First Impressions: Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai [NSFW]

If only perversion were an energy resource…

Time to take on the second ecchi series first impressions with Jrow, but this time we take a look at the strange ecchi world of Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekiani…damn that sounds like a long freaking title! Anyway I didn’t read or hear much buzz about this first episode so please enjoy our thoughts on episode one.
Honestly, I’m happy that I’m back to blogging some ecchi on Metanorn. Penguindrum and all those shows are good, but I enjoy ecchi most, especially when AT-X tells sunbeam-chan to go kick rocks.Allow me to start this post off…


This anime with both Highschool DxD and Shakugan no Shana is a MAL recommendation made in heaven. I’ll be avoiding those comparisons in this and future posts; I’m just gonna let H be H.

Feel it, and energy will explode from my body

There’s not many Feel-produced series like what’s seen in episode 1 of H. Corpse Princess comes close in terms of violence and action, but I associate Feel mostly with drama or comedies like that damn PapaKiki show from a couple seasons ago. H isn’t the most unique property Feel has taken up and undoubtedly isn’t the most unique ecchi series in 2012; it’s just different from what Feel usually takes in.

The action sequence was a surprise and an incredibly pleasant one at that. For an opening battle against some low-level creature, it was a pretty intense sequence in terms of battle flow. It wasn’t a full-on sakuga orgasm fest because of the occasional motion blurring, but there was a level of fluidity that made the scene very entertaining to watch and one I’d give the animators a “job well done” on the animation. If they can keep this up, then I’m getting a little more than even I bargained for with H.

Manga Comparison — A Different Kind of H?

From chapter 2 of the manga. Sex drive seemed alive and well by the end of episode 1.

While Feel uses the name Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai and its characters, I get the (very early) sense that we might be getting something different from just another straight-up adaptation of the manga. The big action scene and the tone of the final few minutes of episode 1 is very different from what I’ve read of the manga so far (4 chapters).

I will speculate.

Early in the manga, it’s explained in the pic above that Ryosuke loses his sex drive. By the end of the first anime episode, it seems like that will be the driving force that propels Lisara to victory in any future battles. The anime doesn’t change any of the explanation about how energy is formed through the person’s will to live, but it does leave the sex drive thing out and throws in the idea that Ryosuke will die at some point. There’s no fight scene at all in the first two chapters of the manga when our two leads meet, though there are fight scenes later on in the manga.

The telling of events might just be reordered; that’s somewhat common practice. That, or Feel could be doing different stuff with the story. I think going a different direction would be for the best given how horridly ecchi manga have been adapted over the years. Studios are too concerned about animating BD specials to properly adapt a story, but they still boringly try to adapt the original story which either ends before the story barely begin, or have something like Sekirei Pure Engagement happen where they got too close to the manga and made a shitty arc halfway thru to end P.E on a sour note.

Why bother trying to adapt an incomplete story and just use the characters and the world to build a separate story? Rarely do fans get the satisfaction of a proper adaptation, especially with this genre. Make a unique story that has a beginning, a middle, and an actual end all in one anime! Hot dog, crazy ideas going here!

Red Threads

Go for the penis. Tons of energy there.

Aya Endo sounds like good casting for her so far, though I’m expecting a little bit more of a teasing side much like Sheryl Nome.

This redhead heroine is not well-endowed which is unusual for a female lead in an ecchi, but hey, there’s much more that goes into being alluring besides melons. I also really liked the design of her battle attire as seen in the earlier screenshot, though those head-wings or whatever on her head are weird.

Ryosuke – “The dog does it, you laugh it off. I do it and I got beaten?”

The other characters in episode 1 are as ordinary as the summer is hot. I do love the dog and hope he’s around more just being a dog and all.

I was entertained by episode 1 and look forward to covering this weekly here @ Meta. And now, for the good stuff…


Click Spoiler For the NSFW Show ▼

I offered my take on the first episode of H, what does my good buddy Foshizzel have to say about it?


Well that certainly was interesting and right off I have to comment about the fantastic artwork because whoa…those were some great looking character designs! Especially with Lisara’s character design I really loved her bright red hair and yes I know I have a soft spot for redhead anime characters so that helped her stand out a bit more for me. So yes this was an uncensored episode which tells me the producers either killed off sunbeam-chan early or they locked her away forever! I couldn’t really care if it was censored or not because this is very NSFW! What else could they throw at us? Oh how about a bath scene and a shower scene? Yeah this first episode has it all.

So enough about the hot redhead character I should mention the other main character Ryosuke who was voiced by Hiro Shimono or as I know him as playing You Satou from the hilarious and over the top series Bento! I guess some actors play the role of the usual pervert-kun quite well huh? So yeah voice work for the main guy was fantastic! So what else? I know Lisara is voiced by Aya Endo which always makes my mind jump straight to Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier.

Overall the episode is basically guy meets demonic chick and they have to work together to do stuff like save the world or defeat some powerful monster, but it appears like Lisara is looking for someone with a mysterious power? That said I bet everyone already knows she will eventually give up her search and just use Ryouske’s “perverted super energy” that whole scene with him grabbing her breasts to “power her up” made me laugh so much, but honestly I think we will see a lot of that scene used over and over again. Anyway I will have to keep up with this interesting series just to see where things go even though it really feels like a clone of every other series out there and it will easily land on a few guilty pleasure watch lists.


