
Journey | One Piece Pirate Warriors | PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale | Persona 4 Golden | Sound Shapes | Hakuoki – Demon of the Fleeting Blossom
$15 for a game that takes no more than 3 hours max to beat. You walk on sand through the entire game. No voice chat for multiplayer. Sounds like a bad deal, right? Far from it, so much so that this game is one of my Game of the Year candidates and was a proper fit in the VGA’s nominee list for overall GotY. Journey is gorgeous, visually stunning, vast, and a bit of an emotional ride. There’s something about playing the game that is an experience to behold; while there’s no dialogue to explain itself, it can be felt as you progress through the game. The video above showing the downhill level, I’ve played it a bunch of times just for the scene of the mountain as the camera pans to the side; even for a video game, it’s quite breathtaking.
One of the very unique features of Journey is its online component. If you’re connected, all the characters you meet in the game are actual players, but what’s brilliant is the intentional uninclusion of text and voice chat. People have played through the entire game and then upon seeing the credits were surprised that they actually played alongside others during the game, helping to open up the next area. No hooking up with friends, so your experience may vary depending on who you meet. |
It’s tough for anime games to be truly good, or at least that’s what I thought until CyberConnect2 started making Naruto games. Those Naruto games like Rise of a Ninja have a great adventure element on top of a decent fighter, a formula I wish more shounen anime adapted into video games would do. One Piece Pirate Warriors however borrows the Dynasty Warriors engine, which brings a famously tired formula to Grand Line Gaming. Here is the One Piece gaming conundrum: One Piece Pirate Warriors is the best One Piece game; One Piece Pirate Warriors is not a good game. But after all, I have a Luffy avatar, so you know I’m gonna like the game despite the parts of it I bash…
Action can be fun at times as all 9 Strawhats and more are playable, and teaming up with other crew members for bonus techniques and beating up thousands of Marines can be a blast for the OP fan, but having “adventure-esque” missions that involve going around obstacles are just plain not fun because there isn’t enough freedom to explore the many different areas the One Piece series has. The story is told just after the crew meets post-timeskip with Luffy and friends telling the tales of their journies, so you won’t be playing any Fishman Island or Punk Hazard here and only a couple post-timeskip costumes are available.; hell, Skypiea and Thriller Bark are just plain not in the game (see: OP:PW2). The cel-shaded style works alright for One Piece PW though it’s not in the top uses of cel-shading I’ve ever seen, but surprisingly the cinematic cutscenes are nice considering that it uses CGI instead of HD reanimating of scenes from the series. Another disappointing note is how it was released stateside. In the U.S., we only got the japanese dub with subtitles to go with a $50 price tag. We love watching anime in japanese sure, but the Funi dub is pretty good and after a while I’d rather hear Chris Sabat & Eric Vale over Nakai Kazuya & Hiroaki Hirata. |
It’s important to get the Smash Bros comparisons out of the way first. Yes, this game is Sony’s equivalent of Nintendo’s own mascot fighter. That the developers took obvious inspiration from that series is not inherently a bad thing. It’s also important to note that it is not a clone. Other than base similarities such as the appearance of the game and genre of the games, there’s more than enough to set PS All Stars apart. However, just being different isn’t the important thing either. What really matters above all else is whether the game is fun to play; the answer is a resounding “Yes.” Of course, the game is best experienced with other human beings, and what’s amazing about this game is that it facilitates for multiplayer so well. Whether you’re on a PS3 or a Vita, in the same room or far, far away, or any other permutation you can imagine, you can play with other people. That’s already something PS All Stars has over Smash Bros Brawl, and hopefully something Nintendo will fix in the next entry in that series, but I digress. The action in All Stars can be both chaotic and nuanced, as you fight in order to build AP for Super Attacks that KO your opponents. The roster of the game is varied, and will grow as DLC comes out, but whether you’re a Playstation diehard or a fighter junkie looking for a new thrill, there’s bound to be someone you gravitate toward. And in the end, that’s what really makes All Stars special. It means that Sony knows the importance of promoting its brand and licenses, and really, what’s better than seeing a burlap sack beat on tough guys like Kratos and Nathan Drake? The game may not be perfect as the single player story and overall presentation of the game need work, but the hope is that this is the beginning of a franchise and we’ll get to see more character mash ups in the future. In the meantime, I’ll continue crossing my fingers that Cloud Strife and Lara Croft (among others) eventually make it in as DLC. |
Am I biased when I talk about this game? You bet your sweet ass I am. I love Persona, and especially Persona 4 (P4). My first exposure to the Persona series was with Persona 3 Portable (P3P), thus it was quite some time after it first released on PS2 that I got around to P4. Despite my late start, I played the hell out of P4, my first play through being over a hundred hours long. The game is amazing, and I was suitably excited when news of an anime adaptation and fighting game were announced. I played the game a second time in anticipation of the anime. When I caught wind that there would be a Vita remake, Persona 4 Golden (P4G), the decision to buy a Vita was made for me. I bought it before a western release for P4G was even announced. Now on my third play through, I still love every bit of this game.
