Amuro Namie – WILD [PV]

Amuro Namie’s fierce track WILD.

–>Download PV [.avi format]

OMG Amuro Namie, the song, and the PV was so FIERCE~~~~~!!!!! Gee thanks. This song is so stuck on my head. It’s techno, synth, robotic, dancy, and awesome. Plus can you believe that she’s in her thirties? I have a little itch on the video though, since on outer space (and on asteroids, in her case), there’s no freaking air XD. She looks stunning in that silver dress btw.

Little trivia here, WILD was also used as Coke Zero (I love Coke Zero!)‘s latest ad. Here’s the CM:



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One Response to “Amuro Namie – WILD [PV]”

  1. Anna says:

    Yeah I LOVED this track :3

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