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39 Responses to “First Impressions: Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai [NSFW]”

  1. steev says:

    A Fosh and Jrow ecchi tag team? Sounds like a Yaoi book gone wrong.

    Jokes aside, I enjoyed episode 1 a lot more than I expected. What stood out to me was the quality of animation combined with the ecchi goodness. I expect no less from the same studio that brought us gems like Yosuga no Sora and Kiss x Sis. The main character’s over the top perverseness is what I really enjoyed too. I hope that the manga and the anime will take different paths because if he does lose his sex drive, I will lose interest in this anime. 🙁

    To be honest, I really am not expecting too much from this series. Just a good show I can turn off my brain and enjoy.

    • Jrow says:

      Happens almost the time. Kara was brave enough to hang w/ Fosh & I for Queen’s Blade Rebellion, though.

      The series could still be fun to watch regardless, but it just would be better to tell a different/newer story.

      DxD did that so well in the past winter season. It’s all I can ask for out of most any ecchi show is to just be fun.

    • Kyokai says:

      A Fosh and Jrow ecchi tag team? Sounds like a Yaoi book gone wrong.

      Somebody FUND THIS! XD

      • Karakuri says:

        I’m waiting for anaaga to find this comment.

      • skylion says:

        Hey, I got some monies coming in. Keep me posted.

      • D-LaN says:

        Even better than the RC IRC Writer Sip….. And I ship Zani x Stereo (But they kinda PK any1 who made tht comment…..)

    • Foshizzel says:


  2. The_Magus_Killer says:

    The one important thing this anime/manga taught us: ERO. IS. JUSTICE.

    If Kyubey was targeting the emotions of middle school girls to reverse entropy, Lisara uses the perversions/ero-energy/virgin power of a highschool boy to power up. Looks like the incubator race isn’t so smart at all. Haha!

    • skylion says:

      That would have made Madoka’s ultimate wish a great game changer!

      “I wish for an all mahou shoujo yuri fest for all time; past present and future.”

    • BlackBriar says:

      That’s the second most important thing we’ve learned in anime. Remember Kore wa Zombie season 2? The raccoon megalo uttered the words “Boobs are justice” before his demise. He died an ero hero.

      • The_Magus_Killer says:

        Remember kids: you cannot spell “HERO” without “ERO” XD

  3. kevo says:

    tl;dr, looked at pics, picked up

  4. skylion says:

    Geez. as Steev says: this is one tag team we are going to have to take with a grain of salt. LOL. Careful guys.

    I enjoyed the hell out of DxD; so I don’t mind if this series overlaps a bit. I would call that a strength.

    I wonder if they are going to over-use the Red Thread joke? I mean, I have a thick skin, so, they can if they want to…

    • Highway says:

      Yeah, I enjoyed the hell out of DxD too, so wasn’t going to be disappointed if they were too similar. But I didn’t get that vibe at all. I’m actually kind of hoping they can keep it different, tho, since I think I prefer Ryosuke’s initial pattern of attempted chivalrousness betrayed by his inability to keep his inner ecchi private over Issei’s outward declaration of wanting to be a Harem King but then morphing into frustrating chivalrousness when his harem members make a move on him.

      I wouldn’t mind if Red Threads become a theme, but they don’t really need to pound it into our heads.

    • Jrow says:

      I like the Red Thread joke just like I did
      Mix’s “Big Bangs”.

    • Foshizzel says:

      oh god the threads ahahahah I died laughing! WTF!

  5. Highway says:

    I really enjoyed that first episode. Any thoughts I had of DxD comparisons went out the window really early and didn’t come back. Pretty much everything seems different except the color of the heroine’s hair.

    I was also pretty excited about Aya Endo in this, even though I’ve really only seen her in Sekirei and Sora no Woto. Given those two shows, I was somewhat afraid she might be a little too ‘soft’ in this role, but that certainly wasn’t the case. I thought she gave Lisara the right amount of edge without turning her into a completely unlikeable bitch, and I hope that continues.

    Overall a more fun watch than I expected. It’ll probably be a bit predictable as to who is going to end up doing what, but that’s not the point of a show like this. It’s to have fun watching.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yeah I have 4 episodes to finish off for DxD! ONE OF THESE DAYS! AHHHHH! Yes the red hair = OH MY GOD I am in love <3

      Aya Endo seems to be great at any role! I give her a lot of hate because of Macross Frontier, but I have grown to like her! And she is like what in three to four anime this season? Good stuff.

      Right! Like Ano Natsu...anyway agreed it will be fun to watch even if the plot is predictable and not really original we can still enjoy it.

  6. Karakuri says:

    Ahahaha this was so bad, it was good. Shimono was absolutely brilliant.

    I hope you’re right (I think it was Jrow that said this) about how you think the anime will go and do it’s own thing. I… don’t really want to see Shimono’s character loose his will for H. He pretty much made the episode for me and I like how he’s actually chivalrous behind his antics.