A lot of that is due to the big changes made to P4G. Most obvious of among the changes is the enhanced visuals. The game looks gorgeous in HD and the unique style it has always had is now more vibrant than ever. There are new Social Link characters to hang out with and get to know, and new personas to collect because of them. More dialogue and scenes have been added along with new animation. Changes to the battle system and how Personas grow and learn skills make for a more enjoyable experience. It’s all a more seamless experience and one made all the better by virtue of being portable. JRPGs really are suited to gaming on the go, something I first experience with P3P. The fact that P4G doesn’t make any sacrifices like P3P did, and instead enhances and expands the experience is a testament to the jump from PSP to Vita. This is the definitive version of an already amazing game, which makes it one of the best games of the year, even if it is “just a remake” of a PS2 game. Old players will enjoy the new improvements and additions, fans that have only seen the anime will get a far deeper experience and more than could ever be fit into a TV adaptation and those who have never experienced P4 are in the very enviable position of playing an amazing game for the very first time. If you have a Vita, do NOT miss this game. If you don’t, this is a really good argument to make that purchase. |
Sound Shapes |
As it is becoming increasingly apparent after my praise of Dust and Journey, 2012 has been mighty good for downloadable games on consoles. Sound Shapes may not be astonishing like Journey or technically solid as Dust, but nonetheless it’s a really fun game. Traversing through levels is kind of like being inside a Beck song or a Jim Guthrie track. Time your jumps by getting into the rhythm of the music and don’t pass up on coins or else you are missing out on some hot beats. As a campaign mode, the game is easy-peasy, but that’s uncommonly is the small part of the game. The big parts are Death Mode and Beat School. Death Mode fits in that great combination of fun/challenging/frustrating that in one moment had me thinking I could bend my Vita, the next I’m fist-pumping in delight that I beat the level. Beat School is where you learn to design levels, and designing levels in this game is a unique animal in that you’re designing not just a level, but in some sense a music track. If your level is well designed, it can come off as very rhythmic and a cool little tune for the ear while making and playing user-created levels. When you buy the game, you get both Vita and PS3 versions which is nice, and the ability to cloud sync so you can continue on the go or at home. |
Why should you want this game? It’s the first officially localized otome game. That’s why. Also, apparently the first one was popular enough to bring over another piece of the franchise. This is very, very exciting news. I can’t say that Hakuoki is the best romance game out there, but if it’s popularity increases the North American interest in the otome game genre, then I can’t complain. Story-wise, Hakuoki is one of the most depressing things I’ve ever played. The romance is kind of buried by the heavy plot, but the plot itself is well written and the pacing isn’t too slow. The replay value is pretty high as well considering that there are 6 routes to complete. Art-wise the game is amazing. The characters and backgrounds are all extremely detailed. I wrote about my thoughts at length (and effectively spoiled the entire game) here. |
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The combined forces of Metanorn and their buddy sites. We come together on special occasions to celebrate, discuss and share fandom love.
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 20 comments
now I really wanna play Spec Ops: The Line
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
Looks like I’ve almost pushed you over that edge. Now, I take my index finger and give you that last little push to try it out. 🙂
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 68 comments
“roll a panda”
Oh, You Fosh
Sadly, the games I’ve played are only on pages 3 and 7 ><
Still, they were good games and this a good review. Nice work guys!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Rolling pandas are the best ever!
Yeah I plan on playing more PS3 games because my brother finally got one for his birthday! So that is cool now I can play all the games I missed <3
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
LOL. Looks like a perfect opportunity has presented itself to you, Fosh. Use it to get hands on as much games as you can. Just make sure you make a budget beforehand. We tend to lose ourselves when we see a sweet chance like that.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Playstation Vita: Being a fanboy of Sony since the original Playstation, I’m totally into the PS Vita and have a list of games I’d go after as soon as I get my hands on one (Gravity Rush, Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation). Jrow’s opinions on the system are just icing on the cake.
Pokémon Black & White 2: The first continuation to an arc for the Pokémon series is, indeed, a first and it’s not bad. What is different about the franchise since the original Black & White are that the use of TMs have now become unlimited and you’ve become very susceptible to status effects during the battles (Poison, burns, paralysis). And the twists for Black & White 2 are that there’s a gym in the player’s home town and the impression of fusion Pokémon with Black Kyurem and White Kyurem on the cover art.
