Looking at that bento makes me so hungry. *lunchtime where I am* ^^;
lol, and GAINAX can still manage some mild Gainaxing, even for a little kid like Anzu. Priceless. XDDD;;;
I love how Anzu’s mom is all cheering Anzu on in her “love” but not doing anything else to correct all her huge mistakes. Talk about bad parenting. 😛
And Yamamoto-sensei is like walking sunshine. She’s so shiny!dense (but cute at the same time), she can’t even see beyond the implications and tell what’s bad from good (lol, but it doesn’t matter since she seems to “convert” everyone to good anyways XD).
And the failed rivarly scene was so cute, OMGAWD. <333
Great, now I got that song stuck in my head cuz of that YT vid you put up. *imagining it as some giant mecha dancing, too* Stop giving me these ideas! :wah
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 138 comments
If the Animal Yokocho manga wasn’t still ongoing I’d be oh-so tempted to change my mascot to the panda-neko XD
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 371 comments
Looking at that bento makes me so hungry. *lunchtime where I am* ^^;
lol, and GAINAX can still manage some mild Gainaxing, even for a little kid like Anzu. Priceless. XDDD;;;
I love how Anzu’s mom is all cheering Anzu on in her “love” but not doing anything else to correct all her huge mistakes. Talk about bad parenting. 😛
And Yamamoto-sensei is like walking sunshine. She’s so shiny!dense (but cute at the same time), she can’t even see beyond the implications and tell what’s bad from good (lol, but it doesn’t matter since she seems to “convert” everyone to good anyways XD).
And the failed rivarly scene was so cute, OMGAWD. <333
Great, now I got that song stuck in my head cuz of that YT vid you put up. *imagining it as some giant mecha dancing, too* Stop giving me these ideas! :wah
lol \D
POWUH: iLurker with 4 comments
Did anyone notice the K-ON reference? Yui and Azu-nyan cameo at 20:20, in front of the restaurant/bar, lol!
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
yeah i saw it i was really surprised
actually i don’t recognize such sthings and i must almost laugh xDD
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Hi. Where do you usually download anime series?
POWUH: iLurker with 5 comments
Doesn’t Anzu realize that if she’s touched, it’s considered LOLICON?!
She is such a LOLI that she should be B*tch Slapped! Many times! and Licked! Many times! Damn LOLI! :steal
Yamamoto is so dense that she’s stay a V*rgin for a LONG time :sparkle