    As for his counterpart, holy crap Lisara kicked ass. I was super impressed by the animation during the battle. Overall, the ecchi just worked for me in this anime. It didn’t feel ridiculous.

    • Foshizzel says:

      I couldn’t agree more!

      Lisara did kick some ass huh? I Liked her awesome weapon and all that FIRE! That was great and right just the right amount of ecchi without turning into a freezing or queens blade! That said I expect there will be lots of NSFW stuff in the future hahaha

    • Jrow says:

      I tried to think of a way to logically defend his argument about those guys calling out his public display of perversion. It’s tough, cause both are really bad. The thin line between pervertness & creepy.

      • Highway says:

        I can see the case where being an open and honest ogler, yet not really a physical threat, could be considered by some to be better than being someone who is still an ogler, yet will not admit it, and perhaps worse if given a chance. And of course, it’s in the eye of the beholden as to which is more creepy. Obviously, Mina has no problems with Ryosuke ogling her, partly because she likes him, but I’d imagine it’s partly that she’s on the same page as far as Open Looks and Honesty vs Furtive Glances and Pretense.

  7. BlackBriar says:

    Fosh and Jrow are tag teaming an ecchi of NSFW proportions? Everyone, fasten your seatbelts. It can be a awesome ride and we may never return to our normal point of view again.

    I loved Highschool DxD and this looks just as promising. It turned out better than expected. Though I find it hard to ignore some of the similarities (The main girl’s a hot redhead and a demon, a main guy who takes perversion to another level and knows no bounds by openly expressing such things, the perverted guy nearly gets killed right after he meets the first incredibly hot girl within a thousand yards of him and gets dragged into the supernatural).

    LOL. I wonder what Overcooled would say when she finds out we have more boy meets supernatural girl stuff going on. Because it’s a pretty dominant genre.

    First episode in and I already love Lisara. When it comes to anime, I adore strong female leads and they’re even sexier when glaring arrogantly at the guy knowing they have the upper hand in things. The weak ones are just “meh” to me. In my opinion, she’s best looking in her black dress and scythe (the scythe always cap things off nicely).

    • Foshizzel says:


      Indeed hot redhead for the win <3

      Ahahaha well I am on team "OMG THIS IS NOT ORIGINAL" and I really don't care! Honestly you can say this is rehashed anime like Shana, Index, DxD and the list can go on or you can call this what Cara called it on her post as "magical girlfriend" series which is 100% true.

      Yeah Lisara is strong and not a pushover like most shows where you have a loli girl living with a guy half her age! And if you take a look at this season as a whole there are a lot of strong females and no magical loli's in an action series; however there will always be the random ones that show up I guess we have Rinne no lagrange...I forgot about Astriea.

  8. D-LaN says:

    LOLZ the screencaps screams “S0X POWAH, recharging your mana” The tags are even LMAO.

    Also, the shower scene made Redhead looks lk she having some fun time……

    Propably I’ll be here just 4 the meme pic and the comedy value.

    • Foshizzel says:

      LOL I know right? That must have been a fantastic shower…

      GREAT! I hope we can keep it entertaining xD

    • Jrow says:

      Lisara is teasing us with that shower…

      I’m pretty anxious for episode 2 to watch and cover it.

  9. akagami says:

    I thought it was a bland ecchi-fanservice type show. I’ll probably follow it for a couple of more episodes to see where it goes.

    But what is this red thread comments? I don’t get it. I DON’T GET IT. No really, I don’t. =/

    • skylion says:

      ….the carpet matches the curtains. Also red thread of fate….just in case, yeah?

      • Highway says:

        The field of auburn grain was one of the best allusions I’ve ever seen…

        • akagami says:

          I had to look that up. No hits. google has failed me >< (not that I use google anyways, I prefer yahoo. But I tried both and they both failed me).

          The carpet I get. Don't see how it ties to the red string of fate though… was it hinted at they were destined to be together, or people are assuming it because they are paired together? Maybe my humor is off today (or always), but I really can't reconcile the two.

          • Highway says:

            It’s the Red Threads of Fate that brought them together… and the Red “Threads” under her panties (which she wasn’t wearing).

            And the field of waving darkish red grain is what those red threads might look like, erm, closeup.

            • akagami says:

              Got it, thanks. I somehow totally missed the field, had to rewatch it… guess my brain filtered it out.

  10. Moni Chan says:

    When you stab someone with your sword. You take a shower in their house. A very sexual shower…

    • Highway says:

      Hey, he did offer. I don’t see why stabbing him with a soul-cleaving sword would rescind that…

      • skylion says:

        It’s obviously part of her mating rituals. The most extreme case of tsundere/yandare borderline behavior…

    • BlackBriar says:

      She obviously had that shower to “relieve” herself of any tension she previously had. It could also be my imagination but I think she enjoyed it a little too well.

      • Jrow says:

        Ya know, in that picture (and I know regular anime never show details), the red threads seem juuuuuuussttt out of view. Normally they’d use her hair to wrap around to the front as censorship. There’s a lot going on in that picture with not much steam.

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