Virtue’s Last Reward: One of the games on my list for PS Vita. I’m not sure what the game is about but it looks interesting.
Assassin’s Creed III: I’m also a big fan of the franchise and have played all the previous installments. The announced flaws seem so small compared to the good parts of the game so I’m hardly worried about enjoying it when I get the chance. The notable thing about the franchise is its variety of lead characters being Assassin ancestors of different nationalities and Connor Kenway is the most unique being half British, half Native American.
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 22 comments
Conner wasn’t a bad character, but he just wasn’t all that interesting. The best part of the story was when he was interacting with his father, but that ended with a flop not a bang. His story was too much like Ezio’s, but he didn’t have the same personality and charm as him. He would’ve been more interesting if there was more of a twist with his character or maybe he could’ve been more revengeful which lead to bigger more steep consequences due to the revenge he was seeking.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
I can’t say much since I’ve only played Assassins Creed 3 from start to finish (I helped my bro out from time to time with 1 and 2 but I wasn’t playing the games myself).
Conner to me didn’t feel like a great protagonist at all. The reasoning behind him joining with the Assassins was mainly due to revenge than to protect the world from Templars. In a way, his actions at times felt like “I don’t care about the world, I just want to get revenge”. It was too selfish in my eyes and maybe because Conner got away with it more easily than I’d expect (like what Steev mentioned), his development as a character is still raw.
Also, the story felt… short. In a way it felt rushed and there are multiple times where they could’ve expanded certain scenes for better character development. There was one scene between Conner and his father where they talk about his mother and the whole confusion “oh I didn’t know that” kinda situation. Instead of expanding on it, the story moved on and forgot about it… there was potential, but it wasn’t harnessed.
I like how they included the ship battles and the tree climbing but everything comes at a price. The fighting has been made to feel ‘too’ simple, where you can win the game with the weapons you start off with. Actually, there’s hardly any weapons to get and the whole armor thing? That’s just for appearance now. There’s also a tunnel system I’m pretty sure no one uses. In other words, the content was lacking and was way too simplified compared to the previous installments but as negative as this comment is, overall I still enjoyed it for the fighting. The game didn’t reach my expectations but it was still a fairly fun game.
Best if you try it out yourself because a friend of mine keeps harping on about how great it is (only… he harps on about the ship battles and tree climbing…)
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
There’s two camps for Gravity Rush: Those that enjoy it and those who think it’s just awful. It seems like people are on one side or the other of whether or not Gravity Rush was a good game. I know myself & Amuro enjoyed it and got used to how the game handles gravity.
But yeah, when you get that Vita man, you’ll run that battery dry from so much playing of it.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks for this detailed list guys. I am sure, this will be helping a lot of people during holidays and in general selecting the games that they might have missed for 2012. ^^
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
Sure thing. Somehow my amateurish HTML and graphics stuff worked out alright, though this is merely me adopting design styles of you & steev.
Also, March 5th. Tomb Raider. F YEAH!
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I used to be such a big gamer, and I’ve played none of this besides WoW. I’ll probably play Halo 4 after Christmas, but all in all, FPS games don’t interest me, big time investments don’t interest me (cause I’ve already got the time allotted to other things), and I just have other things to do.
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 207 comments
I’ve heard of all these games! Too bad I’m poor so I haven’t gotten a chance to play all of them! Only some… DX
Playstation All Stars Battle Royale – It is seriously one of the most funniest games played with other people all the way! I get so intense when playing that game! Usually I use Nathan Drake or Dante lolz. Mostly I was just sad there weren’t any Square Enix characters. Such a fun game still, though I too hope that we get DLCs with Cloud and Lara too! XD
Persona 4 – Golden and Arena??? I just want both now with my Fsteak.
Though I really want to play everything else, especially Journey, so Beautiful 0-0
I really want to play most of those games though! Especially
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 207 comments
…Journey so Beautiful 0-0 (Sorry for the cut-off)
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 207 comments
Ah crap sorry I meant to say was to delete the bottom aghh >.>
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
Lara Croft would be fun DLC, so would Cloud. I’m looking forward to when Kat comes out as DLC and the new levels get released.
Golden/Arena are awesome. Arena deserves fighting game of the year mentions and Golden is no doubt the best game you can buy for Vita today.
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 27 comments
Thanks for inviting me to throw some words together here. It does the body good to stretch that muscle every now and again. You know, the one responsible for making with the writing and what not.
