Happy Birthday, FOSH!

And another Birthday Party at Metanorn! Yep, FOSHIZZEL’s turning older~

Kyokai: Yo all! Time for some internal celebration and the first birthday of this new year is of Foshizzel’s! He actually gets to be as old as me in 2011 so yeah, we are growing wise to wiser! XD

Like how we do things in METANORN, the teammates were contacted to add in comments and if possible draw something a little extra for this special birthday (at least those who had time on their hands and were not battling exams/ studies). So, enjoy the art/commenbts and wish our Fosh, a very Happy Birthday!

Overcooled: You just joined us and you expect us to celebrate your birthday already? KNOW YOUR PLACE, UNDERLING! Well, I guess having you around now isn’t so bad. I should be nicer. Happy Birthday, Fosh!! Glad you made it to the team, so take some time to celebrate. =D Go eat a cake or something! There, was that better? Good, because that’s all you get! HA!

Ness: Happy Birthday Fosh! Hope you have a wonderful day and party like a rock star with your chocolate cake. You’re a cool dude with interesting views on anime and always fun to chat with. Best wishes and take cares~

Kyokai & Captain:

Oh Lordy, I actually drew something… It came as quite a surprise when I actually sat down to do this after many years. I think I left drawing in college, except for some doodles. Anyway, this is Mikoto, pretty much lounging on a stool and looking quite tranquil, languidly just sitting there. Of course, she is wishing our dear Fosh, a very Happy Birthday!

This image is a collaboration because I drew and wrote in my weird handwriting while our resident-loli, Captain coloured it. Reality is, I suck at colouring so I’m glad that she worked on this with me!

Hope you have an awesome birthday, Fosh! Enjoy Tron in 3D and of course, cake. ^^


We live, laugh, enjoy and strictly believe on "more the merrier". When together, we usually come up with very chatty, conversation-based episodics and interesting posts.
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59 Responses to “Happy Birthday, FOSH!”

  1. Mimiko ♥ says:

    Happy Birthday Fosh!! =D
    The drawing was really great <3

  2. amado says:

    happy belated bday

  3. Captain says:

    You got older, Fosh, congratulations!♥

  4. Goking says:

    Happy Birthday Foshizzel! 😀

  5. BlackLagoon187 says:

    A LoLi coloring a LoLi o.0 rofl

    Anyways HBD Foshizzel, hope you enjoyed Tron :3

  6. Vivi says:

    lol Jeff Bridges was pretty boss in Tron haha. Love that guy.

    Happy birthday Fosh! 🙂 So many January babies lol

  7. Hellomotto says:

    Oh damn, I apologize for the lateness! Happy belated birthday Foshizzel! I hope it was a blast 🙂

  8. Mizorui says:

    I’m really really late now, but still belated happy birthday. Cheers my friend, may you have a better year than the others!

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