefully your travels have been good so far. …You seem to have encountered many elevators with interesting features, so that has to count for something, right? In any case, have an awesome birthday and upcoming year!


 Hey Lvlln, happy birthday! It seems that you had fun already in Japan, so I guess you should have fun again now! I have many things to ask you about your Japan trip, such as “did you buy any yaoi doujinshi ” or “did you see men hugging each other”, but I guess I shouldn’t ruin your birthday… Forget my questions and just eat your cake, teheh~


Congrats on this whole getting older thing! I know we do it every minute of every day, but when the number ticks one upward, that’s cause for celebration. Enjoy some cake, guzzle down some drinks and have another very happy birthday!



Join in this Im@s + Monogatari partyyyyyyy~


We are the deadly team of Metanorn. When together, we usually come up with long, informative reviews and commentary. After all, we take fangirling seriously!
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13 Responses to “Happy Birthday, lvlln!”

  1. Joojoobees says:

    Happy Birthday, llvln!

    Hope you are having a good time in the Far East, or have safely returned as the case may be. And may the coming year be filled with anime, manga, light novels, Ultimate, Parkour, and anything else that strikes your fancy.

  2. skylion says:

    OMG Squeeze! DAT iDOLMONOGATARI pic!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday, our far flung Parkour Ranger! I’ll raise a pint for you.

  3. BlackBriar says:

    Happy Birthday, llvln! Best wishes to Metanorn’s Parkour Fanboy and Monogatari Expert. Have fun in your future travels!

  4. AllenAndArth says:

    happy birthday lvlln!
    be happy and stuff, everything the others MetaResidents wished for you
    live a long life, filled with dreams, trials and victorys
    find your happyness and burn your fire of youth every day o/
    May The Force Be With You, young MetaResident!
    for tomorrow and the future o/

  5. akagami says:

    Oh, that Im@s + Monogatari pic is awesome~ I’ve discovered a new artist (pun2)!

    (◐ o ◑ )

    Oh, and happy birthday lvlln

    ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ・_・)┘

    p.s. How is your name pronounced? I always thought it was an “i” at the beginning (So I pronounced it “I’ve Lin”), but looks like it’s an “L” based on anaaga’s post. Leveling?

    • akagami says:

      Hmmm, this black background threw my face emoticon off. Please highlight the face as you read the message ^^

      • Kyokai says:

        It’s Min and if you look carefully at how lvlln is written, you’ll discover Min in lvlln. xD

        • skylion says:

          I’ve abbreviated it as lvl, cause it’s cool to think of him as head of MI5.

        • akagami says:

          Hmmm, that’s good to know. I never would have guessed that. If I squint I can sort of see the “M” ^^

    • Highway says:

      If it wasn’t for the MetaVerse podcasts, I’d still be thinking it’s l’s instead of “min”.

  6. lvlln says:

    Thanks for the warm wishes, everyone! I’m enjoying a restful vacation in Seoul after about a week in Tokyo, but I’ll be back in the States and to blogging very soon. Always nice seeing all the Type-Moon art, just a few months till we get to see Ryougi Mana’s story animated!

  7. Namika says:

    Omedetto~ ^O^

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