Freezing Experiment – 03 (NSFW)

Don’t mess with my Limiter burger, biatch~

Ness: Heya all, unfortunately Kyokai could not make it to this week’s coverage of Freezing because of prior commitment. So, in replacement, I asked our good friend Bakuhasu of the DDD Podcast to join Foshizzel and I on reviewing this episode. Baku then suggested that we try voice chatting our review while we watch the episode. So here’s a special treat to you readers (actually hear us doing it this time around):

Note: This is an edited recording (courtesy of Baku.. LOLplugs), so it’s not exactly 30 minutes long. It includes our thoughts as we watch this including our end thoughts. Enjoy~

Special Freezing Episode 3.5 – Burger Queen:

Kazuya: “Can I give you a hand with that?”

Sattelizer: “Uhhmmm *fixes megane* t-thanks”

Miyabi: “So you’re the bitch who bought out all the hamburgers!! Yurusenai~”

Arthur: “ZOMG the wench appeared when it was getting good”
Miyabi: “Where do you think you’re going? I want my hamburger and you’re going to pay up!”

Sattelizer: “WTF fatso, it’s first come, first serve” Miyabi: “HAMBURGER NOWZ!

Miyabi: “I’m soooo hungry…”

Sattelizer: “Maybe you should lay off the burgers, your ass is so fat that your skirt doesn’t even fits”

Miyabi: “HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT MY ASS and you dirtied my beaaauutiful face with ketchup!”

3 Guys: “We’ll protect you Miyabi-sama~… Freeeezzzinnnngg milkshake”

Miyabi: “See, this is what happens when I don’t get my hamburger-fix. Craaazzzy things happen…”

Kazuya: “Nuuuuu, Sattelizer-senpai!! Maybe I shouldn’t have bought the last batch of burgers!!”

Miyabi: “I’m still hungry!! Ooooh, maybe you have a hidden stash somewhere…”

Miyabi: “Boys, order take out for me… this wench didn’t have any hidden burgers… psshhh”
Kazuya: “Of course Sattelizer-senpai wouldn’t be hiding the burgers, you retard!! LEAVE HER ALONE, I’m the one you should be after!”

Miyabi: “LIES!” Sattelizer: “You’re gonna pay up, bitch. All for burgers, PFFT… die!”

Miyabi: “Forgive me! I’ll never eat a hamburger again, I swear!!”

Seito kaichou: “Stop this fight! Sattelizer didn’t buy the last batch of burgers, it was actually ME”

Sattelizer: “Yurusenai!~” Kazuya: “No! Don’t stain your blade over this! I’ll have to clean it later >.>”

Sattelizer: “PFFT! You’re lucky to be let off but next time I see you, you’re CUT! CUT!!”

Ingrid: “So that’s the guy that destroyed my favorite hamburger restaurant?!”
Leo: “Yes, he’s the target for this task”

Atia: “Well done on finishing the Burger Thief simulation. Now I need you to deal with a real situation,
The Untouchable Queen seems to have messed with a 3rd year and this involves Burger Queen”

Recap and End Thoughts:

So, basically what happened this episode 3 was that Kazuya confessed to Sattelizer on the roof of school on wanting to be her Limiter but the two were interrupted by Miyabi, the devourer of Limiters and her three toyboys. Sattelizer decided to leave and Kazuya was following behind her but was stopped by Miyabi who wants to pop his Limiter cherry. Sattelizer steps in to protect Kazuya and the two girls go at it until Miyabi’s toyboys cast freezing on them. Sattelizer tried to save Kazuya but was struck down by Miyabi’s daggers and then was disgraced in front of everyone. Kazuya stood up in rage and somehow performed freezing on everyone which allowed Sattelizer to get her revenge until they were interrupted by the student council president and teachers. Sattelizer let Miyabi live after some good words from Kazuya and then we get to see another Pandora in training called Ingrid. Arisa who watched over Sattelizer’s battle asked Ingrid to deal with the Untouchable Queen… to be continued.

Ness: Well, that’s all. This was quite the experiment and my first time reviewing an episode with others via voice chat. I’m unsure if we will try this method again but it’s in contemplation. As well, thank you very much Bakuhasu for watching such a… revealing episode with us and for doing the recording, plus editing. I for one, found it strange to watch such a fan service episode with two guys and as you can tell, I was quite nervous.

Until next time!

Preview: Ingrid-senpai steps in to deal with matters relating to the Untouchable Queen. But before that, Kazuya gets some more alone time with Sattelizer-senpai.


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23 Responses to “Freezing Experiment – 03 (NSFW)”

  1. Kyokai says:

    Oh poor, Nessu, stuck in between guys reviewing BLOOD and TITTAYS! xD

    I wonder why Noto Mamiko signed up for this? I’m still watching this for her alone.

  2. Bass says:

    Even with the appeal of boobs, this show just looks ridiculous to me “OTL

  3. foomafoo says:

    This looks even more ridiculous than Kurokami. Scrap the Eva-vibes. I don’t get it anymore.

  4. foshizzel says:

    This was fun lol a bit different.

    Great screen cap comments! now I want a hamburger…

    Episode was boring to me lots of chatter and random main guy figuring out what the hell he has to do lol..good job!

    Thank you Ness for doing this 😀

    • Ness says:

      Thanks, I had to do something with the screen caps that I took. Though this wasn’t the best show to do a audio review on. Meh~

  5. anaaga says:

    when the limiter hoe told her sugar daddies to push kazuya, i though he was gona get butt-raped. me and my yaoi brain.

    i’m watching this just for the porn now.

    satelizer’s bottom half of her body can defy gravity, it sticks out when she fell

    • Ness says:

      That’s not surprising, Miss Yaoi Queen~ Not surprising at all. Maybe I thought that for a second too when the three toyboys were walking towards Kazuya..>_>;

  6. hmong007 says:

    I liked the episode but if the rest of them are like this (brooding girl/useless guy who can only do things when he’s super saiyan/random girl who wants a piece of the pie), i will probably drop it. right now, i’m still wondering where the plot is

  7. sedra14anime says:

    Love the whole podcast thing, You guys are awesome!

  8. Overcooled says:

    I wish such a great idea (audio format) was being used for a better show, to be honest. Then again, this makes for good times and lulz so it’s perfect in a way. I’M SO TORN. Anyways, nice job guys XD

    • Ness says:

      Yeah, for instance if Kyokai and I did an audio format for Level E.. it would be EPIC! So much LOLs and awesomeness.

      • Foshizzel says:

        LevelE voice thing?! that would be awesome! If I did on on idex it would be mostly people being angry xD

  9. Dan-go says:

    STOP FREAKING TOUCHING HER!! (also i’m gonna lol if aoi used to be a girl…because that’s kinda what it’s hinting about in his medical report…KAZUYA IS A TRANSVESTITE)

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