Happy Birthday, Miyu!

Time to celebrate this year’s last team birthday and it’s Miyu-tan’s turn~

Happy Birthday!!!! Now our youngest member is slightly less young. No matter how many birthdays you have, you will always be Metanorn’s loli though (whether you like it or not). Personally, I find it more amusing to picture you as a 4 year old prodigy, so Happy 5th Birthday! 😀 But seriously, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that you continue to grace Metanorn with your presence for at least a little longer. Thanks for letting me blog Tsuritama with you, even if you had to leave 3/4 through for Japan!
Happy birthday, Miyu! We both started writing here at the same time, and while Hawthorne and I got our birthday posts almost immediately, it’s been almost a full year for you. I hope this first year of blogging at Metanorn has been a good one for you. It’s certainly been a crazy and unique ride, what with us being right in the middle of the tourney drama. Anyway, take care of yourself and have a wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday Miyu! But no matter how many birhdays you have, you’ll always be younger than me hehe *bully senpai* Ehm, I see you’ve been celebrating your birthday even before your birthday, so all I can say is have more fun in your birthday day, make sure it’s the best day you celebrate your  birthday! Do find a bishie too, if possible hehe.

HAPPPY BIRRTTHDAAAY Miyu! I hope you have a really fantastic day filled with lots of delicious food, lots of amazing gifts and a giant birthday cake! I didn’t really have time to do a special drawing for you, but have a cute Rukia for now. I will take any drawing requests you have in mind so anyway Happy Birthday once again!
Happy birthday to the adorable moeloli of Metanorn! …Er, maybe you’re a couple years past being a loli, but you’re the youngest here, so its close enough. So take it easy (…or as easy as you can with school going on, I don’t know how hectic things are there) and I hope your day is full of shoujo awesomeness and other sugary things~ ヽ(´ー`)ノ …Since I figure you have a higher sugar tolerance than the average person. xD

Happy Birthday, Miyu-taan~ <333 The youngest cutie on our team. I hope you have lots of cake and don’t let your year-ender presentations get the better of you–rather take out time to enjoy today because it’s your day after all! I’m sure it was not only me who enjoyed your Vocaloid posts because they were not only informative but entertaining too (all those cool songs). Being one of the close to my country (along with anaaga and feashore), we have more chances of meeting so let’s hope I can make it to AFA soon and we have a Metanorn meet up. Anyways, for now, have loads of fun and partyyyyyyyyyyyy~ :3
Happy birthday Miyu~!! (*´▽`*) Ahh, I’ve always thought you were really sweet and such a cutie! I wish I could give you a real birthday hug instead of a virtual one! Anyway, I really enjoyed working on Sukitte Ii na yo and Tonari with you, even if it was just a few email exchanges, hahaha. I do hope we get to blog together more in the future (maybe come up with a shoujo post together)! So with a virtual hug, I wish you another happy birthday that has hopefully been filled with a lot of sweet things and wonderful people (and of course presents, heh). Hope the rest of your year will be just as sweet.~ (◡‿◡✿)
Happy Birthday Miyu! Hopefully you have a lot of fun today hanging with friends and family, get to open up a present or two and fill up on some cake and sweets. I’m liking you and Sushi working on blogging Sukitte for this Fall season, so after you’re done celebrating I hope you can get back to blogging that fine series. But today is your day, so make it a fun day!

C’mon and join this Vocaloid heavy party! Stay for lots of cake and smoothies~


We live, laugh, enjoy and strictly believe on "more the merrier". When together, we usually come up with very chatty, conversation-based episodics and interesting posts.
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14 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Miyu!”

  1. Iso says:

    Happy Birthday Miyu~!
    Enjoy your day and have all the fun in the world!
    (I totally miss the days when I was your age… Those were some of the most enjoyable days ever.)

  2. BlackBriar says:

    Happy Birthday, Miyu! Cut the cake and celebrate. This day is yours and yours alone!!

  3. Highway says:

    Happy Birthday, Miyu!

    Don’t let anyone tell you getting old is no fun!

  4. Rakkyo says:

    Happy Birthday!!

    Sixteen’s a good age to have fun and make all those fond memories you’ll look back and say “Man, did I really do all those stuff!?”
    For me at least. XD

    Have fun on your special day!(Yeah I know it’s late, but you can always celebrate on the next day too. :D)

  5. Toori-chan says:

    Happy B’day Miyu-chan~

    Hope you partied like crazy with families, friends and also your waifu. Hope to see more of your Vocaloid posts and also hope to meet you again sometime soon~

    (So jelly of that Gumi pic XD)

  6. AllenAndArth says:

    happy b’day MYUUUU-SAN o/
    all that jazz people say…i’m really bad at stuff like this

  7. Amutofan123 says:

    Happy birthday! It’s kind of funny because it’s my birthday, too! 🙂 Except I’m turning 18, which is pretty terrifying. Enjoy your youth while it lasts! Pretty soon you’ll be an old lady like me! >:)Because 18 is soooo old.

    I hope you have a fun birthday full of cake and memories and shoujo bubbles! 😀

  8. Moni Chan says:

    Happy birthday. October babies FTW

  9. Namika says:

    Omedetto~ ♡ (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ Hope you’re having a fantastic day!!! (and a fantastic cake too :3)

    But… once more I realize that I’m 19 already. Sometimes I really feel like an old lady, though if I hear someone else say that I scold them.
    Once again, Tanjobi omedetto~ ^O^

  10. akagami says:

    Happy birthday! Have a cake on me!

  11. Gecko says:

    Happy birthday Miyu!!
    Have lots of fun with Vocaloid songs and eat lots of cake. 🙂

  12. Tofu says:

    Happy birthday Miyu~!! ^^

  13. Miyu says:

    Thanks guys, you’ve been the best team ever! ♥ I’m so glad to have the opportunity to work with all of you on metanorn and just :DDD

    Thank you to all our lovely commentors too! Your rabu rabu/comments is what motivates me to write!

  14. D-LaN says:

    Sorry for the late post, but Happy B-day, Miyu. 😀

    Hope you enjoy your B-day and have lots of fun/cakes.

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