35 Things to Love on K-On!: 11
We’re all getting into some sort of emo yuri.
1: Awesome-sensei is a genius for making a DVD rip of Mio’s pantsu-flash. Now she needs to leak it.
2: Azu-nyn’s innocence is wiped away.
3: Enjoy fapping. Tissues are needed in this instances.
4: Yui shows how to properly take care of a guitar. By sleeping with it…
5: …and by dressing it up.
7: The guy shows something to Yui that’s shamefully small. Yui being inexperienced, finally knows what it looks like. Puns intended.
8: Yui – “Oh my God! He’s deflowering my guitar!”
9: Dammit, I need to clean up my dirty mind.
10: Wow. Actual guys in the show..
11: Don’t disturb Mio while she’s busy window shopping.
12: Ouch.
13: Tsk tsk tsk…
14: Best cover when spying inside a restaurant.
15: Yum!
16: Yum (again… filler pics)
17: Mio bitches up.
18: …And more.
19: If you are sick…
20: Azu-nyan~ is the best medicine.
21: Awesome-sensei obligatory pic
22: Yuri dorama
23: Krauser’s girlfriend
24: They worry over Ritsu being absent. Awww.
25: Mugi – “There’s no one can take Ricchan’s place!”
26: Worried Mio is worried.
27: Sick Ritsu is sick.
28: …And then we go towards the yuri…
29: …err not.
30: Cute.
31: Aww.
32: Genki Ritsu is back!
33: That girl! Need to see her face!
34: Awesome-sensei FINALLY names the band and it’s…
35: AFTER SCHOOL TEA-TIME!!! Pretty badass huh?!
POWUH: iLurker with 6 comments
NO, last episode next week T.T
POWUH: iLurker with 7 comments
Yui sleeping with Ritsu was one of my favs too =3
Oh, and for random girl that you want to see her face, I think they showed her after the “Fuwa-Fuwa Time” concert. It was for a split second, but man was she hawt!… er, I mean… thats alot of things you like, when will we hear the things you hate? :mwahaha:
.-= Jesus159159159´s last blog ..K-ON! 11 =-.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Ritsu is a hot and cold character for me, but she was pretty kawaii here, albeit when she was sick XD.
AFTER SCHOOL TEA-TIME rocks! although I liked the ”pencil rocket” idea lol
only a 12 episode series?Or?
hmm, series has it’s ups and downs but I hope they do another lot of episodes at some point. I’m waiting for someone to punch Yui after all lol, even if I do like her.
.-= wu´s last blog ..[Review] To Love-Ru ep.1 =-.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
I Love this anime!