As for the list of games, it really makes me look back on 2012 in a more positive light. It’s easy to say that it was a weak year for gaming, but there was plenty of great stuff. It’s also the year I got my Vita and finally ditched my fat ass launch 60gb PS3 for the new hotness of the 500gb Super Slim PS3. I even made the jump to PS+ and I’m not looking back. Will next year be the advent of Sony and Microsoft’s new consoles? Who knows, but if next year can surpass 2012 in gaming goodness, then it will truly be an exemplary year.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
It did seem to me that 2012 wasn’t an amazing year prior to us doing this post, but 2012 was just fine by the end. I do think because there was a lull around summer time where no real AAA titles were coming and that it wasn’t like 2011 where good games were coming out once/twice a month, that my initial thought of 2012 was a very “7.9” situation… I’d rate it higher now in retrospect.
I do think that when DmC, Bioshock and Tomb Raider come out in Q1 of 2013, people like me will have already declared 2013 > 2012.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Not a bad year, indeed! Xenoblade and P4G alone made it worth it for me. It’s easy to forget what actually came out during the year until you actually look at a list. I had to be reminded too.
…2013 does look pretty damn good though. I’m already excited for DmC and Ni no Kuni :3
POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
@Overcooled, would you say Last Story is worth the pricetag for an RPG fan? The negatives you mentioned seem to outweigh the positives (especially the lack of real strategy), and though I love RPGs the linearity seems kind of boring. OTL
I was really excited for the game originally, but now I don’t know if I still want to get it. Oh the indecisiveness!
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
I can see how some people would really like it, but I’d hesitate to say it’s worth the money. You might wanna hold off on this one. :/
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
I’m a huge RPG fan so I’d say every RPG is worth it (I buy most at full price at release). But it’s on the Wii and I hate the Wii, so I haven’t had the chance to play either The Last Story or Xenoblade Chronicles.
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 151 comments
Great overview of 2012 in games. Definitely agree in Borderlands 2 being Game of the Year, I had already accumulated almost 120 hours in the main campaign. Dishonored being a close second favourite of mine but sadly it has been a slow year in gaming compared to previous years (for me at least). Let’s hope that 2013 gives us a much better offering.
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 304 comments
So I bought Xenoblade over the summer and IT’S SO FREAKING GOOD. I adore it. It’s my favorite game ever. The environments are tremendous and beautiful, the soundtrack is amazing, and the story and characters are great too.
I don’t think I can even pick a favorite place in the game. Eryth Sea at night during a meteor shower was probably the most beautiful to me, but Bionis’ Leg was probably the most fun for me to explore. Either that or Makna Forest.
My favorite team was Shulk/Dunban (shirtless of course)/Riki with me controlling Shulk. I also really liked controlling Melia. That girl can deal out some damage. The characters are so great. I love them all, but Dunban (especially when he’s not wearing a shirt) is my favorite.
I really have to thank your post in Spring for this, OC. I had been interested in the game before, but you absolutely convinced me to buy it.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
I’m so glad you liked Xenoblade! It’s the best game on the wii and one of my new favourite RPGs. Words just don’t do it justice because it does almost EVERYTHING right.
I love all the game areas. Eryth Sea during a meteor shower was a rare treat, but I have to say Satorl Marsh took my breath away. During the day it’s pretty ugly, but at night it’s phenomenal. Seriously, the level design is absolutely fantastic!
Looks like we have the same team set-up, although I preferred to control Rikki since his HP was through the roof. I actually never got the hang on Melia…mostly because I rarely ever use mage characters. I hear she’s supposed to be crazy strong, but I just couldn’t do it lol. Topless Dunban is always great. I love how he climbs up freaking walls with only one hand.
Ahhhh, thank you~ So far I’ve gotten about 2 or 3 others to play Xenoblade thanks to my post nudging them (and their own drive to buy it, of course) and it seems to be overall really well-liked. Not many people have played it, but those who have tend to love it. It deserves all the advertising it can get.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
I agree with the DLCs for ME3 – they were great, especially seeing all the back story of the Prothean race. Actually, the strong suit of ME is the rich characters and their history as well as the excellent script/voice actors.
I enjoyed all parts of ME1. ME2 was great to play, but the ending was just horrible. Seriously? It’s like a trailer for an upcoming movie than an ending. And don’t get me started on ME3’s ending. It was utter crap in my eyes, but I went in knowing that ME endings were horrible and the play experience is what makes the series worth it, so I wasn’t totally surprised.
In that entire list I’ve only played ME3… I’m so far behind in my games ><
Currently playing Disgaea 2, Torchlight 2, Devil Survivor 2, Pokemon White 1, and Xenosaga 3. I think only Devil Survivor 2 and Torchlight 2 was released in 2012, haha. I really have too many games in my backlog (I'm still clearing out my PS2 games – I got some PS1 games I've always wanted to play last year and haven't got around to them… FFVIII, Tactics Ogre, and FF Tactics). Sigh.