Dance in the Vampire Bund – 01


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9 Responses to “Dance in the Vampire Bund – 01”

  1. Keo says:

    Pretty much how I felt too :/ They should’ve just kept it like the manga, since Mina’s introduction to the humans was more amusing in there.

    Not to mention Akira seems to have lost all his memories lol…

  2. TJ says:

    That was uh… an unusual intro episode. Hopefully things will get better when the real story starts.

  3. HikaruKaze says:

    Umm I feel like it was a waste for a first episode. Hopefully its gets better or else I will be disappointed…

  4. Spryifer says:

    The first 17 minutes was just pure WTF. The last minutes of the show rocked though. Hopefully that will carry over for the rest of the episodes.

  5. yeah!! the first episode really rocks! I like getting trolled surprised, as long as its not last for eight episodes. The fighting scene is not as great as expected, I mean, killing look (literally) is cool but, come on, where’s the action in that? hope to see more “dance” and blood.

    And that bishie to frog is pure wtf, maybe its a reference to Twilight? 😆

  6. Xiao says:

    I actually quite liked it since I haven’t read the manga yet. *GETS SHOT*

    But it’s probably more because of the buildup for that awesome kickass entrance at the end…yea. Nothing like proposing a truce by revealing crazy iguana phony on live television, than wrecking the whole set, making everything greeeen and having one of the audience perform execution so badass.
    Me wants more. :aww:

    And why do I get the feeling that SHAFT is doing evolving credits for the ED again like what they did for “Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari”? </

  7. LuluChan92 says:

    17 minutes of anime wasted… But at the end it got decent enough to make me expect a decent anime adaptation from now on. And I’ll definately read the manga one of these days…!

  8. FaS says:

    OMFG, YOU’RE SO RIGHT! What a relief! I thought I was starting to go crazy and think I was the only one who was thinking, “WTF.” But yeah, I did read the manga (still ongoing) and I’m thoughrally disappointed atm…like jeez…an expose show…? Whatever. The vampire prince guy was cool with the arm action…but the Min Tepes “Death glance….” fuck that shit. Can I get a decapitation fatality…please..?? Jeez, where’s SubZero when you need him…-_-”

  9. Hanazuka says:


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